Surrender, Listen and Give

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am not my shadows, and so are not others

In divine Light, I saw that, the person who was upsetting me in my darkness,
wasn't really that person, it was his shadow, which was triggering my shadow; beacuse somewhere, I had a matching shadow and they were resonating.

So, all this time, it was my shadow jiving with that persons shadow; and the one my shadow dances most to is to the tune of ego, expectation, judgement, desires, imposing, resistance and emotional attachments, sensitivity rolling out as tears.

Wow, I did not know all this; and I had been blaming these beautiful people in my life as the source of all the mess, when it wasn't their mess, it was all the time mine, which was keeping me from reconnecting to my beautiful-unconditionally-loving Self.

This morning, I saw that I am a pure soul and so are my husband, my kids and all people in my thoughts; all that friction that surfaces during each of my interaction is nothing but my own reflection, getting hyper and telling me, "Gunjan, here I am controlling you, I have been with you for many lives, I rule your life. Know that."

And then, another voice asks me, "Do you want to keep them forever, cling on to them, or would like to shed these dissipating energy sources and feel lighter so that you can really love...."

Thank God, for showing me this perspective.

I surrender all of my shadows God, make me Light.

AUM TAT SAT (God is Truth)

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