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Friday, September 4, 2009

No Contradiction = Peace (poem)

To open the garage, I pressed the remote from outside,
but just then my son pressed the switch, from the inside,
and as a result, the garage opened and then closed again,
in that moment, I felt perhaps it could have been avoided.
Hari Aum Tat Sat


Anonymous said...

What is the thought behind this so called poem. It looks more like a childs scribling who is told to write some couplet in rhyme. so is true for all other couplets. There is no thought or meaning behind any of them. Put somethig which reflects some understanding of all these heavy words used in these couplets.

Gunjan said...

The point in heavy words is that,
if one triggers and the other does not, there is no reflection of frustration.

Thanks for pointing out that it wasn't clear.


Anonymous said...

I am researching blogs to study level of contemporary poetry. My survey of the poems produced by youngsters especially bloggers shows and that lot more is expected of concept and articulation.

god bless

Gunjan said...

I am not writing for competition.

I am writing only to cleanse myself and if it helps someone fine, else let it go. for it is serving my purpose.

God Bless You,