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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Seeking security (poem)

On last Friday, my 5 year old son was extremely tired by 7 pm. I was still in the kitchen and he knew that it would take me at least an hour to be around him in his bedroom (upstairs). Listening to his body (which was dying to sleep) and his mind (which needed the security of my presence), he without talking about it, decided to hit the sofa. Looking at the way he was sleeping, I registered that security meant much more to him than the comfort and the coziness of the bed. In that moment, I remembered my childhood (around the same age) and then reflected on where do I seek security (now).


Recently, I observed my son sleeping on the sofa,

instead of his cozy bed, just because I was around.

I remembered, choosing to stay with my mother,

over a day-long trip with the rest of the family.

Presently, I sense nothing-can-harm-me security,

overriding my fears, only during deep meditation.


Aum Tat Sat

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