Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Friday, December 31, 2010

Good Customer Service Does Count (poem)

When, I return a worn shoe at Target store in US,
the customer service, returns my money, smilingly.

When, I return even unworn shoe at a store in India,
the customer service, only replaces shoe, grudingly.

Each time, I get caught up in the I-ness of experience,
then, even my meditation session is not very peaceful.

Each time, I have let myself be used as His instrument,
then, I am peaceful, during and much after meditation.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am not what I see or others see in me, for I am the seer (poem)

When my shadow is taller, I am not tall,
When my shadow is shorter, I am not short.

When someone praises me, I don't become better,
When someone judges me, I don't become smaller.

When someone loves me, my heart begins to sing,
When someone crushes me, my heart begins to cry.

When I love someone, my entire body starts smiling,
When I fear someone, my entire body starts paining.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wherever we are, we keep loving who we love.(poem)

I experienced pure and warm love in my mother's presence. In September 1996, she left her body. For 11 years, I kept on missing her and cried.

But, when I called God in 2007, I was guided by my angel grandfather (my mother's father who left his body in March, 1986), who uplifted me and inspired me to stand up and speak my heart's truth, COME WHAT MAY.

Soon after, I instantly connected with another deep soul, who I called my granpa; he taught me the secret to love; LOVE THYSELF. He left his body in August, 2010.

Right after, I reconnected with an old friend, and surprisingly I experience the same security with this friend, as I did with my grandfather's soul, and then with granpa in person.

Makes me say, "Same love, different sources".

People who love us, may come and go,
but they keep loving wherever they are,
by providing warmth via physical presence,
or by pointing directions as guiding angles.

Aum Tat Sat

...Then why do I still block myself from caring? (poem)

When my beliefs block me from expressinng love,
I feel constipated.

When my ego blocks me from radiating nurturing,
I experience pain.

...Then why do I still block myself from caring?
Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, December 25, 2010

In a gift of love...(poem)

its the thought that matters,
and not that its just a new year card,
attentive listening, shabri ke joothe ber,
or an extremely affectionate-yet-firm "shut up".

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Scraping off is a lot of work, just like dissolving ego (poem)

I was scrapping off the depositions on the iron pan,
first with knife, then with boiling water and eroding,
and finally with vinegar, heat from below and scratching,
till the time, it did wear off all its sediments, exposing rust.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yes pain is painful, but it need not be (poem)

I suffered with pain,
when I heard no, from, who I loved,
when my mother left, all of a sudden,
when I could not walk with injured back,
when I felt lonely and longed to be heard,
when I was molested and asked to keep quiet,
when I tried to prove myself to be the good girl,
when I struggled to be multi-tasker and hyper clean.

But, I felt uplifted,
when I sent him love, without expecting,
when I published my grief on losing mama,
when I connected to strangers full of empathy,
when I listened compassionately to one who needed,
when I shared this humiliation, overcoming my shame,
when I released the pressure of bringing pride to my father,
when I accepted myself as lazy, slow and not-really-street-smart.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ego Ping Pong (poem)

I had everything ready to make paneer paranthas for dinner,
My husband walked in, saw some mess somewhere and just flared up,
My ego got enraged and I retaliated and served frozen paranthas instead,
When I witnessed our ping pong game, I packed fresh pranthas for his lunch.

Aum Tat Sat

Do I want to find faults or to nurture? (poem)

Its so easy to
remember the past,
and point out faults,
just to win an argument.

Its so difficult to,
be in this very moment,
and simply nurture lovingly,
especially the one's who hurt.

Aum Tat Sat

Krishna says two things...(poem)

The worst thing one can do,
is to find fault in others,
The best thing one can do,
is to shift focus within.

Aum Tat Sat

I always have a choice...(poem)

to fear or to love,
to separate or to unite,
to find faults or to accept,
to keep wishing or to take action.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Caring matters, whatever be the route (poem)

Each time, I loved,
I didn't judge, and I automatically cared.

Then, maybe, to care,
I can stop judging, and let nurturing happen.

Aum Tat Sat

Love is love, no matter what

Whether its between child and parents,
whether its between the two siblings,

whether its between old friends,
whether its between the lovers,

whether its between coworkers,
whether its between strangers,

whether its between spouses,
whether its for all beings.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A peek into unconditional love (poem)

When I give up, my expectations,
Then I love, without seeking returns.

When I overcome, my fears of opinion,
Then I love, without threatening inhibitions.

When I detach, from my strong attachments,
Then I love, without getting entangled in them.

When I observe, my thoughts without resisting,
Then I love, without fighting the direction of wind.


Aum Tat Sat

I was getting sucked into...(poem)

in what I did,
& what I wish to do,
till I realized, I am not,
it is God Doing "it" through me.

Aum Tat Sat

Perfect Perfection (poem)

Thank You God for this awareness that....

I am in a perfect world,
surrounded with perfect people,
enveloped in perfect circumstances,
where we are all enacting the perfect play.


Aum Tat Sat

Ironical, isn't it? (poem)

I seeked love,
not knowing I am pure love.

I seeked support,
not knowing I am complete.


Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let love flow (poem)

Like autumn leaves,
let the dried up beliefs go,
let the unneccessary fears go,
let the unconditional love flow.

Aum Tat Sat

It feels nice...(poem)

to watch movie with my kids, when our bodies were overlapping.

to sleep with my 7 year old son, with my palm on his heart.

to detect pain in my body, when mind was saying "RUSH".

to surrender all my beliefs, which keep me from loving.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I chose to keep the precious milk and discard leaking carton (poem)

When I saw the mess in refrigerator,
I realized that the milk carton was leaking,
I cleaned that area and put the carton in a dry place,
with a tissue under it, to prevent the mess through the leaking.

The next day, I noticed that the tissue was absolutely drenched,
and the shelf was messy with all the continued leaking from carton,
I decided to empty the precious milk from carton into two plastic boxes.
Why can't I give up my torn beliefs, to GIVE precious love, without expecting?

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My God is doing everything for my growth (poem)

When, I surrender my I-ness,
When, I surrender expectations,
When, I surrender opinion of others,
Then, I get used as a divine instrument.


Aum Tat Sat

Friday, December 10, 2010

Its all in the experience (poem)

When am I full of love,
I am radiating love,
Then I am full of power,
and I fear no body.

Aum Tat Sat

We are all taps....(poem)

I was not able to copy a picture from Bloggie software into a word document.
I asked my software engineer husband for help. He searched for the source of pictures on my laptop and from there I could easily copy them.

When I asked him, what was the problem, he said, "Bloggie is an interface, showing only a reflection of those pictures, therfore I could not copy them. To copy the pictures, the source is needed."

Wow, I did not know that.

And the following poem surfaced.


Tap is not the source of water,
river is.

People are not the source of love,
Self is.

Aum Tat Sat

Observing thoughts arise and subside (poem)

This morning during meditation, I observed this beautiful process.
The most important was that, the thoughts are like a spoilt 4 year old, throwing tantrums, and when instead of reacting, I ignore, the child feels frustrated and goes away; and comes the next child full of stories and so on.

My thoughts surfaced,
they danced around,
and then subsided,
followed by next.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I walked away smiling deep within (poem)

Yesterday, it was a sunny morning after days of rains,
I stepped out for the walk, and there he was smiling,
lawn mower in residential complex, mowing grass,
as I walked closer, he waved with his one hand.

I stopped next to this ever friendly person,
who had once expressed his happiness,
in broken English-Mexican accent,
when I was playing with my son.

When I recognized him, I stopped by,
he turned off the loud machine,
and took out his ear plugs,
and used hand gestures.

I could only follow that,
he was pointing to Sun,
my heart said, "Hug",
and my mind, "No".

I walked away 3 steps,
and he resumed work,
I returned; asked,
And I hugged.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nurturing silently, this is what... (poem)

my mother provided me through her listening,
my Amma showers me via her hugs,

my bed ridden grandpa gave me in his presence,
my God sprinkles during meditation.

Aum Tat Sat

Teachers, Teachers everywhere (poem)

Life is a constant school,
where my son is teaching me patience,
my daughter is teaching me non-resistance,
my husband is teaching me letting go of expectations,
and old acquaintances are teaching forgiviness and nurturing.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, December 3, 2010

When H and cl can share electrons to bond, why can't I share love to bond? (poem)

Since, we are all made up of atoms, we are all same,
therefore, we are one with all beings, everywhere,

then, like the Hydrogen and Chlorine atoms,
share electrons to be hydrochloric acid,

why can't I share the love, that I have,
to recreate bonds with everyone,

instead of helplessly obeying mind,
which only insists separation?

Aum Tat Sat

Gunjan, be who you are!! (poem)

I am love,
You are love,
We are all love,
Then, why don't I love?

Aum Tat Sat

Noise keeps me from enjoying music (poem)

Just as, the noise in using microwave,
over rides the soft music in background;
the constant chatter going in my head,
over rides the soft voice within stillness.
Aum Tat Sat

Wow, it feels great (poem)

Its a wonderful place to be in,
where, I feel connected with everyone,
where, I feel like giving without expecting,
like with my children; to the children in entire world.

Aum Tat Sat