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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dreams DO Come True (poem)

In June, 07, I had dreamed of teaching Physics via exploration, to school kids.

In October, 07, I successfully experimented it with 4th/ 5th graders in my daughter's class.

In February, 08, I started seeking financial support from local companies, ignoring everyone's sarcasm.

In February, 09, I heard from a company, that they have sent a humble check towards materializing this dream.

This inspires me to keep on dreaming, seeking, trusting, receiving and sharing, for Universe is waiting, out there, to fulfill.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)


Anonymous said...

I sometimes visit your Blog to get an update on your thoughts which you very well express through your poems.
However, when I checked this one, teaching Physics through exploration, it aroused my curiosity. I am not a science enthusiast but always want that children should be taught through exploration as Gandhiji always wanted. Would it not be a good idea if you could write in detail on your Blog about this project.I live in New Delhi and interested in spirituality, social change and matters which don't matters much these days.

Gunjan said...

Hi Vibhu,

Good to hear from you.
I have written about this on my blog (Oct. 2007) at

Do read it and let me know.

One thing I have learned is that,
we need to do whatever we wish to alone (can't wait for people, even the one who love us), but surely can seek like hearted/spirited companions from Universe. And it holds good for all things in life, including walking this spiritual path.

It is lonesome, but not so, because you have connected with me and none of us is any longer lonely. Right?

Thanks for writing, reading and asking.

If you want, you may reach me offline at

Sending you God's love,