Surrender, Listen and Give

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Surrendering Leads to Peace (poem)

This morning, I woke up with the idea that all Peace is within.

During meditation, I reflected on my past experiences, as to how being attached to people leads me towards confusion and how surrendering my thoughts leads me towards Peace.

Since, I clearly know that my goal in life is Peace. Now, I also know one of the paths to to get there.

The secret path is to keep on surrendering my attachments (within the first 90 seconds of shooting out), and clamping their growth into a vicious tree.


Attachment leads to Longing,
Longing leads to Expectations,
Expectations lead to Frustration,
And Frustrations lead to Chaos.

Surrendering leads to Honesty,
Honesty leads to Truthfulness,
Truthfulness leads to Courage,
And Courage leads to Peace.


Aum Tat Sat

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