Surrender, Listen and Give

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Sunday, February 24, 2008

How do I deal with ups and downs in life?

How do I deal with ups and downs in life, the normal expected fluctuations in life?

Registering the following truths (over the last one year) helped me answer this question:

# Life comes in phases and it is always changing.

# All thing happens for good, even if I cannot "see" the good when it "appears" to be bad.

# Complaining about people's actions, our own actions or circumstances DOES NOT help. So it is best to STOP THINKING or TALKING in that direction to prevent staying stuck in a "self knitted net".

# All of these well wishing people around me (friends or family) are FINITE; therefore they can only provide limited support or help.

# SEEKING help from the INFINITE source within me can only provide the much-needed infinite love, peace and joy.

# Life happens. It is not good or bad.

# I should GIVE LOVE TO OTHERS to create the missing love in my life. I can do so by TAKING INFINITE LOVE from the one within.

# Most important, it is only this present moment that I have. I can CHOOSE to enjoy and give love; or complain and brood. Therefore I choose to CONSTANTLY PRAY and make the right choices.

I have NOW realized a secret that once I am happier; I do start emanating and spreading out more happiness around me.

Understanding these truths has been a blessing, even though following them is not so easy.

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