Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Its time, for me to be present in my present (poem)

At age 38, I began meditating,
and it started cleansing my heart,
then I invited the soul of my Master,
He showed me, that my heart had no space.

One of the stuff, was to acknowledge,
to myself, that at age 16, I loved someone,
and at 42, I met him, to express my past feelings,
but, when I came home, I felt it was not yet complete.

We communicated, in the soul language,
and I realized, that I had to express affection,
then followed beautiful-yet-very-confusing moments,
for I was honoring the divine will, in absolute surrender.

Recently, I saw, that in our past life together,
I had died in his arms, without expressing affection,
that made me joyous, like completing a million piece puzzle,
and this clarity enables me to say bye to past, to focus on present.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)

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