Surrender, Listen and Give

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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

God is like my mother (poem)

My dear mother sometimes fed me,
whatever she would cook, lovingly.

Sometimes, she fed me sweet food,
and at some other times bitter food.

At times, she fed all with one spoon,
but some times, with several spoons.

Just as, I ate trustingly, all that she fed,
similarly, I embrace, all, that God offers.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, June 29, 2009

A stitch in time saves nine. (poem)

Just as, DMV ticket charge,
if not paid, keeps on increasing,
from $49 to $149 to $549 to $1049,
each time the driver chooses to ignore it.

Similarly, the imprints on my heart,
if not cleared up, keep on deepening,
from layer 1 to 10 to 1000 to 100000,
each time I choose not to pull them out.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

All Answers are Within (poem)

My 6 year old son is very fond of,
searching for hidden objects in a book,
which contains complicated pictures and,
a set of objects hiding deep within pictures.

While solving one such page with him,
I realized that similarly in my everyday life,
whatever, questions or problems I encounter,
their answers are hiding somewhere within me.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Now, I am choosing to be one with God (poem)

When I am writing,
When I am singing,
When I am hugging,
Then, I am one with God.

When I am fearing,
When I am blaming,
When I am desiring,
Then, I am not with God.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Love ---> Peace ---> Joy (poem)

Love is giving, and not expecting.
Love is nurturing, and not controlling.

Love is liberating, and not entangling.
Love is worshiping, and not disrespecting.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

God, allow me Please (poem)

Dear God,

Allow me to feel the Warm Sun within.
Allow me to feel the Infinite Sky within.
Allow me to feel the Flowing Breeze within.
Allow me to feel the Supporting Earth within.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Water is like Love (poem)

Just as,
Flowing water cleanses,
stagnant water forms mold.

unconditional love nurtures,
conditional love causes stress.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

When strangers connect... (poem)

In the month of June, 2009, I met complete strangers and yet, experienced some of the most memorable warm moments of my life.

I was sitting on a chair next to the lake full of lotuses at Amma's San Ramon Ashram and this little girl
walks up and starts a conversation. Then she gifts me with her dearest-treasured possessions of flexible stems and butterfly-shaped leaves. I was touched by her sharing and loving.

While, that was happening, an elderly woman approached me and showed me a picture she had taken of me talking to this little girl. Soon after, we got talking like old friends and then she left me with a motherly hug. But before leaving she took my address and later mailed me a picture, of that precious moment.

Then, the other day, I was at a local humanitarian conference and in one of the meditations we were asked to evoke our deep love for a dear friend meeting after decades and then to get up and hug everyone in the room. At the end of the meditation, everyone hugged one another with tears full of joy and love. During that time I broke down. Just then a complete stranger, along with his 12 year old son stepped forward and supported me till I calmed down.

I know we are all twigs meeting and parting while drifting along the stream of life, but ever since I met these three “twigs”, the world seems connected and the much heard about “oneness” has start making sense.

Here is a 4-liner poem, full of gratitude and awe.


When a stranger little girl, walks up and starts sharing her treasures,
When a stranger old woman, takes a picture and begins a conversation,
When a stranger man, steps forward to support and gives a comforting hug,
Then this world, full of strangers seems to be connected and oneness happens.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

When loving let there be a smooth flow (poem)

When loving,
let there be no blocks,
let there be no pushing,
let there be a smooth flow.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Let Love be the Bridge towards Peace

After a recent emotional breakdown, I saw soldiers across national boorders suffering and crying silently, for what they were doing and witnessing.

Rightafter that I had a vision that, soldiers fighting on both sides are wiping each other's tears and hugging each other. Their precious pearls are screaming, “Our souls are crying. We do not wish to fight. We do not wish to kill. We wish to love and be loved. Please don't ask us to fight."

I feel very strongly that all wars must end, NOW, be it across national borders, coldness in the community, frustrations within family members or anger within. This can be accomplished only by love.

So, please join me in this effort, to love ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our community, our country, our world, and all beings on this planet. Let us look at the person sitting/standing next to us lovingly, lets smile at the kids in the neighborhood lovingly, lets hug all those who are open lovingly, as if this is our only chance to love, before we die, the next moment.

Today, I remember Michael Jackson's song, “We are the world. We are the children. Lets make it a better place, just you and me....” at

Something within, is pushing me to follow this aspiration. I don't know how it will be achieved, but I do know that I trust the power of intention and that Universe (which includes all of us), somehow will arrange it to happen.

Seeking your support to make this vision come true. If you wish to reach me, for questions or suggestions, please add a comment.

Love and Peace,


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

About Sharing God's love (poem)

What could be deeper than love?
What could be greater than God?
What could be sweeter than God's love?
What could be nobler than sharing God's love?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

There's always a way out (poem)

When elevator was frozen, I took the stairs.
When wire was missing, I used the batteries.

When body was immobile, I tapped my brain.
When path was unclear, I followed my guidance.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Ways To Be (poem)

Ask like a Ph. D.,
Suggest like a spirit.

Be like a fetus,
Give like a mother.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Just Being (poem)

When I speak, for I must,

When I hug, when I must,

When I write, what I must,

When I sing, where I must,

Then I become, who I must.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

After a mess, everything changes (poem)

When a notebook accidentally gets wet,
its each and every page gets drenched,
and then even after they have dried up,
soft-smooth pages turn stiff-and-wavy.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A journey is about destination and not co-passengers (poem)

While traveling in a shuttle to the airport,
I never feel,
attached or repelled,
by the co-travelers or the driver,
then while traveling in a shuttle called life,
why do I feel,
attached or repelled,
by dear people or the relatives?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Gray is white as long as, white is not seen (poem)

When I experienced,
pure love,
then only I realized,
what impure love was.

When I experienced,
genuine respect,
then only I realized,
what disrespect was.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

I am Radha, I am Arjun (poem)

I was Radha, who worshiped Krishna,
Now, I am Radha, manifesting Krishna.

I was Arjun, trapped in emotions,
Now, I am Arjun, penetrating emotions.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Let me be (poem)

Let my soul, be devoted like Radha,
Let my mind, be focused on Krishna.

Let my body, be hugging like Amma,
Let my heart, be loving like Buddha.

Let my prayers, be sweet like Mira,
Let my stand, be truthful like Gandhi.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Soul Screams Loud (poem)

Mind may block,
Heart may murmur,
But body utters truth,
And soul screams loud.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

To Be (poem)

Let me love myself, for who I am.
Let me love all, for what they are.

Let me create space, to simply be.
Let me provide all, the space to be.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This is when I am a Spirit (poem)

When I am lying on grass, I don't miss my family.
When I am writing from heart, I don't feel hungry or tired.
When I am singing while ironing, I don't get perturbed by people.
When I am meditating in morning, I don't realize how an hour flies.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tuning into Uplifting does Help (poem)

For me, meditating, writing, singing, speaking truth, spiritual conversations, being in nature or thinking about God, enormously help me uplift my spine, as if spiraling upwards.

On the other hand, fearfulness, blaming, frustration with expectations, blocking thoughts, longing for dear people and guilt make me feel clamped, closed, curled up and low, as if spiraling downwards.

So, whenever, I am feeling low, I acknowledge it, reflect about it later, but in that moment, somehow, tune or engage into uplifting thoughts/activities and it always works.

Sometimes, thinking along the lines of, “I know my God loves me and is doing this for me to grow, let me just focus, on how?...” helps during reflection, when nothing else works.

What works for you?


I feel clamped,
around some people,
or with specific thoughts,
it is so,
because somehow,
they are able to trigger,
some of my dormant buttons.

To prevent,
myself from reacting,
I acknowledge it,
and then,
immediately drop it,
to tune into those frequencies,
which uplift me.

I feel open,
around some people,
or while carrying out actions,
it is so,
because somehow,
they are also, able to trigger,
some of my dormant buttons.

To continue,
being in that state,
I acknowledge it,
and then,
try to stay tuned,
into those frequencies,
which uplifts me.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Now, I have got to Uproot SELF PITY(poem)

Just as I need to,
regularly cut nails,
so that I don't,
scratch off my skin.

Similarly I need to,
uproot self pity,
so that I don't,
scratch off my soul.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Saturday, June 6, 2009

With God....(Chant)

With God, there are no fears.
With God, there are no problems.

With God, there are no worries.
With God, there are no complains.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Being My Self (poem)

When I speak my truth,
When I sing from heart,
When I write from soul,
Then, I am being my self.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Now, I am living my purpose (poem)

Now, I am experiencing Amma.

Now, I am radiating Krishna's love.

Now, I am feeling support of Universe.

Now, I am sharing the divine Light of God.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Faith, like love, cannot be explained (Poem)

Faith, like love, pulls.

Faith, like love, heals.

Faith, like love, completes.

Faith, like love, is or is not.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I pray, that faith rules, truth shines and compassion gives.(poem)

I pray, that my ego dissolves and spirit rules.

I pray, that my doer-ship decreases and gratitude increases.

I pray, that each one of my expectation gets replaced by giving.

I pray, that I observe all thoughts in Light, without shoving or grasping.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

God, make me CAREFREE, once again (poem)

Dear God,

In college days,

I never complained,
instead I was always cheerful,

I did not let worry eat me,
instead I divided it in small bits,

I had no people problem,
instead I loved all friends and strangers,

I did not have any fears,
instead I sang and laughed through exams.

I know You can do anything,
so please, please make me Carefree once again.

Determined to seek it ONLY from Your Lotus Feet,

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Wisdom is giving what one is seeking (poem)

Dear God,

to the one,
who is seeking,
pure love,
let me offer divine love,

to the one,
who is seeking,
to calm the mind,
let me share tested tools,

to the one,
who is seeking,
relief from pain,
let me suggest constant praying,

to the one,
who is seeking,
financial security,
let me provide monetary security.

Allow me to be used as Your instrument,

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

What matters in this moment? (poem)

All that matters is,
how joyful I can be,
in this present moment,
loving the people I am with,
enjoying the home I am living in,
cherishing the beauty that nature is,
smiling through each unfolding event,
and embracing all that is, the way it truly is.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Why can't I just be with God? (poem)

do I expect,
him to act,
according to my wishes?

do I feel frustrated,
with a lack of support,
from him?

do I complain,
with flooding tears,
each time he hurts me?

do I fear constantly,
that he would get mad,
about it?

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

I need to do something about my first reaction (poem)

I find myself resisting,
my thoughts or someone's,
I need to begin, allowing whatever Is.

I see myself expecting,
anything from another human,
I need to initiate, giving Universal love.

I sense myself fearing,
something from another human,
I need to trigger, seeking Divine protection.

I hear myself blaming,
anyone about his meanness,
I need to start, empathizing with Compassion.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)