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Friday, December 12, 2008

Twig Floating Down the Stream (poem)

In the mid afternoon meditation, I found myself contemplating about my wish to visit an Ashram in India, longing to meet dear ones in India and frustrations with my sick body in US.

In that moment, I heard, “Float like a twig in the stream. Enjoy the journey in the stream of Lord Krishna. Each moment as it is now, is what Krishna has chosen for me. If I really love Krishna, then I will love all that He is arranging for me each moment, including the sickness. There is no need to wish or to ask, for He knows all my needs and is doing the needful. Just Trust Destiny and its Creator, Krishna.”

Then, I visualized myself becoming a twig, which has surrendered to the fresh, clear down stream of Krishna. In my beautiful journey, I am crossing pebbles, rocks and saying bye to the stationary trees. I am joyous, for I am with Krishna. Nothing else mattered in that moment.

I came out of the mediation feeling content, with no more wishing to wish anything.


I aspire to,

splash in water, like a naughty child,

bounce off rocks, like an expert gymnast,

trust the direction of stream, like a new baby,

and flow with the contentment, like being with God.

Aum Tat Sat

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