Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My mind is constantly busy (poem)

It keeps "focused" on the next conversation with people I will meet.
It "plans" the next step in drying the laundry when the first load is running.
It is always "sharing" the valuable discoveries in kitchen/mind with people I've met.
It feels proud on getting admiration incessantly in these "conversations" or silently around people.

I'm observing my thoughts talking all the time (poem)

There is a subconscious-silent  dialogue going on with people talking to me.
It hooks onto all the pain of women characters in the movies, feels it as mine.
It sings a ll the songs and remembers scenes from the movies I've watched.
It constantly analyses and judges my thoughts / past actions as good and bad.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

I desire and I fear (poem)

I desire to have a "union" of body, mind, heart and soul.
I desire to play bells (naltarang), melodiously.
I desire to have a baby born out of "union".
I desire to be love, and radiate it to all.

I fear that people are judging me, for letting them down.
I fear that like an old lady, I am eating and resting.
I fear that I am collapsing, for lack of nutrition.
I fear that I am on medication, forever.

God Help Surrender