Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I did have some fun even in IIT (poem)

One of IIT friends called me up and reminded me of some fun I had even in IIT.
Here are two which surfaced....
Begging 10, 25 paisa from friends,
for we had no money left that day,
yet had a strong desire to have chai,
and laughing sharing that 1 cup of tea.

Admiring one of my male Prof.'s jeans,
each time he crossed me during the lecture,
and shoving one of the trembling boys inside,
with a pseudo excuse to find where he bought it?

Aum Tat Sat

During this morning's walk (poem)

I admired the orange-black sky.
I caressed the moist plants.
I crushed the dried leaves.
I smiled cheerfully to all.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mind reflects (poem)

When my mind is still,
everything and everyone seems perfect.

When my mind is perturbed,
everything and everyone seems bothersome.

Aum Tat Sat

"Leave me alone" is my naturally wiring (poem)

Each time I take it personally,
I feel hurt about it.

Then, in deep frustration,
I shut myself inside.

And I continue pondering,
on my own experience.

Now, I deeply apologize,
and wish to reconnect.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I wonder what is it? (poem)

I knew,
each time he made a blank call.

I know,
each time he thinks about me.

Aum Tat Sat

In the stillness, everything seems perfect (poem)

Bees fly.
Birds chirp.
Trees shade.
Leaves dance.


Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God, Bless me so that I can be...(poem)

totally present,
full of gratitude,
choose wherever I am,
enjoy whatever I am doing.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Create a possibility, but embrace now (poem)

Whatever is, is right now.
All the memories, are not present now.
Beautiful fantasies, are not happening now.
So, enjoy the beauty, of whatever is in proximity, now.

Aum Tat Sat

O Creator, Bless me so that...(poem)

I can manifest Thy connection,
I can see Thy omnipresence,
I can share Thy love,
I can do Thy work.


Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are disappointments really disappointing? (poem)

A disappointment,
which caused me to seek,
from God and become fulfilled,
how can that be a disappointment?

Aum Tat Sat

I am here to...(poem)

share my joy of observing Physics with kids,

manifest the aliveness in surrendering to God.


Aum Tat Sat

Everything is a complete package...(poem)

with its unique combination of,
likeables and dislikeables,
whether its my own kids,
husband, boss, friends.


Aum Tat Sat

I am Observing...(poem)

my cravings,

my imposing,

my resistances,

my helplessness.

Aum Tat Sat

It Helps...(poem)

Talking with respect,

Working with detahcment,

Thinking with gratitude,

Listening with compassion.

Aum Tat Sat

Surrendering Eases (poem)

I realized that my natural wiring,
is feeling helplessness and then,
either I complain with tears,
or I rebel against it.

But, none of this is helpful,
for I am not being at ease,
and the only way I ease,
is surrendering to God.

Aum Tat Sat

Path of least resistance (poem)

Let everything be.
Let everyone be.
Let all be.
Let it be.
Aum Tat Sat

Mind Vs Glass (poem)

I was sitting on a green patch,
in the middle of a busy street,
waiting for my car to be fixed,
facing the tinted glass ahead.

I could see all the cars, trucks,
people hurriedly crossing behind,
in that moment it surfaced that,
mind too reflects whatever I think.


Aum Tat Sat

When its raining....(poem)

If I don't wanna get drenched,
I need to stop complaining,
or fighting against it,
I need to seek roof.

If I don't mind getting drenched,
I need to keep away from rain,
all that I don't want wet,
and dance in the rain.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, September 13, 2010

God, Krishna, Masters, Purify my withholdings and standards ...(poem)

my heart and soul,
my senses and body,
my thoughts and mind,
my resistances and Self.

my goal and focus,
my cravings and desires,
my attachments and judging,
my expectations and reactions.

Aum Tat Sat

Are disappointments always frustrating? (poem)

How can I disappointment,
which led me to seek God,
and got me fulfilled,
ever be frustrating?

Aum Tat Sat

It works...(poem)

Talking with Respect,

Working with Detachment,

Thinking with Gratitude,

Listening with Compassion.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, September 10, 2010

I am the watcher in the public park, and not the lover kissing on the cheek (poem)

I am the audience at the theater, and not the actor on the stage.

I am a witness to a gruesome murder, and not the criminal or the victim.

I am a bystander at the train station, and not the passenger inside the train.

I am an observer of my body, mind, senses, and not the experiencer dealing with it.
Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, September 9, 2010

God, Krishna, Master, Bless me so that...(poem)

my eyes, see only, Thee,
my soul, seeks only, Thy feet,
my ears, hear only, Thy name,
my actions, carry only, Thy work.

my words, spell only, Thy praise,
my body, feels only, Thy presence,
my mind, thinks only, Thank You God,
my heart, in each beat, only breathes Thee.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do's and Don'ts (poem)

Don't let the outside poison enter the body.
Don't keep things within, just spell them out.
Don't protect kids, teach them to be independent.
Do, close eyes and be still, to change the experience.

Aum Tat Sat

Drop the veil of ignorance, reveal Thy Self. (poem)

Drop the veil of helplessness, reveal Thy Support.
Drop the veil of anger, reveal Thy Light.
Drop the veil of blaming, reveal Thy Compassion.
Drop the veil of fears, reveal Thy Courage.

Aum Tat Sat

Let the Light reveal Thy beauty (poem)

Just as the fog covers the lake, till the Sun comes out.

The ignorance veils the loving being, till the Divine Light shines.

Aum Tat Sat

Now, I am consciously choosing to be in Gratitude (poem)

Helplessness is not induced by outside, it is my automatic wiring.

Controlling is not induced by outside, it is my natural solution.

Rebelling is not induced by outside, it is my default reaction.

Loving is not induced by outside, it is my conscious choice.


Aum Tat Sat

At 5 am...(poem)

it was pitch dark,
enveloped with dense fog,
I was sitting alone in the chair,
But somehow there was no fear at all in me.

I realized my senses procure data,
the data of lonely girl and darkness,
which my mind, begins to interpret as fear,
But, when there is nodbody around, then why fear?

Aum Tat Sat

Re-discovering my Self (poem)

Let all fears go, for they are myth.
Let all desires drop, for they mislead.
Let all searching stop, for its already there.
Let all chasing terminate, for it will manifest.

Let all knots release, for it feels good to be Authentic.
Let all uneasiness relax, for its no point torturing one Self.
Let all completeness reveal, for that is what needs to be Unmasked.
Let all connectivity rejuvenate, for that is what makes Universe thrive.

Aum Tat Sat

Let anger go, let compassion be (poem)

Let past go, let future be.
Let complaints go, let people be.

Let fantasy go, let presence be.
Let frustrations go, let gratitude be.

Aum Tat Sata

I need to let go of my...(poem)


Aum Tat Sat

When its noisy outside, connect to the silence within (poem)

I was meditating, but others were not,
instead they were talking very loudly,
and creating a very distracting noise,
which just vanished, as I dived within.

Aum Tat Sat

Everything is a complete package (poem)

Just as I love my children,
with all their bothersome attitudes,
for I know that this is a part of them,
and I've got to embrace them in completeness.

I realized, so it is for everything,
be it Nature, which fills me up with joy,
with its vastness, beauty and pretty creatures,
but It comes with its set of insects and mosquitoes.

In addition, so it is for every being,
be it family, friends, peers or strangers,
they have many things which draws me closer to them,
in addition to few characteristics, which throws me off.

Perhaps, this is what God is trying to say,
"You've got to accept all that is there wholesomely,
just like the watermelon comes with its own seeds and skin,
discard and ignore what you don't like, enjoy the rest, merrily."


Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I wanna be the one.... (poem)

who is full of God,
who is full of giving,
who is full of aliveness,
who is full of compassion.

Aum Tat Sat

I am complete (poem)

Just as the wood pecker has a sharp beak, to poke
and the flies have the wings, which enable them to fly,
It struck me that I too must have all thats needed for my work,
all I need is to clearly determine, what I must do, and then just do it.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, September 3, 2010

God, Bless me so that...(poem)

I stay bonded to You,
and I reconnect with everyone via You.

I drop every thought that dis-eases me,
and I pick only thoughts, which are full of love.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is the most difficult thing to do? (poem)

The most difficult thing to do,
is to be present in this moment,
feeling the belly rise up/down,
thanking the breeze and leaves.

Aum Tat Sat

Thank You Dvinity within me (poem)

Only, in the Sunlight, I can see dust particles.
Only, in divine Light, I can see my blind spots.

Only, under a huge tree, breeze is cool on a hot day.
Only, under divine Love, there is peace amidst turmoil.

Aum Tat Sat

Profound Observation (poem)

I was at the Tech Museum with my kids and my 7 year old son,
was enjoying generating the roller coaster designs on the computer and running them on the the simulation screen. I was sitting on the seat behind him.

I realized, the sound on the speaker, took me to the amusement parks, the graphics on the screen were taking me up and down the steep stimualted rides, and the vibrator under my seat, was producing the effect of motion in the roller coaster. It was an intelligent pseudo ride, and I was choosing to scream in fear, having fun with my son, just be indifferent.

In that moment, I realized the following, sitting amindst my sensual perceptions, body experiences and analytical mind, that:

I am not mind,
I am not this body,
I am not my sense organs,
I am the detached observer.

Aum Tat Sat

I miss Delhi rains...(poem)

for the pouring in the perfect temperature,
for walking and eating coal-burned-bhutta with friends,
for dancing to the rythm in the courtyard of girls hostel at IIT Delhi,
for spotting out the bright rainbow smiling behind the East of Kailash hills.

Aum Tat Sat