It was a beautiful feeling this morning, as I woke up recharged and sat down to meditate.
I saw clearly that in human plane, a given circumstance makes me angry. It makes me feel upset and frustrated, because I feel hurt. I constantly experience fear and anxiety worrying about the next moment. Now, I know that all this arises out of my ATTACHMENT to people and things; which leads to building up of more and more samskaras. I find myself in a bigger mess, by first creating a peace-disrupting samskara and then dissipating more energy struggling to undo it. It is something like what happens in the kitchen, when my mind is elsewhere. During those mentally-somewhere-else moments, sometimes I do not remove the paper towel lying around the stove (before turning on the stove) and then become anxious trying to put off that huge flame with a glass of water. Then in that moment, I realized how committing a dumb mistake led to a feeling of frustration (while cleaning up the spread of ashes and water). In those moments, I feel like slapping myself.
On the other hand, when I am in the spiritual plane, the same circumstances bring out His love. I do not feel angry with any being. I start enjoying being in the moment. I thank God for all He has given me. I see myself being able to DETACH myself from people and the things. In His Trust, I feel secure simply holding His finger. That feels Peace to me. This in turn leads to a feeling of joy, which makes me dance on the street, singing aloud. In that beautiful moment, I realize that letting go of the attachment could be so liberating. That felt so much like what I had experienced when I was finally able to crack the seemingly-toughest-ever-laboratory exam problem at the end of those mind-wrecking 3 hours.
Then, later during the day through a soldier friend I heard that one of his men had died in a violent combat across the border. During my next meditation session, I prayed to send out peace towards that departed young soldier’s soul and compassion for his family. When I was doing that, I visualized the violent scene and started sending out my love (as hugs) to each person who was present there; including soldiers from across the border. It was a heart warming moment for me when I saw tears rolling out of all those red eyes full of anger and hatred. I thanked God for that moment and got up to have lunch.
While warming my lunch in the microwave, I realized that during meditation I had involuntarily hugged the enemies of my home country. Sitting there in my human plane, I asked myself a question, “Have I become less patriotic towards my home country?” In that quiet moment, when even the microwave had stopped making its noise, I heard the soft voice within telling me, “No, you are now becoming a better human being.”
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