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Saturday, June 27, 2009

When strangers connect... (poem)

In the month of June, 2009, I met complete strangers and yet, experienced some of the most memorable warm moments of my life.

I was sitting on a chair next to the lake full of lotuses at Amma's San Ramon Ashram and this little girl
walks up and starts a conversation. Then she gifts me with her dearest-treasured possessions of flexible stems and butterfly-shaped leaves. I was touched by her sharing and loving.

While, that was happening, an elderly woman approached me and showed me a picture she had taken of me talking to this little girl. Soon after, we got talking like old friends and then she left me with a motherly hug. But before leaving she took my address and later mailed me a picture, of that precious moment.

Then, the other day, I was at a local humanitarian conference and in one of the meditations we were asked to evoke our deep love for a dear friend meeting after decades and then to get up and hug everyone in the room. At the end of the meditation, everyone hugged one another with tears full of joy and love. During that time I broke down. Just then a complete stranger, along with his 12 year old son stepped forward and supported me till I calmed down.

I know we are all twigs meeting and parting while drifting along the stream of life, but ever since I met these three “twigs”, the world seems connected and the much heard about “oneness” has start making sense.

Here is a 4-liner poem, full of gratitude and awe.


When a stranger little girl, walks up and starts sharing her treasures,
When a stranger old woman, takes a picture and begins a conversation,
When a stranger man, steps forward to support and gives a comforting hug,
Then this world, full of strangers seems to be connected and oneness happens.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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