Surrender, Listen and Give

Surrender, Listen and Give Contact at Contact@FollowThyHeart.Org

Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We are the world, lets make it a better place, just you and me...

To honor another (from a place of oneness) is honoring ourselves; for we are all one. This is the mission of the nonprofit organization - Follow Thy Heart. And as a Physicist, I observe it happening all around me as an experiential evidence of Newton’s 3rd law, namely, action and reaction are equal and opposite. In real world it translates to, whatever I send out, comes back to me. By honoring the same divinity residing in everyone’s heart, I am honoring mine and by doing so we are all beginning to connect, via our hearts. Its a humble step towards creating a world full of love, using the thread of Divine love.

Since Feb., 2012, I have been blessed to follow my heart in honoring all beings. One of the ways I accomplish this is by serving food (which is of the same quality that I serve my own children) - with honor to all beings in my Universe. By my Universe I mean, wherever I am; be it with kids in an underprivileged school in East Palo Alto, or on San Antonio Road to the construction workers operating under extreme heat/traffic. Sometimes, the offering is to the gardeners mowing the lawns and other times, it is to the cleaners, cleaning my bathroom. At times, it has been to someone hungry-and-cold standing outside Walmart begging for food or the day workers waiting for work outside Fresh Choice/Home Depots. In India, it was the young kids who pick up trash and the servants. Each time I have offered young coconuts, cut watermelon, baked cakes, offered Thai food/frozen yogurt (from our families favorite restaurants), shared healing food or (in India) served them inside McDonald/restaurants; I could experience world transforming in their uplifted spine, soft eyes and affectionate byes.

I love God and in serving (which is my privilege) I have discovered the joy of fulfillment.

I am aspiring to continue buying fruits, groceries, disposable cups/plates and offer home cooked healing food to more and more people in our communities. If it inspires you, write to me, pray that this purpose finds all that it needs or offer heartfelt checks/gift cards from Safeway and Whole Foods. Thanks for reading.

God Bless you,

Friday, August 24, 2012

No future, No past, only present. (poem)

No plans, no memories, only doing.

No worries, no wounds, only being.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Attachment is an attachment, whether it is for a...(poem)


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Goal for Follow Thy Heart

The goal is to work for God, i.e., worship via service.

Some of  the functions to start with are:

To empower helpless by inspiring them to fearlessly express their feelings.

To honor underprivileged by offering food from a place of oneness.

To teach Physics to kids by tapping into their inherent wisdom.

To deflect Divine blessings towards general public.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Its a God's world (poem)

I grew up hearing and slowly believing,
that its a man's world.

Then later, I grew up reading and gradually experiencing,
that its nothing but a God's world.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Surprisingly, God is just a thought away (poem)

I was driving early morning towards East, suddenly the Sun Light started penetrating through the darkness in the sky. It was a moment of bliss and the following poured out.


Sun is always there,
its only Earth's rotation on its own axis that causes Day and Night.

God is always there,
its only my hopping thoughts that lead me towards Light or Darkness.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Just imagine... (poem)

If you have ever loved, a finite human being,
then you have experienced the bliss in moments of joy.

So, how about loving God, the Infinite, creator of all beings,
just imagine, the incessant bliss in the amount of joy it could give?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Now, my house feels like a home (poem)

This is our home.
Home is a temple.

My Master is blessing it.
My Krishna is living in it.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Mission of Follow Thy Heart (poem)

I wish,
to sow the seed of joy in all beings,
simply by,
beginning to honor each one of our feelings,
and to seek,
whatever is needed to honor those precious feelings,
directly from,
Universe, for we are all connected to It through our hearts.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I am not...(poem)

...the doer, He is.
...the thinker, He is.
...the planner, He is.
and, so is no one else.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

That night, I slept smilingly (poem)

I finished reading in my bed and switched off the lamp.
I was about to close my eyes for bedtime prayer, when I noticed silver light.
I thought it was the street light filling up, the 1/3rd open window in the dark bedroom.
On second look, the glow made me smile; for the moon had come all the way to bid me good night.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Oh, it was so funny...(poem)

...I inverted the baked cake,
and shockingly, it fell apart like trash in a dump truck.

...I got inside sack for the sack race,
and confusingly, could not figure out a way to start jumping.

...I called up customer service for jammed printer,
and stupidly, found 2 pins which had dropped from poster above.

...I added shredded cheese to cook macaroni & cheese,
and surprisingly, the cheese did not melt, it just stayed intact in shape.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)