Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Monday, February 28, 2011

Just be with God by...(poem)

thanking God,
singing to God,
seeking from God,
thinking about God.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

These are some of my sources of joy...(poem)

to sing from soul,
to talk about God,
to observe Physics,
to wish on birthdays,

to see kids color,
to watch kids open,
to listen kids laugh,
to make kids question.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Is love real? (poem)

Love is real,
but only lives in moments,
for mind stuff,
blocks heart from ruling.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

I have a choice...(poem)

either to feel deluded,
distracted by peoeple,
or to experience bliss,
focused on God within.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Focus Matters (poem)

My son was trying to reflect light,
off from his steel spoon on cloudy morning,
but he couldn't till a focused light bulb was switched,
just as I don't feel uplifted till I focus on the divine light.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Life is a mirage, yet...(poem)

God is real.
Blessing is bliss.
Giving is fulfilling.
Gratitude is uplifting.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Use band-aid to stop the blood flow, use shift-thought to stop the draining energy (poem)

When the finger gets a cut,
and its bleeding continuously,
all it takes, is a tight band-aid,
to be wrapped around to stop the flow.

When a thought is distracting,
and its draining away the energy,
all it takes, is a shift of the thought,
to the one, that uplifts and re-energizes.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wow, it makes perfect sense, to choose gratitude !! (poem)

I am joyful, when I am full of gratitude,
I am sorrowful, when I am full of complains.

I complain, when I am full of frustrations,
I feel frustrated, when I am full of wishes.

So, the root cause of my sadness are wishes,
and not the people or circumstances in my life.

And since, I can either be joyful or sorrowful,
then it makes perfect sense, to choose gratitude!!

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Today, I am choosing to be thankful (poem)

I ask kids to observe with all their senses,
then, change just one parameter, and observe what changes,
today, I am choosing to change my complains to conscious gratitude,
and am really looking forward to obsevre how it shifts my experiences in life :))


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saying THANK YOU GOD, amidst everything, matters (poem)

This morning at breakfast, my 12 year old daughter was saying that if she performs good recorder (flute) on stage, "Who would you say, good job or thank you for performing it so well? To me or to the recorder?"

I answered, "To you".

Then she said, "There is no one else to be thankful to, other than the performer."

I agreed.

I asked her to repeat the first sentence and it struck me that I know I am
an instrument (just like the recorder for my daughter) of God, who is actually the performer (just like my daughter).

So, whatever I am experiencing in an interaction whether its loving or not, it's all my God's work (just as the sound from the recorder may be melodious or shrill, but its my daughter work).

Since everything is my God's work and I love my God the most, and I have faith that He is doing it for my bigger picture good, so I just need to trust His plan and simply say Thank You God(TYG) amidst all thats happening. For, the person who is delivering that interaction is an instrument (just like the recorder), whether he is aware of it or not.

Thank God, that I was blessed to become aware of it.

So, all I've got to do is TYG, TYG, TYG, for my God has a plan, even if its not clear to me right now.

When someone dear was being nasty, when I wish he would be kind,
When someone dear was being lustful, when I wish he would be loving,
Then, I used to complain to myself and others, I really wish he would change,
But, it just hit me, that since its God who is doing everything, so I need to say TYG.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What does it mean to be kind to others? (poem)

When I am really mad at "somebody" for his ways,
I choose to think of the one I love the most,
& visualize him doing the same onto me,
then I feel love for "that" person.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

What does it mean to be kind to myself? (poem)

When I am upset with someone or the circumstances,
I think of the one who uplifts me, the most,
and I call him from my heart,
to experience it.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bridge the Gap (at British Council Library, New Delhi, India)

Bridge the Gap

Date : Saturday, 5 February 2011
Time : 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Age : 13 and above
Venue : British Council Library, New Delhi
Contact : Anu Bhardwaj
delhi.enquiry 011 42199000 (Land line).
This session is the sharing of a helpless, molested teenager forced to keep quiet and face the humiliation and disgust. These symptoms of keeping quiet erupted a decade later as a severe backache. Much later, I quizzed myself that what stopped me from sharing these emotions with my parents? What can I do to stop the suffering of teenagers? This interactive session will help me reach parents and their teenagers with the hope of bridging the gap.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Whatever we seek from heart does comes true, but make sure we don't ask like King Midas

Yesterday night, my son was reading with me a story about King of Midas, who wished that all that he touches turns into gold. His wish comes true, and even his daughter turns into gold. Then he regrets.

From my experience, I feel that, Universe is contstantly arranging for each one of us, as long as we stay focused on that, and seek what we really need from our heart. And I know it works, so much that its surprises me with tears of gratitude. It also blessed me with an awareness to ask sensibily, not just everything I desire.

So, all of you who don't agree, try it out, but make sure you seek from your heart, with one focus, what you really really need, but making sure you are honoring the people, relationships and all that you have in your life, with gratitude. Lest you should regret!!

Happy Seeking. :))


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Be Kind

Be kind to your own thoughts, feelings, emotions & actions, for then only you can be kind to others. And our world really needs kindness.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Perhaps, this is constant remembrance (poem)

G is for my God, K is for my Krishna, C is for Chari, my Master.
Talk to GKC,
Cook for GKC,
Think of GKC,
Work with GKC.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Loving relationship (poem)

Love need not be searched,
in the person who I love,
or in person who loves me,
it needs to be only created.

A relationship can be loving,
with whoever I am, wherever,
by seeking it only from God,
with gratitude and acceptance.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Place matters (poem)

Indian clothes are way too exepnsive to be drycleaned in US,
they would better be drycleaned, while I am still in India.

Indian relationships are way too difficult to be maintained in US,
they would better be interacted, while I am still in India.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

I love him for his wow and his huh (poem)

Just as my babies were a complete package and I loved them with smiles & farts, touches & potty, nursing & spits, hugging & crying, giggling & messing, now I realize that when I love someone, I automatically love everything about him.

This morning my heart is singing, "Dil laga kar hum yeh samjhe, zindagi kya cheez hai, ishq kahte hain kise, ashiqi kya cheez hai"

This morning, I realized that one is angry, upset, expects, expresses to only with the one's who are close to heart, for with the rest of the world we are all just being nice.

Today, I saluate him for all that I have recvd. through him.


I love him for his smiles and his tears,
I love him for his kiss and his coldness,
I love him for his alertness and his yawns,
I love him for his giving and his expecting,
I love him for his listening and his sharing,
I love him for his pleading and his complaining,
I love him for his embracing and his indifference,
I love him for his enthusiasm and his frustrations.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kindness uplifts, Self-pity drowns(poem)

When, I interpreted my thoughts of judgment, towards myself and everyone else, throughout my life, they surfaced decades later, as the root cause of my loneliness (mental separation) even amidst people.

When, I suppressed my thoughts of helplessness, as a teenager, they surfaced decades later as my back pain, for I had become spineless in the process, just by allowing myself to get sucked into self-pity. 

Now, I have realized that each one of my thoughts, is just like wind, and they simply need to be observed with kindness towards my self, and making them a source to bless whoever surfaces.
Life is beautiful, and each person in my life and thoughts is a blessing, for I have learned the secret, I am here only to GIVE LOVE, by dropping each and every complain that surfaces.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thoughts are like wind...(poem

they need not be shoved,
for they can sediment into fossil and decay,

they need not be chased,
for they can transform into desire and mislead,

they need not be interpreted,
for they can convert into judgements and separate,

they need to be observed kindly,
for then only they can evaporate and manifest compassion.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am witnessing that my mind stuff blocks me in my relationships

What keeps me from preventing my kids to chew gum with their mouth open, or speak loudly?
My belief, that by doing so, they are being disrespectful to elders around them.

What kept me from speaking my heart out to my loving-protective parents, when I was a teenager?
My fear, that they don't wish to hear it, for they don't and won't approve of it.

What keeps me from listening to my father's wise advise for me, even at age 42?
My judgment, that even though I know that he really cares for me, he can't understand my perspective.

What keeps me from stepping into my husband's shoes, when he complains about expenses?
My justification, that what I am doing is the right thing to do, and he's got to handle his fears about money.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

What keeps me from loving unconditionally? (poem)

Justification separates,
Compassion unites.

Judgement separates,
Empathy unites.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Experience Bliss (poem)

Think God.

Talk Less.

Work More.

Thank God.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I am not my thoughts....(poem)

But, if a thought uplifts me or opens me up,
its Ok to relish it.

And, if a thought sinks me or clamps me down,
its better to drop it.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Life Skills (poem)

Be love.
Be Honest.
Be Curious.
Be Expressive.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

All I need to do is...(poem)

Mouth needs to be shut,
Reactions need to be calmed.

Energy needs to be radiating,
Remembrance needs to be anchored.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Nurturing Rest (poem)

Kind birds sang me lullabies,
Mother earth soothed my body,
Green grass rubbed my back,
Warm sun blanketed my top.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Am I really present when....(poem)

While playing cards with my son,
I am silently thinking about,
my all possible choices,
for the next meal?

While cooking lunch to my music,
I am silently being resentful,
to someone who has been,
unkind towards me?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Now, I know how can I be in bliss (poem)

Chari, is my Master, the present guru at Sahaj Marg (Shri Ram Chandra Mission). He is a direct descendant of Babuji, whose Guru was/is Lalaji.


To be joyful, think God.
To feel uplifted, think God.
To radiate blessings, think God.
To keep thinking God, think Chari.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Now, giving is fulfilling (poem)

I have been so used to,
being around loving people,
being emotionally dependent,
its more like a deep samskara.

Now, I am consciously learning to,
give love to people surrounding me,
by seeking it directly only from God,
and it turns fulfilling if they are open.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

We are all blessed...(poem)

for we all have some people,
who love us dearly,
and we all have some people,
who we love dearly.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

At the airport, its heartwarming to see...(poem)

families running with open arms,
friends welcoming with balloons,
lovers waiting with caring eyes,
to give & recieve the affection.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Hate the sin, not the sinner (poem)

Hate the anger, not the opressor.

Hate the judgement, not the judge.

Hate the expectation, not the seeker.

Hate the separation, not the separator.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Do the best (poem)

Its hard to ignore the loud nosie of aircraft,
its better to use ear plugs, but best to listen music.

Its hard to ignore the constant inner thoughts,
its better to just observe them, and best to shift focus.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Let me just...(poem)

love everyone,
and bless those who I can't.

listen everyone,
and bless those who I can't.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Let me not...(poem)

judge those who judge me,
justify those who blame me,
resist those who control me,
& control those who resist me.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

4 steps from helplessness to gratitude (poem)

Whether it was my desperate keeness to meet a dear old person,
or an aspiration to have an eye contact with my Master or the choking discomfort on sitting next to a smoker in a flight.

Each time, I felt miserable and helpless, I started blaming the pepole involved or my own self. But I realized, its disempowering me, not working.

Then, with practice, I experienced that my helplessness got transformed into a rewarding experience, each time I dropped complaining and followed these 4 golden steps.


Thank You God (when I am feeling helpless).
God bless you (when I am blaming that person).
God, help me (when I really needed something to change).
Thank You God (when I was rewarded by a blessed transformation).

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Drop frustrations, embrace fulfillment. (poem)

Drop complains, embrace gratitude.

Drop separation, embrace oneness.

Drop distractions, embrace focus.

Drop past/future, embrace present.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Krishna matters (poem)

Seeking Krishna arranges for me,
chanting Krishna cleanses me,
thinking Krishna uplifts me,
sharing Krishna opens me.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Each person I interact with...(poem)

is a gift of God,

is teaching me to love,

is communicating a message,

is fulfilling me by just receiving.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Even if dear people...(poem)

fear, judge or expect,
just love them.

resist, control or preach,
just love them.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

What is the use of words, when...(poem)

Actions speak louder than words,
& energy speaks louder than words.

Still the language is neccessary
to release the pent up vibrations.

For, it is in this calm listening,
that the healing care is manifested.

Since every interaction is about,
expressing affection, words do help.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

With God, everything is possible, even overcoming deepest desires (poem)

I had desired him, making love to me, for over two years.

I experienced most fulfilling love making, when I thought of him.

But, when he asked me in person, if he could make love, I could not say yes.

Over time, I had surrendered my sense organs to my God, and it was no longer my wish.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

When I met my Chari (poem)

I was standing at the door of the living room.

The room was packed with abhyasis eager to see him.

He called me to come sit right in front, and closest to him.

My heart was pounding really high and my chest was rising really high.

I wanted to close my eyes, but another abhyasi nudged me '"Don't close eyes".

I was clenching tight to the card I had sketched for him, while waiting outside.

Other abhyasis's were opening up casually and asking him questions with great ease.

I gathered courage to lift up that card to him, with trembling hands, and a lot of force.

He saw it and asked me to read it out loud to him, and I read it with severely shaking voice.

Once again, he began answering everyone's questions with great sense of humor, while accepting gifts.

From somewhere deep within me, I extracted courage and asked him, if I could sing for him two lines from heart.

He said yes, I closed my eyes, and seeking from divine, I sang precisely two lines, describing,
my wishes for him.

I sensed divine blessings with my eyes closed, when I closed my hands in Namaste, and others told me later, he was gazing at me.

Both my wishes had been fulfilled, my dream had true to have an eye contact with him, and to give the card and sing for him in person.

I gazed continuously at his face, as he interacted with other abhyasis, so that I can get as many eye contacts with as possible, my greed.

Then, I asked him a stupid question, why does Babuji come in meditation, each time I call him in need of help, and he replied with wits, "Extinguish fire, use fireman, all are same"

I got all that I needed, all my thirst was completely quenched, and when the door opened in evening, I saw myself retracing my steps, so that other abhyasis could be blessed with same.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

It happens only in love (poem)

It hurts me, each time he suffers in pain.

It heals me, each time I share everything with him.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

God, Krishna, Chari, I surrender....(poem)

my internal thoughts,
my past memories,
my sense organs,
and my I-ness.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Ironical isn't it? (poem)

Those who are close in soul, are apart in bodies.

Those who are near in bodies, are distant in souls.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

My senses feed my mind, and it begins fantasizing (poem)

I was sitting in the restroom at 4 am.

I was getting ready to leave for at 5:30 am.

I heard the sound of water drops from outside.

My mind interpreted it as the unexpected rain.

Next, I was worrying, how would I walk to my ride.

Who would I request to wake up and drive me to a mile?

Till, I found out that it wasn't the rain sound, it was drain's.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

How do I feel empowered and joyful in my relationships?

"By thinking about Me in each thought" says God

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

God always has a plan (poem)

God creates everything, even the uneasy-hurting-lonely moments.

God does this to His dear ones, so that they seek from Him with gratitude.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

When giving feels fulfilling (poem)

He was pressing his chin into my head,
and my arms were hugging him real tight.

My cheeks were rubbing against his cheeks,
and his hands were holding me on his laps.

I was kissing him gently all over his face,
he was receiving it lovingly with eyes closed.

I was pulling his ears, and boxing his belly,
he was standing there, smiling affectionately.

I was sitting down, caressing the skin of his shin,
he was sitting on the chair, looking deep into my eyes.

I was bending backward, lost in the blissful moment,
he was leaning forward, and on top, kissing me really long.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

He + I = Love (poem)

He was talking,
I was listening.

He was holding,
I was hugging.

He was sitting,
I was caressing.

I was singing,
He was smiling.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Dates don't matter, moments matter (poem)

Where it happens doesn't matter,
when it happens doesn't matter,
how it happens doesn't matter,
only what happens matters.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)