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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Am I sincere in saying Aho? (poem)

When I am with a group of people, who are aware and spirit guided,
we all greet with Aho, which means, my spirit bows to your spirit,
which implies that, my spirit honors your spirit's presence,
but, off late I realized I am not being truthful.

For, when my spirit heard, a genuine heart felt, “I love you all...”,
in an extremely rushed voice, my spirit realized that,
the speaker's spirit is asking for some extra time,
but, I did not stand up, to give her a minute.

For, when my spirit heard, a tearful, “I decreased my workspace...”
in very compressed notes, my spirit realized that,
the speaker's spirit is longing for a support,
but, I did not get up, to rub her back.

For, when my spirit heard, a choking, “I am angry...”
in very soft words, and my spirit realized that,
the speaker's spirit is searching for peace,
but, I did not step forward, to hug her.

For, when I reflected, I realized that,
I am disrespecting speaker's spirit,
I am not honoring my spirit,
and, I am being dishonest.

Now, its time for me to choose,
to state my spirit's request,
to create a sacred time,
or, quietly stop going.

God is Truth (Aum Tat Sat)

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