Surrender, Listen and Give

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Love is shifting my responses (poem)

This is what happened on March 3, 2011.

I saw the person I love's face in pain, my heart melted and
I found myself empathizing with anyone in pain, even if that person is blaming me for no fault of mine; only because that person is experiencing it as a pain.

My justifications used to turn into indifference, but now, I am witnessing them transforming into empathy and apologies.

It feels beautiful. Thank you God.


Someone wrote me in an email,
that he was very upset with me,
with how he felt during interaction,
my first thought was, "But I didn't mean to..",
then it was, "Ok, fine he is choosing to be upset..",
later, I went out for my walk, ended with my prayer,
and I saw the face of the one I love, full of anger & pain,
immediately, I felt sorry; & replied that email with my apologies.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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