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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am so glad I meditated in cold this morning

This morning I had to go for the routine blood tests with fasting. I reached there at 6:30 am, to be able to meditate for 1 hour, before the lab opens.

It wasn't extremely cold and I thought it would be like how I had meditated early morning on one of the camping grounds.

But, I was hungry and extremely cold, despite the jackets, mittens and blanket; sitting outside in the open on a not-so-cold January morning.

For the first time I felt the discomfort of all those homeless people, who have to sleep on the road, without food. It was difficult for me to focus on God, the Divine Light within me with love; and this is me, someone who has been meditating steadily for 4 yrs and 9 months.

In that 1 hour, I experienced the pain, of all those whose basic need of a warm shelter (in cold winter) and food has not been met. I registered, they can never meditate or focus on God with love? Even if they will call God, it will be for their needs/survival, out of fear and not to offer love to God.

So, God, when I offer my love during mediatation, I wish that the whole Universe experience this bliss. But today, I pray for each person and living beings on the streets, all over the world, to be blessed with a warm shelter, food and clothing; so that they can love Thee, with all their heart.

God, Today I feel privileged, that I have all that I need. Thank you God for this awareness.

Please, use me as Thy instrument to share the joy of loving Thee, and praying for all, so that they get what they need to seek and reach Thee.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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