Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ease Matters (poem)

I felt cold this morning,
while having my cup of milk,
and so could not say hello to Sun,
or express gratitude to singing birds.

When I was not able to love Nature,
which is always giving unconditionally,
for I was not comfortable in that moment,
then how can I love humans, if I am uneasy.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Follow Thy Heart (poem)

Heart loves, mind can not.

Heart connects, mind says not.

Heart whispers, mind listens not.

Heart knows, mind understands not.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Like an eclipse, nothing is forever

I love shining Sun, but yesterday, I cherished watching solar eclipse.

I noticed that I didn't complain about Nature's ways and infact found it pretty.

For, I was an observer, who knew this is a must in Nature's cycle and this too shall pass.

Then why don't I observe eclispse(s) in my life, which are a part of the same cycle and shall pass?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

When heart speaks, some hearts listen (poem)

I tried the lychee frozen yogurt at Yoogl,
and I called up the manager for donation.

I shared my goal - educating, nourishing kids
in underpriviliged schools of our communities.

"Is it for kids in our city?", he inquired sternly,
I replied " No", knowing it was not he would like.

"But how will you ever carry frozen yogurt in this heat?"
I answered, "When something needs to happen, it gets arranged".

He told me he would ask his partner within next 24 hours.
Within 5 hours he called me up to decide the flavor for those kids.

The next day, I visited the store with my 8 year old son to choose,
and he spoke out for those unknown 20 kids, "Chocolate is the best".

When I reached there on the day of my workshop, they looked so pretty,
the containers-manager and his 2 helpers were placing in that huge ice chest.

On seeing the ice chest, those kids eyes were full of smiles in every spoon,
the amount was so much, that some of them were full before they could finish.

When the generous lady who was helping me asked, "OMG, was all this for free?"
"Yes, he heard me when I was asking for stranger kids, who I may never meet again!" 
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

On my morning walk this morning...

while listening to chirping birds, I saw a dead bird.

I searched for leaves/twigs to move it out of the sidewalk.

When I couldn't find anything, I picked it with both my hands.

But, my hands continued to stink much after I had touched the body.

And I was full of uneasiness on sensing a soldiers pain of walking over dead.

I repeatedly washed my hands and smelt it, to make sure that stink had gone away.

I realized just like this bird's body, my body is perishable too, and is going to rot one day.

All my craziness for dressing it up in good clothes and focusing on its desires seemed futile.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Left or Right, the choice is mine

When I turn my head to the left, I see my fears and desires.

When I turn my head to the right, I am full of faith and bliss.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)


...make me work only for my Self.
....bless me to merge my Self in Thy Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

I am not this body...

...which experiences excruciating pain when injured.

...which hurts when mind interprets a meaning.

...which radiates when desires are fulfilled.

...which rots and smells when it dies.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)