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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Self Inductance (poem)

In Physics, Inductance is the property of an electrical circuit, where a change in the current flowing through that circuit induces a force (called, EMF) which in turn, opposes the change which is causing it (that is change in current).

When a coil of current in induces such an opposition to its own current flow, it is called self-inductance.

When I was contemplating about this poem, it became clear how my resistance aides the thoughts, I wish to resist.

To paraphrase, it is a sheer waste of energy trying to resist any thought.

And the moral is, Let All Thoughts Be.


When I resist a thought, I push.

And each time I push, I use my force.

But when I force, I consume my energy.

Since energy transfers, it strengthens what I resist.

Aum Tat Sat

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