Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Opening Up (poem)

These are somethings, I realized while allowing myself to open up, to release myself from a lot that I have accumulated.

It is an overwhelming process, but I like it, for I KNOW, that only when I will create the space then only Divine Light will be able to illuminate. It is obvious, that if I place a box on top of a torch, I can't assume its light to penetrate. I have got to remove that block to see the light.

Now, I have opened the door of my heart to move the heavy boxes out.

Now, I seek my Light to illuminate my heart and the Universe to accompany me in this journey, like a loving friend.




while waiting,



steam up,

while longing.


with love,

is for all beings,


a hug,

is for those,

who are open to receive.

Aum Tat Sat

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