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Sunday, July 18, 2010

All that matters is how loving and alive, I am in this moment...(poem)

Why is it, that I keep pulling my yesterday's miserable interaction into my present?
Why is it, that I keep focusing my attention, on how to make my future interactions with that person better?

When I know, for sure that, anything may change and the past circumstances may never ever surface again.
When I have realized that, I may not live the next moment, and it is not very smart to plan for the next 40 years, now.

So, does that mean I stop planning what's ahead in my life altogether - in terms of hours, days, weeks or even decades?
No, it surely does not mean that, perhaps, this awareness is taking me to a new thought pattern, in which I am choosing to be happy, now.

I remember seeing my 2 and 3 year old nieces fighting over a ball, when the younger one suddenly decided to let go of that ball to her elder cousin.
And she turned away and found another ball to play with and totally forgot about their fight, whereas the elder sister held on to the ball and the grumpiness.

Makes me feel, somewhere, I have got to be like the younger niece, make efforts to interact with who ever is available, in LOVING spirits as long as that person reciprocates.
But, if its not so, I turn my focus into something interesting, by letting go of my expectations and remaining open to how the next interaction with the same person goes, when it happens.

Aum Tat Sat

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