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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Respect Vs Love (poem)

may or may not be,
of the same frequency,
between the two lovers.

however is always,
of the same frequency,
between two individuals.

Hari Aum Tat Sat


Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Gunjan

I was going through your blog. All these posting have definitive phylosphical meaning but at number of places it is not clearly emerging. For example I could not understand how respect can be equal but not love. Would you like to post what was thought behind this poem.

Gunjan said...

Thanks for asking me.

I feel that when two people love each other, one may love with lust and the other may love without lust, just pure love.

But respect is always for the true spirit within each one of us, so that if it really exits between two people, it would be the same.

Did I answer your question?
