Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Monday, March 25, 2013

...right here, right now with Thee III (poem)

The part-I of this poem is on this bolg at
and part II of this poem is on this blog at


Nothing to resist,
nowhere to travel,
nobody to complain,
right here, right now, with Thee
Search for virtues, and you will discover them 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

When listening turned into a reward (poem)

I saw her limping body approaching mine,
and I glanced at her with my arms closed.
While listening to her slow-stammering,
my arms dropped down loose to the belly.

All through, I was listening with attention,
her talking about love, gratitude and God.
I felt my arms opening up to her embrace,
overflowing with sweet-and-innocent love.
"Act, but without attachment to its reward", Krishna in Gita

Sunday, March 17, 2013

...right here, right now, at ease with Thee - II (poem)

Part I of this poem is on this blog at

Nothing to fix,
nowhere to reach,
nobody to change,
right here, right now, at ease with Thee.

Nothing to fear,
nowhere to attach,
nobody to oppose,
right here, right now, at ease with Thee.

"Act without attachment to its actions", says Krishna in Gita

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What is most important?

"My most important engagement is with God", Yogananda
"Act without attachment to its actions", Krishna 

Monday, March 4, 2013

I sensed my illusion (poem)

I complained once again,
and felt pain inside my body.

For I had judged another,
as if I were a separate entity.

Ma phaleshou kada chana   (Act without attachment to its fruits).