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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

God never closes His door. (poem)

I had experienced God's hug,
in an embrace of a pure soul.

And, I thought, the pure soul,
a finite, was perhaps Infinite.

But, then, one day, pure soul,
touched me without his Divine.

That day, I cried and cried,
for, I sensed, he wasn't God.

Then, I sensed sacredness,
in contact with the pure soul.

And, again, I thought, that
pure soul, of a finite is God.

But, then, one day, pure soul,
literally, closed his doors.

That day, I laughed and cried,
for, I registered, he wasn't It.

For, I know, for sure, that,
God, never closes His door.

For, I know, for sure, that,
God, is always very calm.

Aum Tat Sat

Aum Tat Sat

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