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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sensing Universal Being IN-side (poem)

In the following poem, I make a humble effort to describe the Being within.

The Being within,
pushes like the initial-forceful gush (out of a sprinkler),
sounds like the constant-soft periodic ticking (of a clock),
looks like the hiding-inseparable roots (of a tree), and
feels like the heartwarming-caring love (of a parent).

The Being within,
connects me to the Being existing inside all (trees, breeze and people)
greets me smilingly with the swaying of the leaves (when I step outside),
caresses my cheeks gently with the breeze (when I am standing still), and
blesses me with love in each affectionate hug (I give to other people).


Aum Tat Sat

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