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Monday, March 19, 2012

I felt like Hindu-College-Gunjan at 10 pm (poem)

This Sunday on a very cold-rainy day,
I was out first for 7:30 am meditation,
then, I left out at 10:30 am for a ceremony,
once again out at 4 pm for the week's grocery.

At 8:30 pm, I was done with cooking/eating dinner,
I was dead tired, called up my neighbor on seeing her call,
only to find out, she had been running bad cold since wednesday,
"What about food?", she said, "I bought Dal & Roti from store."

At 9 pm, my world peace prayer time, I was thinking,
she has a bad cold, she needs to sip on fluids, hot fluids,
she needs home cooked food, some vegetable stew & ginger water,
I called her up to stay up for another 10 minutes, "Don't sleep, ok".

I went into the kitchen, freshly seasoned the stew in refrigerator,
squeezed out fresh lemon juice on top, boiled grated ginger in water,
warmed up some rice in a bowl, a little halwa and dropped it off to her,
at 10, I was cleaning kitchen feeling light, joyous, like a worry-free teenager.


Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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