Surrender, Listen and Give

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Boys are boys, girls are girls, God, they are poles apart (poem)

I was at the childcare of my meditation group, after doing a Physics exercise for an hour on liquids having different densities, with oil and water; on their request I let them have free play time in that huge hall. This is what I observed.

All boys from age 6 to 16 were busy chasing the ball,
throwing up, catching it, pushing each other to get it, and even snatching it.

Younger girls around age 7 were busy in pretend games,
and the older girls between 10 to13 were busy talking, playing with toddlers.

No wonder, these little ones turn into adults poles apart,
men busy with golf/blackberries, and women talking about kids/ other people.

In that moment, I wondered how would these two ever connect,
when they both speak different languages and are sitting on far away planets.

Perhaps, just like oil and water which always appear as separate layers,
but they too could be blended together by beating with a fork and external force.

I do know that somewhere, there exists a fork of communication,
and a loving force of perspective, which can surely blend them together into one.

Aum Tat Sat

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