There is something within me,
which feels happy, when someone is kind to me,
and it feels very sad, when someone is unkind to me,
but, neither am I these feelings, nor am I, that "something".
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
About Me
Blog Archive
- God, bless me to push aside all that I am not (poem)
- What do I do? (poem)
- Who knows whats good or bad? (poem)
- Presence Matters (poem)
- 4 tools to create my world from my word (poem)
- Before I seek Universe to support my words, I need...
- Seeking prayers to nourish the needy
- Big thrills in baby steps (poem)
- Help me nourish the needy
- Awareness Matters (poem)
- What an honorable moment (poem)
- Honor your feelings and manifest your empowered lo...
- Today, I feel like hugging and kissing everyone (p...
- The ball is in my court (poem)
- Love has no language (poem)
- Today, I am ready to fully express myself...(poem)
- Today, I honor myself...(poem)
- When I express fully, I am peace (poem)
- Everything exists in duality (poem)
- We are all here to love (poem)
- Newton's 3rd law holds good for feelings, too (poem)
- Kindness is...
- The only wisdom, is these (poem)
- Neither did I feel full, nor energetic, why did I ...
- Thank You God, for all the people in my life (poem)
- God, become my Recognition (poem)
- All I need to do is Surrender (poem)
- My tears revealed my dictionary (poem)
- When I seek only from within, then I am fine (poem)
- Seek all from God and then...(poem)
- OMG, My world is shifting (poem)
- I am here, to love (poem)
- Attachment is attachment...(poem)
- I am peace, like the clear blue sky...(poem)
- God, Krishna, Gurus bless me with these in every b...
- Its God's world, and not man's (poem)
- I am responsible...(poem)
- This is the only moment, nothing else (poem)
- What a wonderful mother-hugging-son sleep? (poem)
- When helplessness strikes, gratitude saves (poem)
- We may not be able to express our love to each oth...
- Just sending out lGod's love....(poem)
- Now, "this is going to happen" (poem)
- Today, I surrender my,...(poem)
- Sweeter memories (poem)
- Same incident, different experiences (poem)
- What really matters-my bodies looks or its signals...
- Body Vs Mind (poem)
- With God, I can do anything (poem)
- Its time to turn (poem)
- Remembering and Forgetting (poem)
- I am creating my own life (poem)
- Hos do I serve you, God? (poem)
- Honoring Love Vs Pursuing Lust (poem)
- Wetness messes, attachment pains (poem)
- Simple joys (poem)
- This the perfect moment (poem)
- God, is the goal of my life (poem)
- Ages old story, with a new turn (poem)
- Wows (poem)
- Awareness Matters (poem)
- Nature teach me... (poem)
- Thank you God for erasing my helplessness (poem)
- This is what I love in nature... (poem)
- Love Vs Divine Love (poem)
- Let noise be, Gunjan you be calm (poem)
- Thats listening
- I am choosing joy over attention (poem)
- Let noise be, Gunjan you be within (poem)
- I feel someone's pain...(poem)
- These are some of my triggers...(poem)
- Body is the best sensor (poem)
- Choose the neighborhood, Gunjan (poem)
- Its my responsibility (poem)
- Hare hare Krishna, hare hare... (poem)
- Its all in the mind (poem)
- Thank You Mother Earth (poem)
- Why Hurry? (poem)
- Watch out (poem)
- I am a victim of my conversations (poem)
- God, make me who I naturally am (poem)
- Those 6 hours (poem)
- We are all helplessly acting under our Samskaras (...
- In search of High school for my daughter (poem)
- God, heal me so that I can heal (poem)
- Whispered words of wisdom - Let it be (poem)
- Empowerment...(poem)
- Thank you God for the wonderful morning (poem)
- On my way back Home (poem)
- My abuser, is transforming me into a healer (poem)
- Just like me, everyone... (poem)
- Momentum matters (poem)
- Silence is magical (poem)
- I am aware, my subconscious is tearing me (poem)
- Let others be (poem)
- I am the creator of my life (poem)
- Pyar ko pyar hi rehne do koi naam na do (poem)
- Whats the point, if I can't enjoy each moment (poem)
- Amidst all that is, I am fine (poem)
- Thank you God for this...(poem)
- The golden key to peace (poem)
- Noise Vs Aroma (poem)
- What a wonderful day!! (poem)
- Taare zameen pe... (poem)
- God, take care of my needs (poem)
- O Master, I need You (poem)
- Bless me to experience the mergence (poem)
- When am I at peace?
- Responsibility shifts the scene (poem)
- God, use me as Thy instrument to share Thy ease (p...
- Gunjan, to prevent collisions, take each moment li...
- O Creator, bless me to seek only Thee (poem)
- God, You are the best (poem)
- All is well, when, I am with God (poem)
- Now, my mind cannot stop me from loving, for, I NE...
- The hardest thing for me, is to stop myself from l...
- God says, "Face fears with Courage, not by searchi...
- So far, I was ignorant, now, I am not (poem)
- Just this..
- God resides in my heart as Love (poem)
- Now, I 've got to love, even if another judges, fo...
- What I seek, I've begin giving (poem)
- God, Krishna, Guru (GKG) be with me (poem)
- If I can love one person whole heartedly, then I c...
- Life is...(poem)
- I am calm, when...(poem)
- I am the Master, I had been waiting (poem)
- Finding love on the street (poem)
- When I sense love...(poem)
- Love teaches how to love...(poem)
- A friend shared it with me (story)
- I feel uplifted, when I remember...(Poem)
- Empowerment Vs Helplessness (poem)
- Today, I choose my goal over my desire (poem)
- All is well, for... (poem)
- This moment is perfect (poem)
- Love heals me, and judgement stabs me (poem)
- To be at ease, deflect ease (poem)
- Its time, for me to be present in my present (poem)
- All I need to do...(poem)
- While driving, I was praying (poem)
- How can I be with Thee? (poem)
- Shifting soothes me (poem)
- Yesterday, my son inspired me (poem)
- Manifest appropriately (poem)
- Today, I feel complete and done (poem)
- The journey from pain to equanimity (poem)
- Explaining clarifies, justifying weakens (poem)
- Yahoo, I had forgotten my wish, but Universe had n...
- Kindness returned, so must indifference (poem)
- Walking through unknown areas = fresh perspective ...
- Now, I can have fun for the sake of it (poem)
- TYG for Thy signals (poem)
- Now, my God is leading me (poem)
- Only love creates bonds, nothing else (poem)
- Equanimity, is the key to inner joy (poem)
- For my son, on his 8th Birthday
- Beware men, who don't respect women (poem)
- Its high time I seek everything from within for......
- Love happens, but hatred is created (poem)
- Mind Vs Wisdom (poem)
- It feels different now (poem)
- In Love...(poem)
- Perhaps, this is unconditional love
- Have you ever seen gratitude, for I just saw it.
- This is the million dollar question I asked myself...
- O my Krishna...(poem)
- Chari, take me home (poem)
- Who can love me more than God? (poem)
- He is my special friend (poem)
- Sweet dreams are made of these...(poem)
- Victory always follows frustration (poem)
- Its all in the experience (poem)
- Gunjan, choose carefully, in each moment (poem)
- God, please make me love (poem)
- These are some of my wishes....(poem)
- Everything is happening as per divine plan (poem)
- When I am with Krishna....(poem)
- Let desires arise, be honored and released; just l...
- YIELD (poem)
- Law of conservation of energy (poem)
- Thank You God for "that" drizzle of love (poem)
- Love, Faith, Light (poem)
- We are all same (poem)
- Laws of Reflection (especially dedicated to over 40)
- As I think, my world becomes (poem)
- Wow, what an inspiring moment (poem)
- Hate the sin, not the sinner... (poem)
- And I laughed at myself, really hard (poem)
- Everyone is God's child, so is Osama...(poem)
- When God is one....(poem)
- I am not sense organs or mind, I am just Your mirr...
- Hmm, he does make me feel helpless with his fears ...
- Wow, he does make me desire with this "kind of a" ...
- Honestly Speaking...(poem)
- He makes my heart sing (poem)
- Mirror, mirror, teach me how to deflect? (poem)
- Now, I am complete....(poem)
- I've got to give it all to God, both good and bad ...
- I have every reason to smile when....(poem)
- Now, I am choosing joy over happiness (poem)
- Climb every mountain, search high and low.,..(poem)
- When oneness permeates (poem)
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
What do I do? (poem)
Let Will Focus.
Let Word Manifest.
Let Silence Speak.
Let Actions Create.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Let Word Manifest.
Let Silence Speak.
Let Actions Create.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Who knows whats good or bad? (poem)
I missed the train by few seconds.
I had waved to the driver, but he did not open the doors.
I mumbled things against him, and his unkindness, I became a victim.
Then, soon I realized, there I go again, what about my word to thank God for eveything.
I was in extreme pain in a relationship.
I seeked God incessantly and felt Thy connection.
What could have been better reward than finding God within?
So, should I continue to mourn over the bitterness or go out to celebrate that day each year?
I was on the phone with someone in extreme pain.
He needed to be with someone, when his soul was crying.
I happened to be there, and our silent presence brought us close.
Was that a moment to regret or to dive into the joy of creating a loving bond, overthrowing our mind-stuff?
Each moment, every interaction, and situation is happening.
Who knows whether its happening for my good, or for the good of Universe?
All, I know now is that my mind-stuff creates a default reaction, based on my patterns.
The real growth, which is challenging, is to just be full of gratitude and faith, totally present, through all that is, as is.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I had waved to the driver, but he did not open the doors.
I mumbled things against him, and his unkindness, I became a victim.
Then, soon I realized, there I go again, what about my word to thank God for eveything.
I was in extreme pain in a relationship.
I seeked God incessantly and felt Thy connection.
What could have been better reward than finding God within?
So, should I continue to mourn over the bitterness or go out to celebrate that day each year?
I was on the phone with someone in extreme pain.
He needed to be with someone, when his soul was crying.
I happened to be there, and our silent presence brought us close.
Was that a moment to regret or to dive into the joy of creating a loving bond, overthrowing our mind-stuff?
Each moment, every interaction, and situation is happening.
Who knows whether its happening for my good, or for the good of Universe?
All, I know now is that my mind-stuff creates a default reaction, based on my patterns.
The real growth, which is challenging, is to just be full of gratitude and faith, totally present, through all that is, as is.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Presence Matters (poem)
keep me in darkness, and therefore away from presence.
keep me in Light, and therefore in absolute presence.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
keep me in darkness, and therefore away from presence.
keep me in Light, and therefore in absolute presence.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
4 tools to create my world from my word (poem)
Honoring my word.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Honoring my word.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Before I seek Universe to support my words, I need to honor them
I told my neighbor to pick up his packet and forgot about it.
I told my son to play cards with him and then rushed away for meeting.
I told a friend to pick up her daughter and then forgot to keep my cell phone with me.
When, I am not honoring my own word, then how can I expect Universe to honor & support my word???
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I told my son to play cards with him and then rushed away for meeting.
I told a friend to pick up her daughter and then forgot to keep my cell phone with me.
When, I am not honoring my own word, then how can I expect Universe to honor & support my word???
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Seeking prayers to nourish the needy
Mountain View, Ca, US
Presently, underprivileged kids all over the world eat, either what their parents can afford or what gets thrown towards them as a donation. And it pains me when I see them (in India) being rebuked away from digging food out of the trash bins in front of nice restaurants, for they are spoiling the ambiance of that restaurant. Whenever I am with my kids, nieces and nephews in a fine restaurant, I think about these kids, as to how will they ever get a chance to be in such ambience to be served with love and honor; for all kids are same and they must be desiring what my kids do.
If nothing is done about it, these kids will continue to feel deprived of eating in a nice ambiance, where food is cooked with attention and served with extra care. It will continue to haunt them with a lot of pain.
One way out, is to serve them with genuine love, the nourishing food at a nice restaurant.
I am aspiring to nourish 25 needy kids in California (on Feb. 2nd, 2012) and 25 needy kids in Delhi (on Feb. 17, 2012), with love, honor and oneness. Please pray for the underprivileged kids and that the Universe arranges for me, whatever is needed to make it happen.
Immediately, this will honor these kids and fulfill one of their deep buried desires. In the long run it may motivate them as a sweet memory, to focus on studying and getting a decent job to create many more such exposures themselves.
I appreciate your reading and would like you to share it in your network. I would also love to hear your thoughts about it, via email/phone or on my blog Surrender, Listen and Give(
May God bless you,
Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty
Dr. G
Thanking God for Everything
Mountain View, Ca, US
Presently, underprivileged kids all over the world eat, either what their parents can afford or what gets thrown towards them as a donation. And it pains me when I see them (in India) being rebuked away from digging food out of the trash bins in front of nice restaurants, for they are spoiling the ambiance of that restaurant. Whenever I am with my kids, nieces and nephews in a fine restaurant, I think about these kids, as to how will they ever get a chance to be in such ambience to be served with love and honor; for all kids are same and they must be desiring what my kids do.
If nothing is done about it, these kids will continue to feel deprived of eating in a nice ambiance, where food is cooked with attention and served with extra care. It will continue to haunt them with a lot of pain.
One way out, is to serve them with genuine love, the nourishing food at a nice restaurant.
I am aspiring to nourish 25 needy kids in California (on Feb. 2nd, 2012) and 25 needy kids in Delhi (on Feb. 17, 2012), with love, honor and oneness. Please pray for the underprivileged kids and that the Universe arranges for me, whatever is needed to make it happen.
Immediately, this will honor these kids and fulfill one of their deep buried desires. In the long run it may motivate them as a sweet memory, to focus on studying and getting a decent job to create many more such exposures themselves.
I appreciate your reading and would like you to share it in your network. I would also love to hear your thoughts about it, via email/phone or on my blog Surrender, Listen and Give(
May God bless you,
Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty
Dr. G
Thanking God for Everything
serving with love,
Monday, December 12, 2011
Big thrills in baby steps (poem)
I decided to take Caltrain followed by Muni,
instead of driving to San Francisco for a workshop.
I called up the venue and asked for directions,
looked into the internet, but got only caltrain timings.
I decided to move on and find out about muni later,
I stepped into caltrain, asked the ticket checker about it.
He said something quiet unlike the host from the venue,
I decided to follow his map and boarded the muni with a thrill.
This was my first time in the muni talking to the driver,
who informed me when to get off at my stop, and how to reach venue.
I landed into the central city with live music and dancers,
I danced my way to the venue, thrilled with adventure into uncertainty.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
instead of driving to San Francisco for a workshop.
I called up the venue and asked for directions,
looked into the internet, but got only caltrain timings.
I decided to move on and find out about muni later,
I stepped into caltrain, asked the ticket checker about it.
He said something quiet unlike the host from the venue,
I decided to follow his map and boarded the muni with a thrill.
This was my first time in the muni talking to the driver,
who informed me when to get off at my stop, and how to reach venue.
I landed into the central city with live music and dancers,
I danced my way to the venue, thrilled with adventure into uncertainty.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Help me nourish the needy
Presently, underprivileged kids all over the world eat, either what their parents can afford or what gets sometimes thrown towards them as a donation.
If nothing is done about it, these kids will continue to feel deprived of eating in a nice ambiance, where food is cooked with love and served with extra care . It will continue to haunt them with a lot of pain.
One way out, is to serve them with genuine love, the nourishing food from (and if possible at), your nice restaurant.
Immediately, this will honor these kids and fulfill one of their deep buried desires . In the long run it will motivate them as a sweet memory, to focus on studying and getting a decent job to create many more such exposures themselves.
I aspire to nourish the needy kids all over the world.
I seek a chance to have 25 kids (or kids with parents) over at your restaurant, and serve your delicacies with love, just as I do it for my own kids/nieces/nephews at your restaurant.
This is your chance to be a role model for your competitors, by inspiring other restaurants to feed free of cost those who really need it. Your instant reward would be the smiles of gratification in the eyes of those kids, resulting in blissful sleep that night.
Are you with me on this?
Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty
Dr. G
If nothing is done about it, these kids will continue to feel deprived of eating in a nice ambiance, where food is cooked with love and served with extra care . It will continue to haunt them with a lot of pain.
One way out, is to serve them with genuine love, the nourishing food from (and if possible at), your nice restaurant.
Immediately, this will honor these kids and fulfill one of their deep buried desires . In the long run it will motivate them as a sweet memory, to focus on studying and getting a decent job to create many more such exposures themselves.
I aspire to nourish the needy kids all over the world.
I seek a chance to have 25 kids (or kids with parents) over at your restaurant, and serve your delicacies with love, just as I do it for my own kids/nieces/nephews at your restaurant.
This is your chance to be a role model for your competitors, by inspiring other restaurants to feed free of cost those who really need it. Your instant reward would be the smiles of gratification in the eyes of those kids, resulting in blissful sleep that night.
Are you with me on this?
Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty
Dr. G
Friday, December 9, 2011
Awareness Matters (poem)
I have always been focused on how does something needs to look like,
as if, I had a reference image for each interaction,
and whenever that actual event did not match,
which was mostly, I was disappointed.
But, right here and right now, in this moment, I can see its hollowness,
for all that really matters, is how I am experiencing,
and whenever I've been present with my awareness,
which has been rare, I was surprised.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
as if, I had a reference image for each interaction,
and whenever that actual event did not match,
which was mostly, I was disappointed.
But, right here and right now, in this moment, I can see its hollowness,
for all that really matters, is how I am experiencing,
and whenever I've been present with my awareness,
which has been rare, I was surprised.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
What an honorable moment (poem)
I have always honored God.
I have always honored marriage.
Now, I honor God's choice of my husband.
Today, I deeply honor, who fought to marry me.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I have always honored marriage.
Now, I honor God's choice of my husband.
Today, I deeply honor, who fought to marry me.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I am creating the life of my choices (poem)
I am creator of my life.
I am complete and divine.
I am responsible for myself.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
I am honoring my values.
I am honoring my feelings.
I am honoring my aspirations.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
I am sharing with joy.
I am speaking with courage.
I am listening with presence.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
I am offering choices.
I am accepting criticism.
I am recognizing reflections.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am complete and divine.
I am responsible for myself.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
I am honoring my values.
I am honoring my feelings.
I am honoring my aspirations.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
I am sharing with joy.
I am speaking with courage.
I am listening with presence.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
I am offering choices.
I am accepting criticism.
I am recognizing reflections.
I am choosing to live powerfully.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, November 21, 2011
Let God take over (poem)
I have resisted so much and I keep on wishing this person in my life to be that way.
In this morning's meditation, I saw that I all I need is to let everyone be,
and keep calling God.
And to remind myself, "Gunjan, just be with all that is with complete faith, for God is doing it for Gunjan's good; even if this Gunjan cannot see it."
That this little Gunjan in mind feels tormented, but when she accepts all that is with "Thank You God", then the infinite God literally takes over, and Gunjan is at ease.
Faith Matters!!
Just let everything be.
Say thank You God and let God take over.
Just let everybody be.
Say thank You God and let God take over.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
In this morning's meditation, I saw that I all I need is to let everyone be,
and keep calling God.
And to remind myself, "Gunjan, just be with all that is with complete faith, for God is doing it for Gunjan's good; even if this Gunjan cannot see it."
That this little Gunjan in mind feels tormented, but when she accepts all that is with "Thank You God", then the infinite God literally takes over, and Gunjan is at ease.
Faith Matters!!
Just let everything be.
Say thank You God and let God take over.
Just let everybody be.
Say thank You God and let God take over.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
How can I train a dragon? (poem)
With faith,
overcome my fears.
With affection,
dissolve his fears.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
overcome my fears.
With affection,
dissolve his fears.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
How can I be at ease, here and now? (poem)
By thinking with love, giving up my rebellion.
By honoring my feelings, giving up my helplessness.
By listening with presence, giving up my judgements.
By speaking with possibility, giving up my justifications.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
By honoring my feelings, giving up my helplessness.
By listening with presence, giving up my judgements.
By speaking with possibility, giving up my justifications.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Once upon a day...(poem)
I did not acknowledge my own feelings,
and therefore did not honor my Self,
instead, blamed others for my pain,
and felt drained of my life energy.
I did not accept my self the way I was,
and therefore did not love my Self,
instead, judged people for judging,
and felt like a victim each time.
Today, I honor each one of my feelings,
and therefore honor my Divine Self,
instead, seek respect from God,
and feel Thy accessible Bliss.
Today, I love myself just the way I am,
and therefore accept myself totally,
instead, of searching acceptance,
and feel my God's blessing(s).
Today, I resolve to be fully responsible,
and not allow anyone to dishonor me,
instead, I honor them completely,
and feel Divine love sprinkling.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
and therefore did not honor my Self,
instead, blamed others for my pain,
and felt drained of my life energy.
I did not accept my self the way I was,
and therefore did not love my Self,
instead, judged people for judging,
and felt like a victim each time.
Today, I honor each one of my feelings,
and therefore honor my Divine Self,
instead, seek respect from God,
and feel Thy accessible Bliss.
Today, I love myself just the way I am,
and therefore accept myself totally,
instead, of searching acceptance,
and feel my God's blessing(s).
Today, I resolve to be fully responsible,
and not allow anyone to dishonor me,
instead, I honor them completely,
and feel Divine love sprinkling.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Gunjan, back then and now...(poem)
I had a glorious and a glamorous past.
Now, I am creating a simple and comfortable present.
I used to buy and wear high heels & pretty pinching shoes.
Now, I am buying and wearing comfy sneakers & fitflop sandals.
I used to carry out a conversation to please all other people.
Now, I am choosing to straight away speak about joy of loving God.
I used to seek happiness from the compliments given by everyone.
Now, I am seeking all, directly from my dearest, Lord of the Universe.
Aum Tat Sat
Now, I am creating a simple and comfortable present.
I used to buy and wear high heels & pretty pinching shoes.
Now, I am buying and wearing comfy sneakers & fitflop sandals.
I used to carry out a conversation to please all other people.
Now, I am choosing to straight away speak about joy of loving God.
I used to seek happiness from the compliments given by everyone.
Now, I am seeking all, directly from my dearest, Lord of the Universe.
Aum Tat Sat
Each day, I have a choice...(poem)
to be tired,
and feel bliss,
to be drained,
and feel helpless;
each day,
I am making a choice.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
to be tired,
and feel bliss,
to be drained,
and feel helpless;
each day,
I am making a choice.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My God is my Strength (poem)
My God is my goal.
My God is my guide.
My God is my friend.
My God is my dearest.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
My God is my guide.
My God is my friend.
My God is my dearest.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Honor your feelings and manifest your empowered loving Self
Newton's 3rd law says, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Extrapolating that to our everyday life, every interaction (with others) automatically creates an invisible-yet-experienced-as-feelings impact on all the interacting people and those who are witnessing it.
The beyond-any-control created impact, may make us more loving or in most cases, more isolated from the people in our life. If we are feeling lonely, its because, we have not accepted the impact and it still has the grip on us; and it is what is keeping us from being our loving Self. So acknowledge your feelings, release them and be your Self.
Bridge the gap between you and your default loving Self by detecting uneasiness in the body, and rooting them down to your corresponding feelings. Then, knowing what you wish to feel instead, either to focus on what you need to be working or to be at ease in your own body. Once its clear how you are feeling presently and how you you wish to feel, just give your feeling to the Universe or your God, so that you are released from its captivity.
Manifest your empowered Self by acknowledging your own feelings even if it is good or bad as per your own mind or as per what you have learned from your parents or society. Simply acknowledge your own feelings. Just let them be, see them, talk to them and surrender them to your higher power. And experience the bliss of feeling light and off ITS pressure.
Believe me, this is POSSIBLE.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The beyond-any-control created impact, may make us more loving or in most cases, more isolated from the people in our life. If we are feeling lonely, its because, we have not accepted the impact and it still has the grip on us; and it is what is keeping us from being our loving Self. So acknowledge your feelings, release them and be your Self.
Bridge the gap between you and your default loving Self by detecting uneasiness in the body, and rooting them down to your corresponding feelings. Then, knowing what you wish to feel instead, either to focus on what you need to be working or to be at ease in your own body. Once its clear how you are feeling presently and how you you wish to feel, just give your feeling to the Universe or your God, so that you are released from its captivity.
Manifest your empowered Self by acknowledging your own feelings even if it is good or bad as per your own mind or as per what you have learned from your parents or society. Simply acknowledge your own feelings. Just let them be, see them, talk to them and surrender them to your higher power. And experience the bliss of feeling light and off ITS pressure.
Believe me, this is POSSIBLE.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, October 28, 2011
Today, I feel like hugging and kissing everyone (poem)
Today, I honor myself, just the way I am.
Today, I honor each person, I meet, just the way he/she is.
Today, I honor each person, I have ever met, just the way he/she is.
Today, I see, we are the way we are, for we are being controlled by patterns.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Today, I honor each person, I meet, just the way he/she is.
Today, I honor each person, I have ever met, just the way he/she is.
Today, I see, we are the way we are, for we are being controlled by patterns.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The ball is in my court (poem)
Its my seeking attention from people,
which keeps me from tuning into my God.
Its my defensively justifying my actions,
which keeps me from actively listening with care.
Its my constantly judging whatever I see,
which keeps me from enjoying what is in my surroundings.
Its my expression of concern with enforcement,
which keeps me from fully manifesting my loving divine Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
which keeps me from tuning into my God.
Its my defensively justifying my actions,
which keeps me from actively listening with care.
Its my constantly judging whatever I see,
which keeps me from enjoying what is in my surroundings.
Its my expression of concern with enforcement,
which keeps me from fully manifesting my loving divine Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Love has no language (poem)
Its Diwali and I was missing my family.
But, I celebrated it with my kids school.
And also I shared the "halwa" in our station,
with Chinese elders and the spanish lawn mowers.
I did not know their language nor did they know mine.
But, I stopped them, the complete strangers and familiar.
I signalled with my hand sop sign, eating jesture & festival.
And they read my rolling eyes and open body, as a sharing of love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
But, I celebrated it with my kids school.
And also I shared the "halwa" in our station,
with Chinese elders and the spanish lawn mowers.
I did not know their language nor did they know mine.
But, I stopped them, the complete strangers and familiar.
I signalled with my hand sop sign, eating jesture & festival.
And they read my rolling eyes and open body, as a sharing of love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, October 21, 2011
Today, I am ready to fully express myself...(poem)
as a child, who wished to write A,B,C on walls.
as a teenager, who longed to honor her feelings.
as an adult, who seeked to express whats painful.
as a mother, who aspired to raise kids with just love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
as a teenager, who longed to honor her feelings.
as an adult, who seeked to express whats painful.
as a mother, who aspired to raise kids with just love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Today, I honor myself...(poem)
by honoring my deepest desire,
& by honoring my biggest fear.
by honoring my stubborn ways,
& by honoring my imposing self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
& by honoring my biggest fear.
by honoring my stubborn ways,
& by honoring my imposing self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, October 17, 2011
When I express fully, I am peace (poem)
When I express my anger,
yelling from the heart,
then, I also express,
my love from heart.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
yelling from the heart,
then, I also express,
my love from heart.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Everything exists in duality (poem)
To love completely,
I've got to fight fully,
for both are my expression,
and neither one exists alone.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I've got to fight fully,
for both are my expression,
and neither one exists alone.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
We are all here to love (poem)
When mind opens,
heart yells out,
soul cries loud,
then body loves.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
heart yells out,
soul cries loud,
then body loves.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Newton's 3rd law holds good for feelings, too (poem)
If someone loved me with pure heart,
there was an automatic feeling of pure love created within me.
If someone loved me with their desires,
there was an automatic feeling of loving desire created within me.
If someone suppressed me with their fear,
there was an automatic feeling of fearful rebellion created within me.
That means, if I wish to change something,
I just need to be calm with my divine Self, and it will spread calmness.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
there was an automatic feeling of pure love created within me.
If someone loved me with their desires,
there was an automatic feeling of loving desire created within me.
If someone suppressed me with their fear,
there was an automatic feeling of fearful rebellion created within me.
That means, if I wish to change something,
I just need to be calm with my divine Self, and it will spread calmness.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Kindness is...
"Being kind first to ourselves, by embracing each one of our thoughts and
then manifesting kindness to all beings, by embracing them with all their thoughts."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
then manifesting kindness to all beings, by embracing them with all their thoughts."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The only wisdom, is these (poem)
The only way to be, is calm.
The only time to be is, in now.
The only place to be at, is here.
The only route to these, is gratitude.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The only time to be is, in now.
The only place to be at, is here.
The only route to these, is gratitude.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, October 7, 2011
Neither did I feel full, nor energetic, why did I yield to laziness and eat rotten food? (poem)
I was playing scrabble, was hungry and tired,
I asked my 8 year old to get the nuts from the car,
I started eating and realized immediately, they had gone bad,
but, I continued eating, till my belly felt uneasy with loud noises.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I asked my 8 year old to get the nuts from the car,
I started eating and realized immediately, they had gone bad,
but, I continued eating, till my belly felt uneasy with loud noises.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Thank You God, for all the people in my life (poem)
I used to think,
my feelings and pain,
are due to that one person,
but, now, I realize, they are mine.
I used to think,
that person is the cause,
of my feeling drained or uneasy,
but, now, I see, they are helping me Realize.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
my feelings and pain,
are due to that one person,
but, now, I realize, they are mine.
I used to think,
that person is the cause,
of my feeling drained or uneasy,
but, now, I see, they are helping me Realize.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God, become my Recognition (poem)
God, become my Desire,
God, become my Family,
God, become my Emotion,
God, become my Shoulds.
God, become my Teacher,
God, become my Students,
God, become my Children,
God, become my Relations.
God, become my Breath,
God, become my Thought,
God, become my Movement,
God, become my Utterance.
God, become my Nature,
God, become my Krishna,
God, become my Universe,
God, become my Recognition.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God, become my Family,
God, become my Emotion,
God, become my Shoulds.
God, become my Teacher,
God, become my Students,
God, become my Children,
God, become my Relations.
God, become my Breath,
God, become my Thought,
God, become my Movement,
God, become my Utterance.
God, become my Nature,
God, become my Krishna,
God, become my Universe,
God, become my Recognition.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
All I need to do is Surrender (poem)
When someone presses my buttons,
remind me God that its their problem,
and they are simply blaming it onto me,
all I need to do, is surrender my feeling.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
remind me God that its their problem,
and they are simply blaming it onto me,
all I need to do, is surrender my feeling.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
My tears revealed my dictionary (poem)
At the dental office,
letting Dentist clean my teeth,
each time it would hurt, I told him,
and he stopped a little before proceeding.
His new assistant,
was constantly commenting,
about how to fill my lost baby tooth,
and dentist was denying most of her ideas.
It was bothering me,
both the uninvited suggestions,
and the constant noise it was creating,
but I chose to keep quiet, focusing on God.
I was hoping to tell,
the dentist at next appointment,
but, something told me to be at ease now,
"Honor your feelings and do something about them."
He was painting my teeth,
I knew the session was almost done,
but from somewhere, I gathered the courage,
to politely yet firmly ask them to stop conversing.
They stopped immediately,
and I wondered despite my uneasiness,
why did I not speak up my discomfort to them,
and the answer was, "Its NOT KIND to stop others."
At home after breakfast,
I asked myself where did I learn,
that kindness means to let others walk over me,
and I saw, "Mama being kind to papa's unkindness."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
letting Dentist clean my teeth,
each time it would hurt, I told him,
and he stopped a little before proceeding.
His new assistant,
was constantly commenting,
about how to fill my lost baby tooth,
and dentist was denying most of her ideas.
It was bothering me,
both the uninvited suggestions,
and the constant noise it was creating,
but I chose to keep quiet, focusing on God.
I was hoping to tell,
the dentist at next appointment,
but, something told me to be at ease now,
"Honor your feelings and do something about them."
He was painting my teeth,
I knew the session was almost done,
but from somewhere, I gathered the courage,
to politely yet firmly ask them to stop conversing.
They stopped immediately,
and I wondered despite my uneasiness,
why did I not speak up my discomfort to them,
and the answer was, "Its NOT KIND to stop others."
At home after breakfast,
I asked myself where did I learn,
that kindness means to let others walk over me,
and I saw, "Mama being kind to papa's unkindness."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, September 30, 2011
When I seek only from within, then I am fine (poem)
When I resisted feelings, they surfaced as pain.
When I let feelings be, they surprise and leave.
When I became fearful, they surfaced as sickness.
When I face my fears, they reveal deep buried joy.
When I was attached, that surfaced as deep longing.
When I surrenderd them, then I was at absolute ease.
When I am imprisoned by desires, that surfaces as upset.
When I release them, then I am calm, present & energized.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
When I let feelings be, they surprise and leave.
When I became fearful, they surfaced as sickness.
When I face my fears, they reveal deep buried joy.
When I was attached, that surfaced as deep longing.
When I surrenderd them, then I was at absolute ease.
When I am imprisoned by desires, that surfaces as upset.
When I release them, then I am calm, present & energized.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Seek all from God and then...(poem)
Be peace, and sprinkle it.
Be calm, and manifest it.
Be joy, and spread it.
Be love, and give it.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Be calm, and manifest it.
Be joy, and spread it.
Be love, and give it.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
OMG, My world is shifting (poem)
Ever since,
I have started honoring
and acknowledging,
each one of my feelings.
I have begun,
getting sensitive to others
feelings and
have started honoring them too.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I have started honoring
and acknowledging,
each one of my feelings.
I have begun,
getting sensitive to others
feelings and
have started honoring them too.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am here, to love (poem)
I am not this ego, which feels crushed.
I am not my mind, which keeps feeling attacked.
I am not even these expectations, which feel frustrated.
I am simply a peaceful soul, here to fully express my loving Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am not my mind, which keeps feeling attacked.
I am not even these expectations, which feel frustrated.
I am simply a peaceful soul, here to fully express my loving Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Attachment is attachment...(poem)
whether it is,
to the loving moments,
or to the painful memories,
all must go, to let Light shine.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
to the loving moments,
or to the painful memories,
all must go, to let Light shine.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, September 23, 2011
I am peace, like the clear blue sky...(poem)
I feel fearful,
when the clouds of fear show.
I feel desirous,
when the clouds of desires surface.
I feel helpless,
when the clouds of helplessness shadow.
But, I am peace,
like the clear blue sky, behind these clouds.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
when the clouds of fear show.
I feel desirous,
when the clouds of desires surface.
I feel helpless,
when the clouds of helplessness shadow.
But, I am peace,
like the clear blue sky, behind these clouds.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
God, Krishna, Gurus bless me with these in every breath (poem)
I am listening to my criticism without judgement.
I am reminding myself of the perfection within me and all.
I am manifesting my divine Self, and people in my life are helping me.
I am aware that we are all joyfully one in God, and mental separtion hurts me.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am reminding myself of the perfection within me and all.
I am manifesting my divine Self, and people in my life are helping me.
I am aware that we are all joyfully one in God, and mental separtion hurts me.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Its God's world, and not man's (poem)
I am fully living now, and not in past or in future.
I am here to share my love for Physics, and not to worry.
I am a loving soul sharing divine love, and not fearing people.
I am honoring the joys or pains of my body, and not ignoring with shoulds.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am here to share my love for Physics, and not to worry.
I am a loving soul sharing divine love, and not fearing people.
I am honoring the joys or pains of my body, and not ignoring with shoulds.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am responsible...(poem)
for the way I had been leading my life and am leading.
for the way I experienced each interaction,or every situation.
for the way I have been dependent on people for love and support.
for the way I had been ignorant about the strongest force within, God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
for the way I experienced each interaction,or every situation.
for the way I have been dependent on people for love and support.
for the way I had been ignorant about the strongest force within, God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, September 16, 2011
This is the only moment, nothing else (poem)
I had been full of gratitude since last evening.
I was full of joy since this morning.
I was driving thinking of God.
I was full of joy.
I saw myself feeling happy in deep buried desires.
Which meant I will be joyful, in future.
I heard, "There is only now".
I pulled myself back.
I have been missing a lot of my past joyful moments.
I had been dreaming of joy in my future.
But, now that I have learned.
I am joyful in "now".
I used to ignore the discomfort in body as a challenge.
I used to be run my mind's interpretation.
But, now I tune to body's pain.
And I keep my mind calm.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I was full of joy since this morning.
I was driving thinking of God.
I was full of joy.
I saw myself feeling happy in deep buried desires.
Which meant I will be joyful, in future.
I heard, "There is only now".
I pulled myself back.
I have been missing a lot of my past joyful moments.
I had been dreaming of joy in my future.
But, now that I have learned.
I am joyful in "now".
I used to ignore the discomfort in body as a challenge.
I used to be run my mind's interpretation.
But, now I tune to body's pain.
And I keep my mind calm.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
What a wonderful mother-hugging-son sleep? (poem)
I was lying down with my son at 9:15 pm.
I had not brushed my teeth or said my prayers.
I was still wearing the earrings & was hugging sideways.
I woke up at 10:30 pm, just could'nt get up, next I saw 4:15 am.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I had not brushed my teeth or said my prayers.
I was still wearing the earrings & was hugging sideways.
I woke up at 10:30 pm, just could'nt get up, next I saw 4:15 am.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
When helplessness strikes, gratitude saves (poem)
I was working on a google document and suddenly everything vanished on screen.
It had taken me more than 6 hours of creative work to put it together over a week.
I was desperately, trying to retrieve it and then even searched on Google help for 20 minutes.
Then, suddenly, I did not like the feeling and shut my laptop to start taking care of chores around the home.
The worries surfaced, till I thanked God, and as a blessing I saw myself better than people dying of war, poverty or weather.
I realized, its not the end of the world, if need be, I will start all over again, I have my hands, body, mind all intact; I am better than many.
I started rejoicing for the cool breeze hugging my body, the warm Sun tickling my body and the dustfree environment kissing my cheeks continuously.
In the night, my teenage daughter helped me out to rescue the file; and I was glad that with God's grace I did not waste precious 5 hours full of sorrow and worries.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
It had taken me more than 6 hours of creative work to put it together over a week.
I was desperately, trying to retrieve it and then even searched on Google help for 20 minutes.
Then, suddenly, I did not like the feeling and shut my laptop to start taking care of chores around the home.
The worries surfaced, till I thanked God, and as a blessing I saw myself better than people dying of war, poverty or weather.
I realized, its not the end of the world, if need be, I will start all over again, I have my hands, body, mind all intact; I am better than many.
I started rejoicing for the cool breeze hugging my body, the warm Sun tickling my body and the dustfree environment kissing my cheeks continuously.
In the night, my teenage daughter helped me out to rescue the file; and I was glad that with God's grace I did not waste precious 5 hours full of sorrow and worries.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, September 12, 2011
We may not be able to express our love to each other's liking, but we still care (poem)
I was inviting one of my chinese neighbors for a home cooked vegetarian lunch.
But she refused, saying, "Sorry, but I only like meat flavored food".
Also, she felt bad that she can't share her meat-feast with me.
Soon, we parted away with our regular warm smiling hug.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
But she refused, saying, "Sorry, but I only like meat flavored food".
Also, she felt bad that she can't share her meat-feast with me.
Soon, we parted away with our regular warm smiling hug.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Just sending out lGod's love....(poem)
To those who can't honor me,
To those who don't support me,
To those who can't understand me,
To those who don't comprehend my path.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
To those who don't support me,
To those who can't understand me,
To those who don't comprehend my path.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Now, "this is going to happen" (poem)
There are two things I am here to do,
to share my love for Physics and to share my love for God.
Now, even though I am with people who don't understand, like or support it,
but, with God's grace, this is going to happen, whether they wish to walk with me in support or not.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
to share my love for Physics and to share my love for God.
Now, even though I am with people who don't understand, like or support it,
but, with God's grace, this is going to happen, whether they wish to walk with me in support or not.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Today, I surrender my,...(poem)
seperation &
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
seperation &
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sweeter memories (poem)
My husband honored me by marrying me,
after persistently persuading his mother for a year.
He always believed in the sanctity of sex after marriage,
and cleaned up my morning sickness mess(es), without complains.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
after persistently persuading his mother for a year.
He always believed in the sanctity of sex after marriage,
and cleaned up my morning sickness mess(es), without complains.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Same incident, different experiences (poem)
When I needed money for my treatment,
my husband refused it to me as too much,
since then I couldn't trust him with money,
even though I could see it as his fears of money.
When I was uncomfortable with my husband's behavior,
and finally called up cops one night, to warn him about it,
since then, my husband couldn't trust me with our relationship,
even though I had called them out of my own fears of husband's words.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
my husband refused it to me as too much,
since then I couldn't trust him with money,
even though I could see it as his fears of money.
When I was uncomfortable with my husband's behavior,
and finally called up cops one night, to warn him about it,
since then, my husband couldn't trust me with our relationship,
even though I had called them out of my own fears of husband's words.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, September 5, 2011
What really matters-my bodies looks or its signals? (poem)
All these years,
I was only concerned,
with how pretty my body looked,
wearing so-and-so clothes or bouncy hair.
Now, I am realizing,
that I dishonored the signals,
my body had been giving to me all through,
i.e, its need to have a restful sleep and to be touched with love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I was only concerned,
with how pretty my body looked,
wearing so-and-so clothes or bouncy hair.
Now, I am realizing,
that I dishonored the signals,
my body had been giving to me all through,
i.e, its need to have a restful sleep and to be touched with love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Body Vs Mind (poem)
Body guides,
mind misguides.
Body senses,
mind allures.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
mind misguides.
Body senses,
mind allures.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
With God, I can do anything (poem)
The conked out PC had been sitting in the corner of study for over 3 months.
I asked my husband to do something about it, and he said, he will fix it one day.
I told my kids to move it into the storage 2 levels down, but they just did not want to.
Today, I did it by tilting it down each step carefully through 30 steps and felt rejuvenated.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I asked my husband to do something about it, and he said, he will fix it one day.
I told my kids to move it into the storage 2 levels down, but they just did not want to.
Today, I did it by tilting it down each step carefully through 30 steps and felt rejuvenated.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Its time to turn (poem)
I can be lost in seeking appreciation & admiration from people,
I can turn towards God (being amidst people) & seek all from Thee.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I can be lost in seeking appreciation & admiration from people,
I can turn towards God (being amidst people) & seek all from Thee.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, September 2, 2011
Remembering and Forgetting (poem)
When I remember my friends,
I give them a tinkle.
When I am playing with my son,
I forget the world.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I give them a tinkle.
When I am playing with my son,
I forget the world.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am creating my own life (poem)
God, is the Light in my life.
Krishna, is the Healer in my life.
Guru, is the Guide in my life.
I am the creator of my life, I am creating my own life...
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Krishna, is the Healer in my life.
Guru, is the Guide in my life.
I am the creator of my life, I am creating my own life...
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Hos do I serve you, God? (poem)
By being present in every moment,
with a heart full of love,
tuning into the body,
and doing needful.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
with a heart full of love,
tuning into the body,
and doing needful.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Honoring Love Vs Pursuing Lust (poem)
Love is beautiful.
Expressing is healing.
Love gives birth to desires.
Desiring with fears becomes lust.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Expressing is healing.
Love gives birth to desires.
Desiring with fears becomes lust.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Wetness messes, attachment pains (poem)
When a wet shirt drops on dry sand,it gets dirty.
When a dry shirt drops on wet sand, it gets dirty.
When I am attached to a person, I am full of pain.
When I am attached to an outcome, I am full of pain.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
When a dry shirt drops on wet sand, it gets dirty.
When I am attached to a person, I am full of pain.
When I am attached to an outcome, I am full of pain.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Simple joys (poem)
Kids inspire me for many things, and right now for digging out their own joys, from simple little things.
Toddlers climbing up and down the steps,
or serving coffee made out of dripping sand.
An eight year old jumping from rocking chair to bed,
or a teen diving into the lake doing, the Tarzan jump.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Toddlers climbing up and down the steps,
or serving coffee made out of dripping sand.
An eight year old jumping from rocking chair to bed,
or a teen diving into the lake doing, the Tarzan jump.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, August 29, 2011
This the perfect moment (poem)
To forgive.
To say Thank You God.
To joyfully share, each meal.
To love, dropping mind's judgement.
Aum Tat Sat (GOd is Truth)
To say Thank You God.
To joyfully share, each meal.
To love, dropping mind's judgement.
Aum Tat Sat (GOd is Truth)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
God, is the goal of my life (poem)
is the goal of each moment.
is the goal of each interaction.
Aum Tat Sat (
is the goal of each moment.
is the goal of each interaction.
Aum Tat Sat (
Friday, August 26, 2011
Ages old story, with a new turn (poem)
Nani was unkind to bedridden nanaji,
and, he would let silent tears roll out.
Papa was indifferent to mama's pain,
and, mama continued to cook with hidden tears.
My husband spoke very derogatorily to me,
and, I kept on running inside the restroom to cry.
I used to categorize people as abusers or victims,
till, I seeked Thee and chose to transform into a healer.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
and, he would let silent tears roll out.
Papa was indifferent to mama's pain,
and, mama continued to cook with hidden tears.
My husband spoke very derogatorily to me,
and, I kept on running inside the restroom to cry.
I used to categorize people as abusers or victims,
till, I seeked Thee and chose to transform into a healer.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wows (poem)
Wedding wows,
are only till death do us (the bodies) part.
Loving wows,
continue much after death merges us (the souls) into one.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
are only till death do us (the bodies) part.
Loving wows,
continue much after death merges us (the souls) into one.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Awareness Matters (poem)
I had led a life of unawareness,
growing up under love & protection.
Now, I am leading a life of awareness,
raising my kids with love & protection.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
growing up under love & protection.
Now, I am leading a life of awareness,
raising my kids with love & protection.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Nature teach me... (poem)
O kissing breeze, teach me how do you kiss me and dogs alike?
O singing birds, teach me how do you sing joyfuly all the time?
O warm Sun, teach me how do you energize grass and trashbin same?
O mother Earth, teach me how do you nurture ants and people equally?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
O singing birds, teach me how do you sing joyfuly all the time?
O warm Sun, teach me how do you energize grass and trashbin same?
O mother Earth, teach me how do you nurture ants and people equally?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thank you God for erasing my helplessness (poem)
For many years,
I felt helpless and lonely,
far away from country, family and freinds,
and falling sick off and on for about 7 years.
Now, after many decades,
I feel lonely at times, but not helpless,
being with my husband and kids, feeling different,
and connecting to the God within as my source of strength.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I felt helpless and lonely,
far away from country, family and freinds,
and falling sick off and on for about 7 years.
Now, after many decades,
I feel lonely at times, but not helpless,
being with my husband and kids, feeling different,
and connecting to the God within as my source of strength.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
This is what I love in nature... (poem)
the giant hug from the gush of wind,
the breeze fingering through my hair,
the music of dancing leaves on trees,
the melodious singing by hidden birds,
the gentle rub of warm Sun on my arms,
the soothing Mother Earth under trees,
the welcoming "hi" from waving branch,
& the charming swaying of grass blades.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
the breeze fingering through my hair,
the music of dancing leaves on trees,
the melodious singing by hidden birds,
the gentle rub of warm Sun on my arms,
the soothing Mother Earth under trees,
the welcoming "hi" from waving branch,
& the charming swaying of grass blades.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Love Vs Divine Love (poem)
In love,
I've experienced steep highs & dips.
In divine love,
I experience a plateau of high state.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I've experienced steep highs & dips.
In divine love,
I experience a plateau of high state.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Let noise be, Gunjan you be calm (poem)
Let the garbage truck shove.
Let the leaf blower blow.
Let the street dog bark.
Let the kids yell.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Let the leaf blower blow.
Let the street dog bark.
Let the kids yell.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thats listening
The facillitator spoke about her background and intentions to listen all thoughts floating on our minds, which had drawn us all to this meeting.
The first member, spoke about her content life, and her looking forward to the teen kids leave for college, so that she can have more time for herself.
The second member, spoke about her uneasiness with the uncertainty while searching for a fulfilling work; after she had quit her discontent position as an insurance lawyer.
The third member, spoke about her passion to create a space for women to find support in work and life; while she herself was coping with the stress of taking care of her sick husband at home.
The fourth member, spoke about her needing help, to cope with her emotional drowning in her family; her fears of husband's anger and helplessness in leading her own life & raising the kids the way she wished to.
It was an amazing 1.5 hour, where the facillitator provided, the space, with her compassionate listening, judiciously prevented intervention from other member(s) when the speaking member paused; and left the speakers with a clear reflection in their own pool of thoughts.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The first member, spoke about her content life, and her looking forward to the teen kids leave for college, so that she can have more time for herself.
The second member, spoke about her uneasiness with the uncertainty while searching for a fulfilling work; after she had quit her discontent position as an insurance lawyer.
The third member, spoke about her passion to create a space for women to find support in work and life; while she herself was coping with the stress of taking care of her sick husband at home.
The fourth member, spoke about her needing help, to cope with her emotional drowning in her family; her fears of husband's anger and helplessness in leading her own life & raising the kids the way she wished to.
It was an amazing 1.5 hour, where the facillitator provided, the space, with her compassionate listening, judiciously prevented intervention from other member(s) when the speaking member paused; and left the speakers with a clear reflection in their own pool of thoughts.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I am choosing joy over attention (poem)
Each time,
I slip & drown into my emotional sewer,
it costs me my joy, and pays me off with attention,
Now, I am taking the responsibility of being joyful, and creating it.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I slip & drown into my emotional sewer,
it costs me my joy, and pays me off with attention,
Now, I am taking the responsibility of being joyful, and creating it.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Let noise be, Gunjan you be within (poem)
I was sitting in the park,
I closed my eyes to be with God,
I was enjoying the cool breeze on face,
and the warm Sun penetrating through the tree.
Suddenly, the loud lawn mower arrived,
I had a choice to step away to another place,
or I could simply ignore that loud noise altogether,
and I chose to thank God, for all those and good hearing.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I closed my eyes to be with God,
I was enjoying the cool breeze on face,
and the warm Sun penetrating through the tree.
Suddenly, the loud lawn mower arrived,
I had a choice to step away to another place,
or I could simply ignore that loud noise altogether,
and I chose to thank God, for all those and good hearing.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I feel someone's pain...(poem)
only if,
either, I really love that person,
I have experienced exactly same pain.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
either, I really love that person,
I have experienced exactly same pain.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
These are some of my triggers...(poem)
My 8 year old son's,
addiction to Wii games,
watching TV continuously,
crying out loud for attention.
My 12 year old daughter's,
silly mistakes in Math homework,
her blowing bubble gum on my face,
dumping my formal jacket after use.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
addiction to Wii games,
watching TV continuously,
crying out loud for attention.
My 12 year old daughter's,
silly mistakes in Math homework,
her blowing bubble gum on my face,
dumping my formal jacket after use.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Body is the best sensor (poem)
body is at ease,
then only,
the mind is calm.
mind is still,
then only,
the soul rests.
soul is content,
then only,
the heart is singing.
heart is smiling,
then only,
the body can dance.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
body is at ease,
then only,
the mind is calm.
mind is still,
then only,
the soul rests.
soul is content,
then only,
the heart is singing.
heart is smiling,
then only,
the body can dance.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Choose the neighborhood, Gunjan (poem)
Heart feels, mind emotes.
Heart gives, mind expects.
Heart heals, mind interprets.
Heart connects, mind seprates.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Its my responsibility (poem)
When others dishonor my feelings,
I don't honor my own feelings,
my heart shuts down in pain,
I frustrate expecting love.
When I choose to honor my feelings,
I experience a spurt of energy,
my heart fills up with love,
I joyfully share with all.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I don't honor my own feelings,
my heart shuts down in pain,
I frustrate expecting love.
When I choose to honor my feelings,
I experience a spurt of energy,
my heart fills up with love,
I joyfully share with all.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, August 22, 2011
Hare hare Krishna, hare hare... (poem)
When I longed to be heard, He led me to the kind listener.
When I was full of grief, He provided me a crying shoulder.
When I needed to be caressed, He healed me with gentle touch.
When I was drowning in helplessness, He saved me with security.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
When I was full of grief, He provided me a crying shoulder.
When I needed to be caressed, He healed me with gentle touch.
When I was drowning in helplessness, He saved me with security.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Its all in the mind (poem)
I witnessed, during meditation,
that I was talking very firmly,
to someone I fear, like a man,
and the fear had now swapped.
I talked to the one I fear,
face to face with courage,
now, he was all yellow,
and I felt the power.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
that I was talking very firmly,
to someone I fear, like a man,
and the fear had now swapped.
I talked to the one I fear,
face to face with courage,
now, he was all yellow,
and I felt the power.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thank You Mother Earth (poem)
When I lay down on the green grass,
my body surrenderd into the rest,
the peace within enveloped me,
and noise outside dimmed.
Aum Tat Sat (poem)
my body surrenderd into the rest,
the peace within enveloped me,
and noise outside dimmed.
Aum Tat Sat (poem)
Why Hurry? (poem)
It took 30 minutes to cut veggies,
another 30 minutes to cook it to taste,
and after that, 15 minutes to clean up mess,
then why did I hurriedly, shove it into my mouth?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
another 30 minutes to cook it to taste,
and after that, 15 minutes to clean up mess,
then why did I hurriedly, shove it into my mouth?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Watch out (poem)
Gunjan, drive safely,
so that you don't hurt anyone on the road.
Gunjan, be alert about others,
so that their negligent driving, doesn't hit you.
Gunjan, be careful,
so that your thoughts, words and actions don't hurt any one.
Gunjan, be aware that others,
thoughts, words or actions don't hurt your body, mind, heart & soul.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
so that you don't hurt anyone on the road.
Gunjan, be alert about others,
so that their negligent driving, doesn't hit you.
Gunjan, be careful,
so that your thoughts, words and actions don't hurt any one.
Gunjan, be aware that others,
thoughts, words or actions don't hurt your body, mind, heart & soul.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I am a victim of my conversations (poem)
Ever since I was 1.5, I think I have been speaking.
Till recently, I was mostly talking to carry a good chat.
Now, I am realizing, if I utter, I've got to open my heart.
And, wisest is to bless silently, stopping all internal chats.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Till recently, I was mostly talking to carry a good chat.
Now, I am realizing, if I utter, I've got to open my heart.
And, wisest is to bless silently, stopping all internal chats.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God, make me who I naturally am (poem)
God make me my loving Self,
God make me my singing Self,
God make me my dancing Self,
God make me my laughing Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God make me my singing Self,
God make me my dancing Self,
God make me my laughing Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, August 19, 2011
Those 6 hours (poem)
I met an old friend in a new way. Without worrying about kids or families, we talked for complete 6 hours. I returned home as a different person.
Wow, friends are the best healers.
Eating Summer Rolls the Vietnamese style,
we talked heart to heart for 2.5 hours.
Spreading out on love seat in coffe shop,
we spoke about aspirations & frustrations.
Driving for half an hour in each journey,
we reconnected like those old Hindu days.
Speaking, listening, laughing and teasing,
we parted, recharged & reunited with love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wow, friends are the best healers.
Eating Summer Rolls the Vietnamese style,
we talked heart to heart for 2.5 hours.
Spreading out on love seat in coffe shop,
we spoke about aspirations & frustrations.
Driving for half an hour in each journey,
we reconnected like those old Hindu days.
Speaking, listening, laughing and teasing,
we parted, recharged & reunited with love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
We are all helplessly acting under our Samskaras (poem)
Whatever is happening,
its happening as per divine plan.
All people in my life,
are being the way they are, pefectly.
I keep on reacting the same,
till my samsakara gets broken & erased.
Every person in my life is reacting,
for he/she is also acting under the samskaras.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
its happening as per divine plan.
All people in my life,
are being the way they are, pefectly.
I keep on reacting the same,
till my samsakara gets broken & erased.
Every person in my life is reacting,
for he/she is also acting under the samskaras.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
In search of High school for my daughter (poem)
A friend asked me,
"What are your plans for your daughter's high school (in Fall 2012)?"
I heard myself say to her,
"You know, my husband wants her to go to a public school, the real world."
Later, I heard a voice within ask me,
"OK, thats what your husband wishes for your daughter, what do you wish, Gunjan?"
When I searched for the answer, I heard,
"I would like our daughter to go to a High School, where she learns how to live joyfully."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
"What are your plans for your daughter's high school (in Fall 2012)?"
I heard myself say to her,
"You know, my husband wants her to go to a public school, the real world."
Later, I heard a voice within ask me,
"OK, thats what your husband wishes for your daughter, what do you wish, Gunjan?"
When I searched for the answer, I heard,
"I would like our daughter to go to a High School, where she learns how to live joyfully."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God, heal me so that I can heal (poem)
I don't know what I am here to do,
but this morning, I clearly sense,
that I'am here to heal my own Self,
and to heal my Universe, with God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
but this morning, I clearly sense,
that I'am here to heal my own Self,
and to heal my Universe, with God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Whispered words of wisdom - Let it be (poem)
This morning, while waking up,
the words from within were,
"Just let everything be,
"Just let everyone be."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
the words from within were,
"Just let everything be,
"Just let everyone be."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
does not mean becoming a abuser from a victim.
does not mean doing whatever I wish to.
means I have power to create my life.
means to heal self & the abuser.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
does not mean doing whatever I wish to.
means I have power to create my life.
means to heal self & the abuser.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thank you God for the wonderful morning (poem)
When I was in IIT Delhi,
sometimes I would drop by a friends house,
to be greeted by her father reading the news paper,
and I would listen to his calm, healing words (in pure Hindi) about God.
This morning, after 1.5 decades,
I called him up and experienced the same soothness,
he talked with love, contentment and complete surrender to God,
and my soul sensed the coolness, a traveller (feels) under a shade in Sun.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
sometimes I would drop by a friends house,
to be greeted by her father reading the news paper,
and I would listen to his calm, healing words (in pure Hindi) about God.
This morning, after 1.5 decades,
I called him up and experienced the same soothness,
he talked with love, contentment and complete surrender to God,
and my soul sensed the coolness, a traveller (feels) under a shade in Sun.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
On my way back Home (poem)
Just as at the beginning of PhD,
I knew I was stepping into a challenge,
and earning the degree, can take upto 5 years,
but, I finally did it, riding success and frustrations.
Similarly, on my return journey,
I know I am walking a challenging trail,
and goal to be one with God, take my whole life,
but, I am choosing to do it, riding tears of joy and pain.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I knew I was stepping into a challenge,
and earning the degree, can take upto 5 years,
but, I finally did it, riding success and frustrations.
Similarly, on my return journey,
I know I am walking a challenging trail,
and goal to be one with God, take my whole life,
but, I am choosing to do it, riding tears of joy and pain.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, August 15, 2011
My abuser, is transforming me into a healer (poem)
All pains in my life, are there to seek God.
Every interaction, is here to help me grow.
Each person in my life, is here to teach me.
And, helplessness is the clue towards courage.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Every interaction, is here to help me grow.
Each person in my life, is here to teach me.
And, helplessness is the clue towards courage.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Just like me, everyone... (poem)
has a simple need, which must be fulfilled.
has unique ways, to fully express the affection.
longs to be heard, by someone who can be compassionate.
has a deep wish to be loved truly, like the titanic lovers.
has constant mind chatter, depriving complete presence in each moment.
has a hope that life would turn better, when "that thing" will finally happen.
has a strong ego, which keeps on shutting down communication, sensing lack of understanding.
has many triggers, which helplessly makes one react in a predictable ways, leaving others frustrated.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
has unique ways, to fully express the affection.
longs to be heard, by someone who can be compassionate.
has a deep wish to be loved truly, like the titanic lovers.
has constant mind chatter, depriving complete presence in each moment.
has a hope that life would turn better, when "that thing" will finally happen.
has a strong ego, which keeps on shutting down communication, sensing lack of understanding.
has many triggers, which helplessly makes one react in a predictable ways, leaving others frustrated.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Momentum matters (poem)
I know I am good at
Exploring Physics, Devotional Singing & Hugging.
Then, why don't I,
stay focused on these, for they open & uplift me?
Why do I repeatedly,
pause to seek others approval and dissipate energy?
God, Krishna, Gurus,
please shine Thy Light through my veil of ignorance.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Exploring Physics, Devotional Singing & Hugging.
Then, why don't I,
stay focused on these, for they open & uplift me?
Why do I repeatedly,
pause to seek others approval and dissipate energy?
God, Krishna, Gurus,
please shine Thy Light through my veil of ignorance.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Silence is magical (poem)
While chatting inside or outside,
I am messing up everywhere,
whether I am cooking,
or I am eating.
When I am quiet inside & outside,
I am present to everything,
to my own conversations,
or to listen others.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am messing up everywhere,
whether I am cooking,
or I am eating.
When I am quiet inside & outside,
I am present to everything,
to my own conversations,
or to listen others.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am aware, my subconscious is tearing me (poem)
As a little girl I asked,
"Now, do you love me" to all,
repeatedly, for my reassurance,
felt sad when no, happy when yes.
I am noticing even at 42,
I am still asking the same,
subconsciously to all I meet,
now, its high time, I give it up.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
"Now, do you love me" to all,
repeatedly, for my reassurance,
felt sad when no, happy when yes.
I am noticing even at 42,
I am still asking the same,
subconsciously to all I meet,
now, its high time, I give it up.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Let others be (poem)
I stopped eating or cooking non-veg,
even if others in my family may choose to.
I am choosing to stop blaming people,
even if others in family and life may choose to.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
even if others in my family may choose to.
I am choosing to stop blaming people,
even if others in family and life may choose to.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, August 12, 2011
I am the creator of my life (poem)
Life is not,
something will happen,
its happening right now.
Empowerment is not,
he will give me permission,
its when I am choosing to be.
Aum Tat Sat (poem)
something will happen,
its happening right now.
Empowerment is not,
he will give me permission,
its when I am choosing to be.
Aum Tat Sat (poem)
Pyar ko pyar hi rehne do koi naam na do (poem)
Those who love me, love me, always.
I know it, without their saying, "I Love you".
Those who don't love me, nothing can ever make them.
I can sense it, despite their saying, "I care for you."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I know it, without their saying, "I Love you".
Those who don't love me, nothing can ever make them.
I can sense it, despite their saying, "I care for you."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Whats the point, if I can't enjoy each moment (poem)
After parking, I walked 7 minutes to pick up the burger I liked,
but, since the session was about to start, I hurriedly ate standing,
I did not enjoy that so much craved for, expensive and walked for burger,
If I am not at ease in each and every moment, then whats the point in my life?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
but, since the session was about to start, I hurriedly ate standing,
I did not enjoy that so much craved for, expensive and walked for burger,
If I am not at ease in each and every moment, then whats the point in my life?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Amidst all that is, I am fine (poem)
I feel helpless,
I need help,
I am fine,
with Him.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I need help,
I am fine,
with Him.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thank you God for this...(poem)
Who am I to worry?
Who am I to judge?
Who am I to forgive?
Who am I to complain?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Who am I to judge?
Who am I to forgive?
Who am I to complain?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The golden key to peace (poem)
I have lived in future,
I have missed past,
I have complianed,
now, be in now.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I have missed past,
I have complianed,
now, be in now.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Noise Vs Aroma (poem)
The grass is being freshly cut,
by the ear plugged lawn mower,
sitting in the mowing car,
which is way too noisy.
The smell of the grass is great,
from those freshly cut edges,
I can move away from noise,
but the aroma draws me.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
by the ear plugged lawn mower,
sitting in the mowing car,
which is way too noisy.
The smell of the grass is great,
from those freshly cut edges,
I can move away from noise,
but the aroma draws me.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
What a wonderful day!! (poem)
I called a fellow stranger from the seminar,
to come up next to me and share my lunch.
Picking up trash on the streets of city,
and sharing my favorite coconut water.
Me eating in company of many, quietly,
without talking inside or outside.
Dancing to the hug of the breeze,
and sharing some sweet memories.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
to come up next to me and share my lunch.
Picking up trash on the streets of city,
and sharing my favorite coconut water.
Me eating in company of many, quietly,
without talking inside or outside.
Dancing to the hug of the breeze,
and sharing some sweet memories.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Taare zameen pe... (poem)
Driving at 11 pm in the city of San Francisco,
the lights on the Bay Bridge right in front,
and brightly lit sky touching buildings;
stars have come down to meet me.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, August 4, 2011
God, take care of my needs (poem)
I need to love,
I need to share Thy ease,
I need to do Physics with kids,
so give me opportunites to do all this.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I need to share Thy ease,
I need to do Physics with kids,
so give me opportunites to do all this.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
O Master, I need You (poem)
O Master, in October 2006,
when I had inquired about SRCM,
You had started shaking up my body,
to wake me up with a jerk at 4:30 am.
O Master, now in August 2011,
when I am inquiring my own mind,
I need You to awaken my awareness,
to guide me with pointers in each day.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
when I had inquired about SRCM,
You had started shaking up my body,
to wake me up with a jerk at 4:30 am.
O Master, now in August 2011,
when I am inquiring my own mind,
I need You to awaken my awareness,
to guide me with pointers in each day.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Bless me to experience the mergence (poem)
Just for today, Master, be my breath,
so that each thought is Thine,
every word spoken is Yours,
all work done is for You.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
so that each thought is Thine,
every word spoken is Yours,
all work done is for You.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
When am I at peace?
When I feel,
that all is fine,
in my life, as is now,
and body begins swaying.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
that all is fine,
in my life, as is now,
and body begins swaying.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Responsibility shifts the scene (poem)
When I am with my son (8) and daughter (12),
they fight, scream, yell, pull & hit each other.
But, when I am out, my daughter is baby sitting,
she makes sure that she is calm & does what both like.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
they fight, scream, yell, pull & hit each other.
But, when I am out, my daughter is baby sitting,
she makes sure that she is calm & does what both like.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God, use me as Thy instrument to share Thy ease (poem)
Its not about,
I can't be around such people,
my body is feeling extremely uneasy
and mind asking, "God, why did you do ever this to me?"
Its only about,
Thank You God for all persons,
my body's pain is requesting "God heal me"
and mind is praying, "God, use me as Thy instrument to heal them".
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I can't be around such people,
my body is feeling extremely uneasy
and mind asking, "God, why did you do ever this to me?"
Its only about,
Thank You God for all persons,
my body's pain is requesting "God heal me"
and mind is praying, "God, use me as Thy instrument to heal them".
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Gunjan, to prevent collisions, take each moment like a blind corner (poem)
I was taking my after dinner walk, in our dimly-lit, lush green campus.
I heard some footsteps coming forward, and I halted to gauge the direction of the sound.
Suddenly, a huge man appeared from behind the bushes, his hands were loaded with many small stuff.
We smiled and while crossing, he shared, how once due to his CEO's negligence, they had collided around a blind corner.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I heard some footsteps coming forward, and I halted to gauge the direction of the sound.
Suddenly, a huge man appeared from behind the bushes, his hands were loaded with many small stuff.
We smiled and while crossing, he shared, how once due to his CEO's negligence, they had collided around a blind corner.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, August 1, 2011
O Creator, bless me to seek only Thee (poem)
The love, for the one I love is heartwarming,
But, most uplifting, is my love from my Krishna.
The security, from the one I got is amazing,
But, absolute protection, is the one from my Lord.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
But, most uplifting, is my love from my Krishna.
The security, from the one I got is amazing,
But, absolute protection, is the one from my Lord.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God, You are the best (poem)
The blue vastness is beautiful,
The supporting green is comforting,
The melodius chirpers are enchanting,
But, the most wonderful is the God within.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The supporting green is comforting,
The melodius chirpers are enchanting,
But, the most wonderful is the God within.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
All is well, when, I am with God (poem)
I am at the ship, in the center of the ocean.
The sky is beautiful, yet the ship is noisy.
I am swimming in the ocean, and its fun.
But, its most serene, at the bottom.
I was living, with mind full of choas.
I began meditating, during which I calmed.
Whenever I was out of it, the noise returned.
But, I continue to be calm, when I retain God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The sky is beautiful, yet the ship is noisy.
I am swimming in the ocean, and its fun.
But, its most serene, at the bottom.
I was living, with mind full of choas.
I began meditating, during which I calmed.
Whenever I was out of it, the noise returned.
But, I continue to be calm, when I retain God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Now, my mind cannot stop me from loving, for, I NEED to love (poem)
At age 4, I was very uneasy, for, without my awareness,
my heart wished to love, but my mind was fearful of his anger.
At 16, I was very uneasy, for, without my awareness,
my heart was loving him, but my mind was saying "Its not the right age".
At 22, I was very uneasy, for, with all my awareness,
my heart was loving him, but my mind was blocking, for he had said "no" to me.
At 38 to 42, I was very uneasy, for, with all my awareness,
my heart was craving to love, but my mind was saying, "why love, for he does not care".
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
my heart wished to love, but my mind was fearful of his anger.
At 16, I was very uneasy, for, without my awareness,
my heart was loving him, but my mind was saying "Its not the right age".
At 22, I was very uneasy, for, with all my awareness,
my heart was loving him, but my mind was blocking, for he had said "no" to me.
At 38 to 42, I was very uneasy, for, with all my awareness,
my heart was craving to love, but my mind was saying, "why love, for he does not care".
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
The hardest thing for me, is to stop myself from loving (poem)
I used to walk off the ground,
and my own smile felt sweet to me,
I did not judge against his smoking,
when at age 22, I had let myself love.
I used to scream out his name in restroom,
and my handwriting had never been so beautiful,
I had shut all that free flowing love towards him,
when he had said, that he didn't feel the same for me.
I was crying on a wet pillow, with a severe pain in heart,
and a sharp needle was piercing at the center of my wounded soul,
I was crushed, lonely, shattered and scattered like a broken light bulb,
when I desired to love him, but my mind was blocking me, for he had said no.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
and my own smile felt sweet to me,
I did not judge against his smoking,
when at age 22, I had let myself love.
I used to scream out his name in restroom,
and my handwriting had never been so beautiful,
I had shut all that free flowing love towards him,
when he had said, that he didn't feel the same for me.
I was crying on a wet pillow, with a severe pain in heart,
and a sharp needle was piercing at the center of my wounded soul,
I was crushed, lonely, shattered and scattered like a broken light bulb,
when I desired to love him, but my mind was blocking me, for he had said no.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
God says, "Face fears with Courage, not by searching for Love" (poem)
As a child when I was fearful of papa's anger,
I used to hide inside the restroom till he calmed,
for I thought somewhere it was wrong, as my body pained,
and I found ease only by being under my mother's pouring love.
But, now I realized that I continued doing the same as an adult,
I noticed I was uncomfortable being around angry or judging people,
I kept on fleeing from them, judging them as "not kind" or "my type",
till with divine Grace, that little Gunjan in me, faced fear with Thee.
Thank You God :))
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I used to hide inside the restroom till he calmed,
for I thought somewhere it was wrong, as my body pained,
and I found ease only by being under my mother's pouring love.
But, now I realized that I continued doing the same as an adult,
I noticed I was uncomfortable being around angry or judging people,
I kept on fleeing from them, judging them as "not kind" or "my type",
till with divine Grace, that little Gunjan in me, faced fear with Thee.
Thank You God :))
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
So far, I was ignorant, now, I am not (poem)
So far, I seeked from people,
now, I am giving as Thy instrument.
So far, I was a victim of mind,
now, I am realizing it was my choice.
So far, I was blinded by "I am right",
now, I am experiencing another persons pain.
So far, I had felt responsible for others feelings,
now, I am beginning to take responsibility for my emotions.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
now, I am giving as Thy instrument.
So far, I was a victim of mind,
now, I am realizing it was my choice.
So far, I was blinded by "I am right",
now, I am experiencing another persons pain.
So far, I had felt responsible for others feelings,
now, I am beginning to take responsibility for my emotions.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Just this..
"Take care, relax and be peace; for this is the only moment, which is yours."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
God resides in my heart as Love (poem)
I used to worhsip idols,
then when I called God,
He led me to Himself,
inside my own heart.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
then when I called God,
He led me to Himself,
inside my own heart.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Now, I 've got to love, even if another judges, for...(poem)
Judgment stabs,
both the one judging and judged.
Love heals,
both the one loving and loved.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God lives in our hearts as Love.
both the one judging and judged.
Love heals,
both the one loving and loved.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
God lives in our hearts as Love.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What I seek, I've begin giving (poem)
From the one I seek kind support, I give.
From the one I seek compassion, I give.
From the one I seek pure love, I give.
From the one I seek respect, I give.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and thats the only Truth)
From the one I seek compassion, I give.
From the one I seek pure love, I give.
From the one I seek respect, I give.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and thats the only Truth)
God, Krishna, Guru (GKG) be with me (poem)
I need to be at ease, in every moment,
wherever I am, or I mess up.
And the way I am ease, is by thanking,
loving all, & being with GKG.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
wherever I am, or I mess up.
And the way I am ease, is by thanking,
loving all, & being with GKG.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
If I can love one person whole heartedly, then I can love all (poem)
I don't know what seeing in God all means,
All I know is that God is love, and thats the truth,
Plus, if I can see the one I love in everyone's pain or need,
Perhaps, that is as close as it can get to, seeing God in everyone.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love, and that is the Truth)
All I know is that God is love, and thats the truth,
Plus, if I can see the one I love in everyone's pain or need,
Perhaps, that is as close as it can get to, seeing God in everyone.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love, and that is the Truth)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Life is...(poem)
in this moment, not in glorious past or in wonderful future.
loving what is, not complaining or wishing it to change.
right here, not in the motherland or a better world.
seeking from God, not from people or authorities.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
loving what is, not complaining or wishing it to change.
right here, not in the motherland or a better world.
seeking from God, not from people or authorities.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I am calm, when...(poem)
I let my mind observe,
instead of resisting.
I let my body relax,
instead of tensing.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
instead of resisting.
I let my body relax,
instead of tensing.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
I am the Master, I had been waiting (poem)
I am the courage, I had been searching.
I am the wisdom, I had been aspiring.
I am the love, I had been needing.
I am the God, I had been seeking.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
I am the wisdom, I had been aspiring.
I am the love, I had been needing.
I am the God, I had been seeking.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Monday, July 4, 2011
Finding love on the street (poem)
Today, I was walking on the side walk,
suddenly something pulled my duppatta,
I looked around to see a little smiling boy,
he was smiling with all the love in his eyes,
and still holding onto my duppatta with one hand,
he was waving a warm welcoming "hi" with other hand,
I said hello to him, his chinese parents and little brother,
and I walked away with that 5 year old boys gift of pure love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love, and that is the only Truth)
suddenly something pulled my duppatta,
I looked around to see a little smiling boy,
he was smiling with all the love in his eyes,
and still holding onto my duppatta with one hand,
he was waving a warm welcoming "hi" with other hand,
I said hello to him, his chinese parents and little brother,
and I walked away with that 5 year old boys gift of pure love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love, and that is the only Truth)
When I sense love...(poem)
my tears roll,
my heart opens,
my smile broadens,
my arms open to hug.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
my heart opens,
my smile broadens,
my arms open to hug.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
Love teaches how to love...(poem)
without judging,
not discriminating,
overcoming expectations,
giving for the sake of giving.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and thats the only truth)
not discriminating,
overcoming expectations,
giving for the sake of giving.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and thats the only truth)
A friend shared it with me (story)
Two Horses
Author Unknown
Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it.
From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.
But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice
quite amazing....
Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind.
owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home
This alone is amazing. If you stand nearby and listen, you will
the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound,
will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field.
Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell. It lets the blind
friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow.
As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see that the horse
with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the
horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the
horse is, trusting that he will not be led astray.
When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each
evening, it stops occasionally and looks back,
Making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the
Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just
because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges.
He watches over us and even brings others into our lives
To help us when we are in need..
Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing
bell of those who God places in our lives.
Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their
Good friends are like that... You may not always see them, but you
they are always there..
Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours, and remember...
Be kinder than necessary-
Everyone you meet is fighting
Some kind of battle.
Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......
And leave the rest to God!
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Author Unknown
Just up the road from my home is a field, with two horses in it.
From a distance, each horse looks like any other horse.
But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice
quite amazing....
Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind.
owner has chosen not to have him put down, but has made a good home
This alone is amazing. If you stand nearby and listen, you will
the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound,
will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field.
Attached to the horse's halter is a small bell. It lets the blind
friend know where the other horse is, so he can follow.
As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see that the horse
with the bell is always checking on the blind horse, and that the
horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the
horse is, trusting that he will not be led astray.
When the horse with the bell returns to the shelter of the barn each
evening, it stops occasionally and looks back,
Making sure that the blind friend isn't too far behind to hear the
Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just
because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges.
He watches over us and even brings others into our lives
To help us when we are in need..
Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing
bell of those who God places in our lives.
Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to find their
Good friends are like that... You may not always see them, but you
they are always there..
Please listen for my bell and I'll listen for yours, and remember...
Be kinder than necessary-
Everyone you meet is fighting
Some kind of battle.
Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......
And leave the rest to God!
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I feel uplifted, when I remember...(Poem)
My goal is to be one with God.
God Bless me and all.
Thank You God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
God Bless me and all.
Thank You God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Empowerment Vs Helplessness (poem)
Till yesterday, I used to say,
that, I am in my marriage,
just because I have kids,
and its good for them.
But today, I am choosing to say,
that, I am in my marriage,
for my empowerment,
and my kid's.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
that, I am in my marriage,
just because I have kids,
and its good for them.
But today, I am choosing to say,
that, I am in my marriage,
for my empowerment,
and my kid's.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Today, I choose my goal over my desire (poem)
Loving relation,
is my samskara.
Loving God,
is my purpose.
Aum Tat Sat (Go dis the only Truth)
is my samskara.
Loving God,
is my purpose.
Aum Tat Sat (Go dis the only Truth)
Friday, July 1, 2011
All is well, for... (poem)
God is doing it,
to bring out my best,
so keep on thanking God,
and sharing God's love with all.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
to bring out my best,
so keep on thanking God,
and sharing God's love with all.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
This moment is perfect (poem)
This country, state and location is perfect, for I am with my God.
The present circumstances are perfect, for I am with my God.
These people around me feel perfect, for I am with my God.
Right now, everything is perfect, for I am with my God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
The present circumstances are perfect, for I am with my God.
These people around me feel perfect, for I am with my God.
Right now, everything is perfect, for I am with my God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Monday, June 27, 2011
Love heals me, and judgement stabs me (poem)
When I love,
I am comfortable,
and so is the person,
I am choosing to love.
When I judge,
I am uncomfortable,
and so is the person,
I am choosing to judge.
What is it,
that keeps me from,
choosing kind thoughts,
for my very own comfort?
And, why do I,
helplessly react,
instead of choosing,
to respond with empathy?
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
I am comfortable,
and so is the person,
I am choosing to love.
When I judge,
I am uncomfortable,
and so is the person,
I am choosing to judge.
What is it,
that keeps me from,
choosing kind thoughts,
for my very own comfort?
And, why do I,
helplessly react,
instead of choosing,
to respond with empathy?
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
To be at ease, deflect ease (poem)
I had been feeling pain in my shoulders around some people,
a healer friend suggested to be aware of it and ease it immediately,
I tried different thoughts but nothing worked, but today something clicked,
I seeked ease from God and used myself as His deflector towards those people.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
a healer friend suggested to be aware of it and ease it immediately,
I tried different thoughts but nothing worked, but today something clicked,
I seeked ease from God and used myself as His deflector towards those people.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Its time, for me to be present in my present (poem)
At age 38, I began meditating,
and it started cleansing my heart,
then I invited the soul of my Master,
He showed me, that my heart had no space.
One of the stuff, was to acknowledge,
to myself, that at age 16, I loved someone,
and at 42, I met him, to express my past feelings,
but, when I came home, I felt it was not yet complete.
We communicated, in the soul language,
and I realized, that I had to express affection,
then followed beautiful-yet-very-confusing moments,
for I was honoring the divine will, in absolute surrender.
Recently, I saw, that in our past life together,
I had died in his arms, without expressing affection,
that made me joyous, like completing a million piece puzzle,
and this clarity enables me to say bye to past, to focus on present.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
and it started cleansing my heart,
then I invited the soul of my Master,
He showed me, that my heart had no space.
One of the stuff, was to acknowledge,
to myself, that at age 16, I loved someone,
and at 42, I met him, to express my past feelings,
but, when I came home, I felt it was not yet complete.
We communicated, in the soul language,
and I realized, that I had to express affection,
then followed beautiful-yet-very-confusing moments,
for I was honoring the divine will, in absolute surrender.
Recently, I saw, that in our past life together,
I had died in his arms, without expressing affection,
that made me joyous, like completing a million piece puzzle,
and this clarity enables me to say bye to past, to focus on present.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
All I need to do...(poem)
is free my Self from,
my own mind-stuff,
in divine Light,
for I'm most uneasy,
with my very own,
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
my own mind-stuff,
in divine Light,
for I'm most uneasy,
with my very own,
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Monday, June 20, 2011
While driving, I was praying (poem)
God, love me.
Krishna, protect me.
Gurus, guide me.
And let "me" dissolve.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Krishna, protect me.
Gurus, guide me.
And let "me" dissolve.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
How can I be with Thee? (poem)
During meditation, I feel joyful and peace, when I am with God.
This morning, I was longing, to be in the same state, always.
So I was pondering, how can I be with God, around people.
"Just as you keep thinking about Me, in meditation."
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
This morning, I was longing, to be in the same state, always.
So I was pondering, how can I be with God, around people.
"Just as you keep thinking about Me, in meditation."
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Shifting soothes me (poem)
I was lying on the grass,
under a huge tree and it felt perfect.
Soon, as the sun shifted,
the bright penetrating rays, turned hot.
I realized, Sun is perfect,
but, I can shift my mat, towards the shade.
Similarly, people are fine,
when it feels uneasy, I can shift closer to God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
under a huge tree and it felt perfect.
Soon, as the sun shifted,
the bright penetrating rays, turned hot.
I realized, Sun is perfect,
but, I can shift my mat, towards the shade.
Similarly, people are fine,
when it feels uneasy, I can shift closer to God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Yesterday, my son inspired me (poem)
For my sons 8th birthday party,
he declared, one month before,
his concern for best friend,
who can't eat dairy/nuts.
When we served only what,
his dear friend can eat,
we noticed the joy,
in every kids eye.
I could witness kindness,
and wished, if everyone,
could be considerate,
to people around.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
he declared, one month before,
his concern for best friend,
who can't eat dairy/nuts.
When we served only what,
his dear friend can eat,
we noticed the joy,
in every kids eye.
I could witness kindness,
and wished, if everyone,
could be considerate,
to people around.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Manifest appropriately (poem)
Give love, to those who are in tears, visible or not, of extreme pain.
Be Courageous, around those who are trying to induce fears.
Express compassionate, and give food to those who need.
And for all of these, the source is only one, God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Be Courageous, around those who are trying to induce fears.
Express compassionate, and give food to those who need.
And for all of these, the source is only one, God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Today, I feel complete and done (poem)
Sometimes, I meet people,
I am uneasy till I am done,
whatever, I had to complete,
without any rhyme or reason.
Perhaps, there was something,
I owed from this life or the past,
and I used to ask many questions,
but, now, I completely trust my God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
I am uneasy till I am done,
whatever, I had to complete,
without any rhyme or reason.
Perhaps, there was something,
I owed from this life or the past,
and I used to ask many questions,
but, now, I completely trust my God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
The journey from pain to equanimity (poem)
Things beacme clearer today, as I went about the day. During my walk, I revisitied how my pain made me suffer. I helplessly complained about people and situations to people. Till I called out on God (March,7th, 2007) and then something began to shift. My true being peeled across the layers.
Today, I learned, God was all through trying to teach me (via all kinds of pains), only one thing, to be a heart full of gratitude and be in the bliss of equanimity.
The joy, that I experienced, was visible in my smile and walk; got noticed by strangers as well as friends.
And, I heard, " Just go, share God's love."
Pain hurts,
Suffering searches,
Being evolves,
Gratitude surfaces.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Today, I learned, God was all through trying to teach me (via all kinds of pains), only one thing, to be a heart full of gratitude and be in the bliss of equanimity.
The joy, that I experienced, was visible in my smile and walk; got noticed by strangers as well as friends.
And, I heard, " Just go, share God's love."
Pain hurts,
Suffering searches,
Being evolves,
Gratitude surfaces.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Explaining clarifies, justifying weakens (poem)
This morning, I woke up with the thought, "God, I surrender my will to Thy will." And, ever since, each moment has been beautiful.
The following poured out, right after the meditation.
Being opens, supposed-to-be shuts.
Gratitude uplifts, complain drowns.
Surrendering calms, fears stress.
Yeilding eases, resisting hurts.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
The following poured out, right after the meditation.
Being opens, supposed-to-be shuts.
Gratitude uplifts, complain drowns.
Surrendering calms, fears stress.
Yeilding eases, resisting hurts.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Yahoo, I had forgotten my wish, but Universe had not (poem)
I woke up with pain in right thumb/wrist.
It was very uncomfortable to change gears.
I had to meet a friend for lunch in downtown.
So, I called him, to ask, if he could pick me up.
He sweetly agreed, and we decided to meet at the park.
As, I walked towards the park, I saw him sitting in a new car.
And this car, was different, it was a convertible, with its hood down.
I asked him, "When did you buy this car?" and he replied, "February, 2011".
Its surprising that each time I met him for lunch, we both drove.
So, even though I had met him twice in the last 4 months, I never saw it.
And, sometime ago, I had silently wished, to ride, another friend's similar car.
I immediately thanked God; and enjoyed the ride, with breeze caressing my hair.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
It was very uncomfortable to change gears.
I had to meet a friend for lunch in downtown.
So, I called him, to ask, if he could pick me up.
He sweetly agreed, and we decided to meet at the park.
As, I walked towards the park, I saw him sitting in a new car.
And this car, was different, it was a convertible, with its hood down.
I asked him, "When did you buy this car?" and he replied, "February, 2011".
Its surprising that each time I met him for lunch, we both drove.
So, even though I had met him twice in the last 4 months, I never saw it.
And, sometime ago, I had silently wished, to ride, another friend's similar car.
I immediately thanked God; and enjoyed the ride, with breeze caressing my hair.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Kindness returned, so must indifference (poem)
It was hot afternoon,
kids wanted to have ice cream,
after buying them what they needed,
I tasted chocolate ice cream & got a scoop.
The lady at the desk smiled,
for 1 scoop was half of baby cup,
I explained I am not hungry, yet hot,
she did not charge me for that and I smiled.
I was enjoying it with my kids,
I saw the same lady, blocked by door,
for she had a huge load, to push through,
I said, "wait", opened her door; she left smiling.
In this morning meditation, it surfaced,
something, I had ignored yesterday afternoon,
and I sensed, just as kindness returned immediately,
so must all impositions, frustration, fears & seperation.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
kids wanted to have ice cream,
after buying them what they needed,
I tasted chocolate ice cream & got a scoop.
The lady at the desk smiled,
for 1 scoop was half of baby cup,
I explained I am not hungry, yet hot,
she did not charge me for that and I smiled.
I was enjoying it with my kids,
I saw the same lady, blocked by door,
for she had a huge load, to push through,
I said, "wait", opened her door; she left smiling.
In this morning meditation, it surfaced,
something, I had ignored yesterday afternoon,
and I sensed, just as kindness returned immediately,
so must all impositions, frustration, fears & seperation.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Walking through unknown areas = fresh perspective (poem)
I went out to check my daughter's high school,
before entering back inside car, I heard the chirp,
as if, asking me, "How about taking a walk near us, today?"
the breeze, the Sun, the empty side-walks, seemed very inviting.
I started walking around the unknown corners,
and saw different flowers, in pink, red, yellow colors,
they all seemed perfect, even the catcus, I always despise,
it was whispering, "Everyone is perfect, both you, and your husband."
I decided to walk further to the Safeway to buy mushrooms,
I saw a 5 yr old girl, sitting on a chair, holding her baby sister,
while her elder sister was helping mom, folding clothes in laundromat,
I felt gratitude flow down my spine, for I too could have been, born poor.
Inside Safeway, I straight away picked the mushrooms & apples,
I crossed the bananas, and remembered, we were short at our home,
I thought of letting my husband pick, for he likes to buy them elsewhere,
but, I bought few, for one of us needs to build the bridge, why not, it be me?
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
before entering back inside car, I heard the chirp,
as if, asking me, "How about taking a walk near us, today?"
the breeze, the Sun, the empty side-walks, seemed very inviting.
I started walking around the unknown corners,
and saw different flowers, in pink, red, yellow colors,
they all seemed perfect, even the catcus, I always despise,
it was whispering, "Everyone is perfect, both you, and your husband."
I decided to walk further to the Safeway to buy mushrooms,
I saw a 5 yr old girl, sitting on a chair, holding her baby sister,
while her elder sister was helping mom, folding clothes in laundromat,
I felt gratitude flow down my spine, for I too could have been, born poor.
Inside Safeway, I straight away picked the mushrooms & apples,
I crossed the bananas, and remembered, we were short at our home,
I thought of letting my husband pick, for he likes to buy them elsewhere,
but, I bought few, for one of us needs to build the bridge, why not, it be me?
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Monday, June 13, 2011
Now, I can have fun for the sake of it (poem)
I used to feel very uncomfortable with judgements.
Yesterday, I realized in evening meditation, that when I experienced judgements of parents/adults/friends as a child, without my awareness, I kept on adding it to my baggage of samskaras. The bag became heavier, as I grew, till I seeked God sincerely, for the first time and experienced love without any conditions (unconditional w/o any judgements).
Now, I can see, that all of us carry this baggage, including my own parents/grandparents/siblings/friends, who do love me, but are trapped under the burden of their own baggages, and helplessly, pass it onto me, without their awareness. And I have been doing the same, with my dear people too, till it hit me and I became aware that its the judgement which is blocking me from loving.
Also, all of us turn out to be an oppressor or a victim, depending on relative weight of the "judgement" stuff in our own baggage and that of the one I am interacting with. And, its poison, will keep on spreading, till we seek/get, unconditional Universal love, through some Masters or God within.
In other words, the person who I feel is judging me, has been judged tremendously (perhaps even more than I've been); for his baggage load is clearly heavier and spilling out in front of me.
So, if the person who is judging me and not loving me (for however, justified the fact may be), and he is expecting love explicitly, in his words of complain. Then, I 've got to be with God, Krishna, Gurus. Then, from genuine empathy, I need to give him God's love, with all kindness and gentle words.
But, if he's standing strong, judging, complaining, implying "I don't need anything from you." Then also I've got to be with God, Krishna, Gurus. And if I can, radiate God's love silently towards him (for, perhaps his baggage is so heavy that he does not even know, that he desperately needs unconditional love).
Anyways, I've just got to thank God (if I an in that moment of frustration), surrender mine and the other person's frustrations, towards God, and seek and deflect silently Gods love, towards him. And, there is nothing more I can do.
For that person has got to take care of his baggage, sooner or later.
In nutshell, these three steps, (if I can follow, in that volcanic moment) greatly heal me:
1. Being with God-Krishna-Guru (keeps me from helplessly judging myself and others).
2. Thank You God, please take this interaction (keeps me from increasing my baggage).
3. God bless me and "X", Your child (fills my body with soothing unconditional love).
Therefore, I pray, may God bless, all beings everywhere with unconditional love.
Today, I deeply express my gratitude to all the Masters, who have cleansed my samskaras to reveal this to me.
For, now, I am no longer a victim, instead, I am unconditional love, in each breath that I am with my God, Krishna, Guru.
I was not good at Sports, as a child,
my friends would say, "I don't want you in my team",
and I stopped playing any sports, to keep me from this pain,
focused only on the academics, music and dance, where I excelled.
Yesterday, I was playing at mini golf with my family,
my husband said, "It takes you forever to shoot it into hole.....",
but, I continued hitting, for I was having fun with my son, on his b'day,
and I could feel my God loving me same, whether, I shot into the hole, in 1 or 10 hits.
Thank You God, Krishna and Gurus
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Yesterday, I realized in evening meditation, that when I experienced judgements of parents/adults/friends as a child, without my awareness, I kept on adding it to my baggage of samskaras. The bag became heavier, as I grew, till I seeked God sincerely, for the first time and experienced love without any conditions (unconditional w/o any judgements).
Now, I can see, that all of us carry this baggage, including my own parents/grandparents/siblings/friends, who do love me, but are trapped under the burden of their own baggages, and helplessly, pass it onto me, without their awareness. And I have been doing the same, with my dear people too, till it hit me and I became aware that its the judgement which is blocking me from loving.
Also, all of us turn out to be an oppressor or a victim, depending on relative weight of the "judgement" stuff in our own baggage and that of the one I am interacting with. And, its poison, will keep on spreading, till we seek/get, unconditional Universal love, through some Masters or God within.
In other words, the person who I feel is judging me, has been judged tremendously (perhaps even more than I've been); for his baggage load is clearly heavier and spilling out in front of me.
So, if the person who is judging me and not loving me (for however, justified the fact may be), and he is expecting love explicitly, in his words of complain. Then, I 've got to be with God, Krishna, Gurus. Then, from genuine empathy, I need to give him God's love, with all kindness and gentle words.
But, if he's standing strong, judging, complaining, implying "I don't need anything from you." Then also I've got to be with God, Krishna, Gurus. And if I can, radiate God's love silently towards him (for, perhaps his baggage is so heavy that he does not even know, that he desperately needs unconditional love).
Anyways, I've just got to thank God (if I an in that moment of frustration), surrender mine and the other person's frustrations, towards God, and seek and deflect silently Gods love, towards him. And, there is nothing more I can do.
For that person has got to take care of his baggage, sooner or later.
In nutshell, these three steps, (if I can follow, in that volcanic moment) greatly heal me:
1. Being with God-Krishna-Guru (keeps me from helplessly judging myself and others).
2. Thank You God, please take this interaction (keeps me from increasing my baggage).
3. God bless me and "X", Your child (fills my body with soothing unconditional love).
Therefore, I pray, may God bless, all beings everywhere with unconditional love.
Today, I deeply express my gratitude to all the Masters, who have cleansed my samskaras to reveal this to me.
For, now, I am no longer a victim, instead, I am unconditional love, in each breath that I am with my God, Krishna, Guru.
I was not good at Sports, as a child,
my friends would say, "I don't want you in my team",
and I stopped playing any sports, to keep me from this pain,
focused only on the academics, music and dance, where I excelled.
Yesterday, I was playing at mini golf with my family,
my husband said, "It takes you forever to shoot it into hole.....",
but, I continued hitting, for I was having fun with my son, on his b'day,
and I could feel my God loving me same, whether, I shot into the hole, in 1 or 10 hits.
Thank You God, Krishna and Gurus
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
TYG for Thy signals (poem)
TYG implies Thank YOu God
I was taking a walk, while thinking of God,
then I thought about my work, and felt proud,
just then, needle-like pain went down right heel,
immediately, I apologized, for my ego had shoved God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
I was taking a walk, while thinking of God,
then I thought about my work, and felt proud,
just then, needle-like pain went down right heel,
immediately, I apologized, for my ego had shoved God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Now, my God is leading me (poem)
I went to pick up my skirt from alteration shop (where, I have been 10 times before), and for the first time, I noticed, that they had these beautiful cotton, tailor made shirts for women. And I was just thinking of searching and buying the same thing at Macy's.
Amazing, how things surface right in front of my eye, just when I am looking for them. Thank You God, Krishna, Gurus. :))
Whatever I need,
my God,
is leading me,
to it.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Amazing, how things surface right in front of my eye, just when I am looking for them. Thank You God, Krishna, Gurus. :))
Whatever I need,
my God,
is leading me,
to it.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Only love creates bonds, nothing else (poem)
Out of all the people I have ever interacted with, so far, only the ones with whom I experienced love, I really miss. For the simple reason that their love remains in my heart and it gives me each time, what I really need in that moment. This means, only love bonds, neither the duration of interaction, nor the proximity.
So, God, bless Your child Gunjan, so that she can tresspass, her own desires, mind-stuff, ego or whatever blocks her, from giving Thy unconditional love to all.
Grandpa died, but his love lives.
Lover changed, but his love heals.
Friends leave, but their love soothes.
Interactions vary, but only, love binds.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
So, God, bless Your child Gunjan, so that she can tresspass, her own desires, mind-stuff, ego or whatever blocks her, from giving Thy unconditional love to all.
Grandpa died, but his love lives.
Lover changed, but his love heals.
Friends leave, but their love soothes.
Interactions vary, but only, love binds.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Equanimity, is the key to inner joy (poem)
The birds were chirping on the trees,
the kids were screaming inside the pool,
I wanted to hear the birds and kids to shut,
but, I smilingly said, "Thank You God for all."
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
the kids were screaming inside the pool,
I wanted to hear the birds and kids to shut,
but, I smilingly said, "Thank You God for all."
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
For my son, on his 8th Birthday
My dear Gaurav,
As you turn 8, on June 12th, 2011, I would like you to know at least 8 things I really love about you.
1. The way you love ice hockey, and how you played with pencils and eraser in pretend games. How you fell on my feet, to buy the ice hockey stick for you, before the long weekend. For the loving looks and caresses, that you showered on the ice hockey stick, when it finally arrived.
2. The way you cook your omelet, with precisely cut thin long onions fried till almost brown, little green onions, a dash of red chilli powder, salt pepper added to well beaten egg, and 2 tiny shreds out of a green chilly, topped with a slice of cheese.
3. The way you play goalie games and cricket with me with new rules each day, and how you keep on winning against me, by diving on the ground to save each goal I try to hit against you.
4. The way you draw your rainbows, the smiling Sun, sketch in black and white the shooting war between sailing ships and flying airplanes in 3-D.
5. The way you keep asking about what will your friend with allergies eat (at your upcoming birthday party).
6. The way you neatly did the flip, when dancing with your classmates to "Dynamite".
7. The way you demand me to change you into night dress, and your belly hug.
8. The way you explore surroundings and ask me questions.
I pray to God, to bless His child, Gaurav, with Light.
With aise, aise, aise,
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
As you turn 8, on June 12th, 2011, I would like you to know at least 8 things I really love about you.
1. The way you love ice hockey, and how you played with pencils and eraser in pretend games. How you fell on my feet, to buy the ice hockey stick for you, before the long weekend. For the loving looks and caresses, that you showered on the ice hockey stick, when it finally arrived.
2. The way you cook your omelet, with precisely cut thin long onions fried till almost brown, little green onions, a dash of red chilli powder, salt pepper added to well beaten egg, and 2 tiny shreds out of a green chilly, topped with a slice of cheese.
3. The way you play goalie games and cricket with me with new rules each day, and how you keep on winning against me, by diving on the ground to save each goal I try to hit against you.
4. The way you draw your rainbows, the smiling Sun, sketch in black and white the shooting war between sailing ships and flying airplanes in 3-D.
5. The way you keep asking about what will your friend with allergies eat (at your upcoming birthday party).
6. The way you neatly did the flip, when dancing with your classmates to "Dynamite".
7. The way you demand me to change you into night dress, and your belly hug.
8. The way you explore surroundings and ask me questions.
I pray to God, to bless His child, Gaurav, with Light.
With aise, aise, aise,
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Beware men, who don't respect women (poem)
There are some men, who never understand his women's love,
However they see women, only as an object to fulfill their needs,
Those who do that, should be aware, that she can transform the same energy,
into anything she wishes to, with divine support, for God supports those who seek.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
However they see women, only as an object to fulfill their needs,
Those who do that, should be aware, that she can transform the same energy,
into anything she wishes to, with divine support, for God supports those who seek.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Its high time I seek everything from within for...(poem)
If I search for love from people,
then I will also get depressed by the judgement of people.
If I search for support from people,
then I will also feel discouraged by the indifference of people.
If I search for security from people,
then I will also keep on trembling by the fears induced by the people.
As long as I am seeking from the people,
I will continue to feel uprooted by its very opposite emotion from people.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
then I will also get depressed by the judgement of people.
If I search for support from people,
then I will also feel discouraged by the indifference of people.
If I search for security from people,
then I will also keep on trembling by the fears induced by the people.
As long as I am seeking from the people,
I will continue to feel uprooted by its very opposite emotion from people.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Love happens, but hatred is created (poem)
Love happens, it can't be forced.
But complain is mind created, it can be dropped.
So, notice mind-stuff blocking, what was once flowing.
And, using the strong will, just shove away all thats unloving.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and thats the only Truth)
But complain is mind created, it can be dropped.
So, notice mind-stuff blocking, what was once flowing.
And, using the strong will, just shove away all thats unloving.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and thats the only Truth)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Mind Vs Wisdom (poem)
I surrender my mind,
for its a devil,
that creates,
I seek Thy wisdom,
for thats Light,
that creates,
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is th only Truth)
for its a devil,
that creates,
I seek Thy wisdom,
for thats Light,
that creates,
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is th only Truth)
It feels different now (poem)
So far,
I desired
and therefore
I complained.
I am thankful
and therefore
I am creating.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
I desired
and therefore
I complained.
I am thankful
and therefore
I am creating.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
Monday, June 6, 2011
In Love...(poem)
there is Trust,
there is Surrender,
there is Understanding,
therefore, I love my Krishna.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
there is Surrender,
there is Understanding,
therefore, I love my Krishna.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Perhaps, this is unconditional love
While driving back from Amma, for the first time, I embraced US, my father with his not-so-cuddling love, my mother for not letting me report or speak aloud my molestation experiences, my husband with his own fears of money, my first love with all his desires, my latest affection with his own fears of desires, my daughter with her aggressiveness, my son with his stubbornness, my brother with his not-taking-stand-for me and the list went on; till I embraced myself with all my bitterness and judgement towards these wonderful people in my life.
Today, I embrace, myself as being imposive, expecting from others, having, " I am right, and you are not" attitude, and that in my marriage, there is no love between us. But, with the faith in God, I got my married to my husband, with deeper faith, I embrace my marriage, that my God is all that He is doing, for that needs to happen for the good of the Universe, even if it is painful to me.
In that moment I realized, that I was seeking Amma to bless me with unconditional love, and that is nothing else, me loving all people in my without any conditions or expectations. So, its more like getting present and releasing all that my mind-stuff creates, embracing each person I interact with gratitude towards, my dearest God. Also, I witnessed that its all my creation, the lack of love, my mind-stuff helplessly reacting to people (my God's blessing's) in my life.
To create peace in this world, I need to acknowledge myself, honor who I am and deflect it all towards my God, and repeat the same for each one of these angels in my life. And I also know that I am not this body or mind stuff, but these two are the biggest generators of chaos and restlessness in my life.
People, I interact with, bring to the surface, what has been sitting deposited within me from this life and past lives, and when I feel upset with them, they are mirroring, my stuff. Its funny, now, that I am full of gratitude, for them, for however, painful, its been, they have simply been doing, what my God wishes them to do unto me; perhaps they are not even aware about it. Just as I was not, till now.
But, now that I am, with my Krishna's love (the lord of the Universe), inside my heart, I simply need to leave my helplessness and accept all that comes with "Thank You God"; from a place of inner joy.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Today, I embrace, myself as being imposive, expecting from others, having, " I am right, and you are not" attitude, and that in my marriage, there is no love between us. But, with the faith in God, I got my married to my husband, with deeper faith, I embrace my marriage, that my God is all that He is doing, for that needs to happen for the good of the Universe, even if it is painful to me.
In that moment I realized, that I was seeking Amma to bless me with unconditional love, and that is nothing else, me loving all people in my without any conditions or expectations. So, its more like getting present and releasing all that my mind-stuff creates, embracing each person I interact with gratitude towards, my dearest God. Also, I witnessed that its all my creation, the lack of love, my mind-stuff helplessly reacting to people (my God's blessing's) in my life.
To create peace in this world, I need to acknowledge myself, honor who I am and deflect it all towards my God, and repeat the same for each one of these angels in my life. And I also know that I am not this body or mind stuff, but these two are the biggest generators of chaos and restlessness in my life.
People, I interact with, bring to the surface, what has been sitting deposited within me from this life and past lives, and when I feel upset with them, they are mirroring, my stuff. Its funny, now, that I am full of gratitude, for them, for however, painful, its been, they have simply been doing, what my God wishes them to do unto me; perhaps they are not even aware about it. Just as I was not, till now.
But, now that I am, with my Krishna's love (the lord of the Universe), inside my heart, I simply need to leave my helplessness and accept all that comes with "Thank You God"; from a place of inner joy.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Have you ever seen gratitude, for I just saw it.
I went to meet Amma. There was this young bearded man in early 20's, totally bed ridden, with tubes and loud machines working on his body. The noisy machine caught my attention, I noticed (through the gap between his mother and the nurse), his entire body was draped in layers of sheets, his eyes were closed; and he was smiling. The most beautiful smile, I have ever seen. I closed my eyes, wondering what's that and I heard, "gratitude".
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
This is the million dollar question I asked myself...(poem)
Today, I went for my Mamogram after nearly two years,
Man, it does hurt really bad; but, I did not blame the techinican,
for, my mind knew that, she's just doing her job, and its for my good.
Then, why do I blame people, who induce pain, and push me closer to my God?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Man, it does hurt really bad; but, I did not blame the techinican,
for, my mind knew that, she's just doing her job, and its for my good.
Then, why do I blame people, who induce pain, and push me closer to my God?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
O my Krishna...(poem)
Protect my body, like Draupadi's.
Tease my heart, like Yashoda's.
Focus my mind, like Meera's.
Love my soul, like Radha's.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
Tease my heart, like Yashoda's.
Focus my mind, like Meera's.
Love my soul, like Radha's.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Chari, take me home (poem)
I felt, I had landed in a dear yet unfamiliar country,
I was looking forward to meet my old family, waiting at home,
I jumped inside the cab, and declared cheerfully, "take me to God",
I saw in the rear view, to utter surprise, my guru, was driving the cab.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
I was looking forward to meet my old family, waiting at home,
I jumped inside the cab, and declared cheerfully, "take me to God",
I saw in the rear view, to utter surprise, my guru, was driving the cab.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
Who can love me more than God? (poem)
Who can protect me better than Krishna?
Who can illuminate my journey stronger than Gurus?
Who can nurture my body, mind, heart and soul soother than Nature?
Who can arrange for my spoken/unspoken needs, smarter than the Universe?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
Who can illuminate my journey stronger than Gurus?
Who can nurture my body, mind, heart and soul soother than Nature?
Who can arrange for my spoken/unspoken needs, smarter than the Universe?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
He is my special friend (poem)
When I call him up, I am in stress or joy.
When I speak to him, I am absolutely myself.
When I hear him speak, I simply smile/laugh.
When I hug him in silence, I feel completeness.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is only Truth)
When I speak to him, I am absolutely myself.
When I hear him speak, I simply smile/laugh.
When I hug him in silence, I feel completeness.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is only Truth)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Sweet dreams are made of these...(poem)
I did not know, I had so many dreams/wishes/desires. Now that, I am writing it out, I realized, these are the clouds that block me from appreciating what I have.
This morning, I witnessed that I thanked God, for giving me husband who wakes up before 6 am(even though he is night bird), just to get kids ready for school.
Wow, removing the fog (of desires by writing it out as a wish), works wonders.
Here, is the third one, in the sequence of my dreams.
He is tickling my bare feet; and both of us are enjoying it.
He is holding me from behind, with his arms arund my waist and his chin, touching my head.
He is sharing all his passwords, be it of email accounts, or bank accounts or financial status of our family.
He is my best friend on facebook; we are both completely comfortable and are proud of each other's uninhibited comments.
He is freely and joyfully playing with our 1.5 year old daughter, by shaking her all around; while crossing the street.
I am feeding him food with my hand, and he is looking into my eyes affecionately (while opening his mouth) and he is picking up food to feed me.
He is cracking jokes at the dinner table with the family, all about funny and dumb he had been; and we are laughing with our head out with a loud ha, ha, ha.
I come down and signal to tell him something important; he pauses his phone conversation, halts all his work to listen to me with all his attention and loving tinkle in his eyes.
He reads my blogs regularly to understand my thoughts more, appreciates them and gives me support as well as feedback to keep writing for it gives me joy and helps me heal; to grow into my loving God-Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
This morning, I witnessed that I thanked God, for giving me husband who wakes up before 6 am(even though he is night bird), just to get kids ready for school.
Wow, removing the fog (of desires by writing it out as a wish), works wonders.
Here, is the third one, in the sequence of my dreams.
He is tickling my bare feet; and both of us are enjoying it.
He is holding me from behind, with his arms arund my waist and his chin, touching my head.
He is sharing all his passwords, be it of email accounts, or bank accounts or financial status of our family.
He is my best friend on facebook; we are both completely comfortable and are proud of each other's uninhibited comments.
He is freely and joyfully playing with our 1.5 year old daughter, by shaking her all around; while crossing the street.
I am feeding him food with my hand, and he is looking into my eyes affecionately (while opening his mouth) and he is picking up food to feed me.
He is cracking jokes at the dinner table with the family, all about funny and dumb he had been; and we are laughing with our head out with a loud ha, ha, ha.
I come down and signal to tell him something important; he pauses his phone conversation, halts all his work to listen to me with all his attention and loving tinkle in his eyes.
He reads my blogs regularly to understand my thoughts more, appreciates them and gives me support as well as feedback to keep writing for it gives me joy and helps me heal; to grow into my loving God-Self.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Victory always follows frustration (poem)
My kids and husband had left,
I thought that I would enjoy,
my awesome breakfast,
I witnessed, when I finished,
that something within me,
was continuosly,
When, I closed my eyes,
I discovered that,
it was my mind,
Then, I chose to let go,
of my frustration,
and smiled at,
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
I thought that I would enjoy,
my awesome breakfast,
I witnessed, when I finished,
that something within me,
was continuosly,
When, I closed my eyes,
I discovered that,
it was my mind,
Then, I chose to let go,
of my frustration,
and smiled at,
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Its all in the experience (poem)
If I say, I love you, then you need to feel it.
If I am joyful, then people must feel it in my singing.
If I enjoy Physics, then the kids need to feel it in their bodies.
If I am content, then the people who see me, need to feel it in my presence.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love, and that is the only Truth)
If I am joyful, then people must feel it in my singing.
If I enjoy Physics, then the kids need to feel it in their bodies.
If I am content, then the people who see me, need to feel it in my presence.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love, and that is the only Truth)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Gunjan, choose carefully, in each moment (poem)
When I am with the one within me,
then I am calm and content,
When I loose the contact,
I feel all stirred up.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
then I am calm and content,
When I loose the contact,
I feel all stirred up.
Aum Tat Sat (God is love and that is the only Truth)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
God, please make me love (poem)
When I am love,
I overcome my mind stuff,
I love the other, completely,
and not judge, what he has become.
When I am love,
I can love him as a mother,
where, I can see him as a child,
and not an adult, being inappropriate.
When I am love,
then I can witness what he is,
in the light of the circumstances,
he has been through, which have crushed him.
When I am love,
I become one with Universal love,
in front of which, my mind surrenders,
so God, turn me into love, for very many moments.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
I overcome my mind stuff,
I love the other, completely,
and not judge, what he has become.
When I am love,
I can love him as a mother,
where, I can see him as a child,
and not an adult, being inappropriate.
When I am love,
then I can witness what he is,
in the light of the circumstances,
he has been through, which have crushed him.
When I am love,
I become one with Universal love,
in front of which, my mind surrenders,
so God, turn me into love, for very many moments.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love, and that is the only Truth)
These are some of my wishes....(poem)
A soft voice within me says, release all frustrations creatively as a heart felt wish, and all beautiful memories, without attachment to hold on; for then only there will be space for divine light to shine.
Here is my second attempt this week, after the first one last week, I did feel a lot lighter releasing the mixed bag of memorable moments and smple heart felt wishes.
From, my heart, with pride, I surrender these to my God.
My kids are listening to me respectfully.
I witness him, risking his own life, just to save my life.
He understands my silence and I his, unspoken words.
He smiles, when I am happy and I am joyful when he is.
My children, are imbibing the best from both the parents.
I am hugging him to whisper bye, but am unable to let go of my hug.
He is spending all his money earned and save for me to recover from my sickness.
I am crying, when he is in emotional pain; and he is in pain, when I am full of sadness.
We are saying bye in the middle of the parking lot, to leave in our own cars, but just can't stop kissing.
We are both lying on the sofa, with heads on opposite ends, right next to each other, busy reading our favorite book.
I am checking in my luggage to board the plane, but we can't get enough of touching hands, talking and looking into eyes.
He is waiting there to receive me at the airport, with the biggest smile, joyful eyes and arms wide open to welcome me with the hug.
I am sitting in between his legs, and we are both watching and listening to the ocean waves striking the shore, from the big window in our room.
I would love him to support my intentions, concerns and energy towards our kids welfare, both in studies and emotional growth; by recognizing and honoring that in me, first.
I would like to smile at me the first thing in the morning, and when we see, each other in the evening; plus, to put turn off all gadgets himself, for he is looking forward to talking to me (at night, after tucking kids).
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
Here is my second attempt this week, after the first one last week, I did feel a lot lighter releasing the mixed bag of memorable moments and smple heart felt wishes.
From, my heart, with pride, I surrender these to my God.
My kids are listening to me respectfully.
I witness him, risking his own life, just to save my life.
He understands my silence and I his, unspoken words.
He smiles, when I am happy and I am joyful when he is.
My children, are imbibing the best from both the parents.
I am hugging him to whisper bye, but am unable to let go of my hug.
He is spending all his money earned and save for me to recover from my sickness.
I am crying, when he is in emotional pain; and he is in pain, when I am full of sadness.
We are saying bye in the middle of the parking lot, to leave in our own cars, but just can't stop kissing.
We are both lying on the sofa, with heads on opposite ends, right next to each other, busy reading our favorite book.
I am checking in my luggage to board the plane, but we can't get enough of touching hands, talking and looking into eyes.
He is waiting there to receive me at the airport, with the biggest smile, joyful eyes and arms wide open to welcome me with the hug.
I am sitting in between his legs, and we are both watching and listening to the ocean waves striking the shore, from the big window in our room.
I would love him to support my intentions, concerns and energy towards our kids welfare, both in studies and emotional growth; by recognizing and honoring that in me, first.
I would like to smile at me the first thing in the morning, and when we see, each other in the evening; plus, to put turn off all gadgets himself, for he is looking forward to talking to me (at night, after tucking kids).
Aum Tat Sat (God is Love and that is the only Truth)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Everything is happening as per divine plan (poem)
Yesterday, without any frustrations,
with an overflowing feeling, of thanks,
I could see how God arranges situations,
and all people are puppets under His play.
Today, lying under the tree on my yoga mat,
I heard the birds sing me the perfect melody,
I saw leaves bless me with the perfect shower,
and I could sense the perfection in each moment.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
with an overflowing feeling, of thanks,
I could see how God arranges situations,
and all people are puppets under His play.
Today, lying under the tree on my yoga mat,
I heard the birds sing me the perfect melody,
I saw leaves bless me with the perfect shower,
and I could sense the perfection in each moment.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
When I am with Krishna....(poem)
I am not fearful around controlling people.
I am not lost interacting with desirous people.
I am lying safe on the grass, where a spider was lying.
I am unaware of comments being passed, by the judgemental people.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
I am not lost interacting with desirous people.
I am lying safe on the grass, where a spider was lying.
I am unaware of comments being passed, by the judgemental people.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Let desires arise, be honored and released; just like washing dirty clothes (poem)
We are walking hand in hand, talking on our long walk.
We are teasingly singing together doing chores, & on guitar with friends.
He is fully supporting in my work and at home, ignoring the pressure from family.
He is praising about my work, my intentions, my pursuit and my dedication to our children (behind me).
I am feeling joyful, holding his hand, delivering my third child, a baby girl, at the end of all natural labor.
He is honoring my divine connection and my goal to be one with Thee, and supporting me through this confusing journey.
He is lying, and I am lying on top of him, facing him, with one fist on top of the other, we are talking and rubbing our noses in between.
He calls me on the couch, with eyes full of love and touches brimming with pure love. He is expressing his gratitude when I am showering my love.
Each time we look at each other, we thank God in our heart; each time we touch each other or come close, we are anchored on the divine within us.
I am sitting against a tree, he is lying down on the grass close to me, he has put his head into my laps, and I am running my fingers through his hair.
Standing close, he is caressing my hair, running his fingers through my dense hair, caressing my earlobes, and I am cotinuing to hug him closer and still tighter.
I am standing with my back towards him, he gently calls me back to lean onto him (as he stood there leaning against the car); and then he softly whispered, "I am here, for you."
I am lying down on a yoga mat on the grass, and so is he next to me. We rest our elbows on the mat in between us, and hold each other's palms, with our fingers interlaced; and we keep talking, looking up at the sky.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
We are teasingly singing together doing chores, & on guitar with friends.
He is fully supporting in my work and at home, ignoring the pressure from family.
He is praising about my work, my intentions, my pursuit and my dedication to our children (behind me).
I am feeling joyful, holding his hand, delivering my third child, a baby girl, at the end of all natural labor.
He is honoring my divine connection and my goal to be one with Thee, and supporting me through this confusing journey.
He is lying, and I am lying on top of him, facing him, with one fist on top of the other, we are talking and rubbing our noses in between.
He calls me on the couch, with eyes full of love and touches brimming with pure love. He is expressing his gratitude when I am showering my love.
Each time we look at each other, we thank God in our heart; each time we touch each other or come close, we are anchored on the divine within us.
I am sitting against a tree, he is lying down on the grass close to me, he has put his head into my laps, and I am running my fingers through his hair.
Standing close, he is caressing my hair, running his fingers through my dense hair, caressing my earlobes, and I am cotinuing to hug him closer and still tighter.
I am standing with my back towards him, he gently calls me back to lean onto him (as he stood there leaning against the car); and then he softly whispered, "I am here, for you."
I am lying down on a yoga mat on the grass, and so is he next to me. We rest our elbows on the mat in between us, and hold each other's palms, with our fingers interlaced; and we keep talking, looking up at the sky.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
YIELD (poem)
Let everyone be, honor them and love them; just don't resist them.
E-Energy will guide
L-you to generate Love
D-and Do needful action.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
E-Energy will guide
L-you to generate Love
D-and Do needful action.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Law of conservation of energy (poem)
While sharing observing Physcics with preschoolers, law of conservation of energy, when they toast their breads, to running around and climbing up down the slide. The following hit me:
The total energy is always the same,
but, it can change from one form to another,
say, from standing to walking, dancing or meditating,
and I am the one, who is choosing how I am going to use it.
Along the same lines, in each moment,
the energy within me is fixed but is changing,
I am making a choice mostly helplessly and sometimes wisely,
to fill up each one of my cells with love or incessant complains.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
The total energy is always the same,
but, it can change from one form to another,
say, from standing to walking, dancing or meditating,
and I am the one, who is choosing how I am going to use it.
Along the same lines, in each moment,
the energy within me is fixed but is changing,
I am making a choice mostly helplessly and sometimes wisely,
to fill up each one of my cells with love or incessant complains.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Thank You God for "that" drizzle of love (poem)
Thank You God, for blessing me, with pure love.
Thank You God, for making me feel proud, of the one I love.
Thank You God, for showering me, with those moments of precious love.
Thank You God, for fulfilling me, with that enriching experience, of giving love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Thank You God, for making me feel proud, of the one I love.
Thank You God, for showering me, with those moments of precious love.
Thank You God, for fulfilling me, with that enriching experience, of giving love.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Love, Faith, Light (poem)
God, make me pure Love.
Krishna, pour me with absolute Faith.
Gurus cleanse me, and fill me with Thy Light.
Universe, transmute me to surrender only to Divine will.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Krishna, pour me with absolute Faith.
Gurus cleanse me, and fill me with Thy Light.
Universe, transmute me to surrender only to Divine will.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Sunday, May 15, 2011
We are all same (poem)
When I acknowledged & honored,
my helplessness, my desires,
my anger, my biggest fear,
and surrendered to God.
It hit me, we are all one & same,
for we have the same feelings,
even though our own triggers,
and needs may be different.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
my helplessness, my desires,
my anger, my biggest fear,
and surrendered to God.
It hit me, we are all one & same,
for we have the same feelings,
even though our own triggers,
and needs may be different.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Laws of Reflection (especially dedicated to over 40)
I was talking to an old school friend about my workshops on observing Physics with elementary school kids, when he jokingly said, "You are doing this kids, what do you have to share with us, people over 40?". I smiled, wondering.
But this morning, I woke up with a thought that just as I tell kids (at my library workshops) to hit the ball against the wall, to understand the laws of reflection. Then I ask them, "If you roll out blue ball, will you get a pink or a yellow ball". They (and their parents) wonder why am I asking that. And then, I tell them, when you friend is being mean, you feel like being mean and that keeps on reflecting. For laws of reflection hold good in all domains, whether you can see it happening (like balls) or not (like IR on remote control for TV and power point presentation pens); and they get it that if they need affection from friends, they genuinely need to send out affection, even if the friend is not ready for hugs (by just thinking with affection and smiling towards them, but from heart not from mind). So, also the parents get it, as they mentioned in the feedback.
But, here is a real life example, where I witnessed laws if reflection working, with me in less than 20 minutes:
After meditating, with my heart full of love,
I drove towards Costco, to buy myself a juicer,
since I only had to pick that, I didn't pull a cart,
and started walking towards the entrance, on that windy day,
on my way I saw a women struggling with the wind blowing her cart,
and she trying to download her shopping stuff into the trunk of her car,
I merrily, paused, turned towards her, and smilingly offered to hold her cart,
she thanked me, for that much needed simple help, and I moved on saying "God bless you",
I picked up the juicer in that bulky packing and stood in the line to pay,
to my surprise, in the mid-day of weekday, there were 10 people ahead of me with loaded carts,
I chose to smile, even though I had started feeling the weight of the 20 pound juicer on my arms and back,
just then the lady in front of me, turned around towards me, created space in her cart and very affectionately said,
"If you want, you may place the juicer inside my cart, while you are waiting in this very long line to make the payment",
I accepted the offer, began talking to her about her kids and mine, what to juice and what not to and other motherhood/women topics,
Finally, we both paid, left Costco, as if we were great friends, without knowing each others names, or even exchanging email/phone numbers,
When, I placed the juicer inside my car, it hit me that it took less than 20 minutes for the laws of reflection to work, between my act giving and receiving help.
Wow, everything does get reflected back, whether I can see it or not :))
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
But this morning, I woke up with a thought that just as I tell kids (at my library workshops) to hit the ball against the wall, to understand the laws of reflection. Then I ask them, "If you roll out blue ball, will you get a pink or a yellow ball". They (and their parents) wonder why am I asking that. And then, I tell them, when you friend is being mean, you feel like being mean and that keeps on reflecting. For laws of reflection hold good in all domains, whether you can see it happening (like balls) or not (like IR on remote control for TV and power point presentation pens); and they get it that if they need affection from friends, they genuinely need to send out affection, even if the friend is not ready for hugs (by just thinking with affection and smiling towards them, but from heart not from mind). So, also the parents get it, as they mentioned in the feedback.
But, here is a real life example, where I witnessed laws if reflection working, with me in less than 20 minutes:
After meditating, with my heart full of love,
I drove towards Costco, to buy myself a juicer,
since I only had to pick that, I didn't pull a cart,
and started walking towards the entrance, on that windy day,
on my way I saw a women struggling with the wind blowing her cart,
and she trying to download her shopping stuff into the trunk of her car,
I merrily, paused, turned towards her, and smilingly offered to hold her cart,
she thanked me, for that much needed simple help, and I moved on saying "God bless you",
I picked up the juicer in that bulky packing and stood in the line to pay,
to my surprise, in the mid-day of weekday, there were 10 people ahead of me with loaded carts,
I chose to smile, even though I had started feeling the weight of the 20 pound juicer on my arms and back,
just then the lady in front of me, turned around towards me, created space in her cart and very affectionately said,
"If you want, you may place the juicer inside my cart, while you are waiting in this very long line to make the payment",
I accepted the offer, began talking to her about her kids and mine, what to juice and what not to and other motherhood/women topics,
Finally, we both paid, left Costco, as if we were great friends, without knowing each others names, or even exchanging email/phone numbers,
When, I placed the juicer inside my car, it hit me that it took less than 20 minutes for the laws of reflection to work, between my act giving and receiving help.
Wow, everything does get reflected back, whether I can see it or not :))
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, May 9, 2011
As I think, my world becomes (poem)
If I focus on what I wish to create, thats what I attract,
so I see myself, laughing and singing, with my family members,
and I see myself, realizing all my dreams come true, in my relationship,
plus, I see myself, travelling around world, feeding kids and observing Physics.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
so I see myself, laughing and singing, with my family members,
and I see myself, realizing all my dreams come true, in my relationship,
plus, I see myself, travelling around world, feeding kids and observing Physics.
Aum Tat Sat (God is the only Truth)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Wow, what an inspiring moment (poem)
I saw her pass across the campus,
where in the center we were rejoicing,
laughing with our head out at kids answers,
on the award ceremony of my children's school.
But, behind all that noise, I saw her quietness,
amidst all the crowd, I noticed her walking alone,
beneath all exuberance, I witnessed her contentment,
and in her focus within, I discovered that invisible "joy".
She was walking, as if she had controlled, her sense organs,
She was looking, as if she was with, what she had been seeking,
She was sitting, as if she was happy, where she was watching from,
She was demonstrating, as if she were a turtle, with limbs retrieved.
Aum Tat Sat
where in the center we were rejoicing,
laughing with our head out at kids answers,
on the award ceremony of my children's school.
But, behind all that noise, I saw her quietness,
amidst all the crowd, I noticed her walking alone,
beneath all exuberance, I witnessed her contentment,
and in her focus within, I discovered that invisible "joy".
She was walking, as if she had controlled, her sense organs,
She was looking, as if she was with, what she had been seeking,
She was sitting, as if she was happy, where she was watching from,
She was demonstrating, as if she were a turtle, with limbs retrieved.
Aum Tat Sat
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Hate the sin, not the sinner... (poem)
Hate the expectations, but love the expectant,
Hate the helplessness, but love the helpless,
Hate the desires, but love the desirous,
Hate the fears, but love the fearful,
Hate the hatred, but love the hater,
Hate the anger, but love the angry,
Hate the ego, but love the egoistic,
Hate the sin, but love the sinner.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Hate the helplessness, but love the helpless,
Hate the desires, but love the desirous,
Hate the fears, but love the fearful,
Hate the hatred, but love the hater,
Hate the anger, but love the angry,
Hate the ego, but love the egoistic,
Hate the sin, but love the sinner.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
And I laughed at myself, really hard (poem)
I was on the land line, talking to someone about my work,
just then my cell phone rang, I saw it was a new number,
I let it go into the voice message, and I kept on talking,
but my mind started chatting in turn, without my Ok.
I witnessed, my mind leading me into the following story,
"Oh, it must be that lady, who I had met yesterday,
she had taken my number, and she wanted to meet,
but, how will I meet her today, I am so busy..."
I continued talking on the land line for twenty minutes,
and my mind kept on alluring me further into its story,
till, I finally checked the message in my cell phone,
only to find out that it wasn't that lady calling.
And I laughed at myself, really hard. :))
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
just then my cell phone rang, I saw it was a new number,
I let it go into the voice message, and I kept on talking,
but my mind started chatting in turn, without my Ok.
I witnessed, my mind leading me into the following story,
"Oh, it must be that lady, who I had met yesterday,
she had taken my number, and she wanted to meet,
but, how will I meet her today, I am so busy..."
I continued talking on the land line for twenty minutes,
and my mind kept on alluring me further into its story,
till, I finally checked the message in my cell phone,
only to find out that it wasn't that lady calling.
And I laughed at myself, really hard. :))
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Everyone is God's child, so is Osama...(poem)
I have been a victim of my circumsatnces,
My heart has been flooded with pain,
My mind is full of random thoughts,
and in darkness, I am revengeful.
Just like me, and some of my very dear people,
many have searched for really deep bondings,
in which, someone can empathize, not judge,
and in Light only, I found that Love.
So, just as we pray, peace for even strangers,
why don't all of us, come together and pray,
for all those who lost dear ones on 9/11,
and include Osama Bin Laden, too?
For, everyone is God's child, so is Osama...
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
My heart has been flooded with pain,
My mind is full of random thoughts,
and in darkness, I am revengeful.
Just like me, and some of my very dear people,
many have searched for really deep bondings,
in which, someone can empathize, not judge,
and in Light only, I found that Love.
So, just as we pray, peace for even strangers,
why don't all of us, come together and pray,
for all those who lost dear ones on 9/11,
and include Osama Bin Laden, too?
For, everyone is God's child, so is Osama...
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
When God is one....(poem)
Krishna and Jesus consciousness are same,
All Masters are leading us towards only one goal,
Then, how can we, all of God's children be not same?
And, why wouldn't all of us, not pray, peace for Obama's soul?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
All Masters are leading us towards only one goal,
Then, how can we, all of God's children be not same?
And, why wouldn't all of us, not pray, peace for Obama's soul?
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
I am not sense organs or mind, I am just Your mirror (poem)
Towards those who ignite my desires,
towards those who make me fearful,
& towards those who respect me,
use me to deflect Thy Light.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
towards those who make me fearful,
& towards those who respect me,
use me to deflect Thy Light.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Hmm, he does make me feel helpless with his fears (poem)
I am standing there in confusion,
asking him what to do with this credit card,
that the bank has sent me, in my name, for me to use,
he tells me, "you won't need any, and it will mess up our home loan".
I throw the card away in the "to be crushed documents"
and this very same scene keeps on happening, almost every month,
till I meet a lady at a networking place discussing financial aid for business,
and when I tell her tearfully, why I don't have a credit card, she excalims, "You've been misguided!!"
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
asking him what to do with this credit card,
that the bank has sent me, in my name, for me to use,
he tells me, "you won't need any, and it will mess up our home loan".
I throw the card away in the "to be crushed documents"
and this very same scene keeps on happening, almost every month,
till I meet a lady at a networking place discussing financial aid for business,
and when I tell her tearfully, why I don't have a credit card, she excalims, "You've been misguided!!"
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wow, he does make me desire with this "kind of a" kiss (poem)
He is sitting on a couch,
I am sitting on top of his laps,
with my legs stretched across over his,
and my arms are holding him close, by his neck.
I am kissing him and he is kissing me,
we keep doing this without taking any break,
and then we stop together in complete contentment,
looking into each others smiling eyes, only to resume again.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I am sitting on top of his laps,
with my legs stretched across over his,
and my arms are holding him close, by his neck.
I am kissing him and he is kissing me,
we keep doing this without taking any break,
and then we stop together in complete contentment,
looking into each others smiling eyes, only to resume again.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Honestly Speaking...(poem)
My soul,
is one with his,
and my heart,
really loves him.
My body,
seeks his caresses,
and my mind,
keeps judging his intent.
My soft voice,
whispers from within,
and I hear,
"Do what's appropriate, joyfully".
My heart,
sings a romantic song,
and I dance,
back into, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
is one with his,
and my heart,
really loves him.
My body,
seeks his caresses,
and my mind,
keeps judging his intent.
My soft voice,
whispers from within,
and I hear,
"Do what's appropriate, joyfully".
My heart,
sings a romantic song,
and I dance,
back into, "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna."
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
He makes my heart sing (poem)
He caresses my hair with fingers,
He rubs my cheeks and ears with palms,
He massages my knee and shin with hands,
And I just pray, God bless him with Light.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
He rubs my cheeks and ears with palms,
He massages my knee and shin with hands,
And I just pray, God bless him with Light.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Mirror, mirror, teach me how to deflect? (poem)
I used get love from mama,
share it as smiles in college,
come back with experiences,
& vent it out onto my mother.
Now, I get love from God,
share it out as His blessings,
& deflect all the interactions,
towards my dearest Krishna.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
share it as smiles in college,
come back with experiences,
& vent it out onto my mother.
Now, I get love from God,
share it out as His blessings,
& deflect all the interactions,
towards my dearest Krishna.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Now, I am complete....(poem)
with all Thy love, that makes me at ease,
with all Thy wisdom, that makes me seek within,
with all Thy Light, that makes me trust guidance,
with all Thy protection, that makes me feel secure.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
with all Thy wisdom, that makes me seek within,
with all Thy Light, that makes me trust guidance,
with all Thy protection, that makes me feel secure.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I've got to give it all to God, both good and bad (poem)
When he is affectionate,
I got lost in happiness,
but, when he is unkind,
I complain and seek God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I got lost in happiness,
but, when he is unkind,
I complain and seek God.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
I have every reason to smile when....(poem)
Trees are dancing.
Birds are singing.
Breeze is kissing.
Earth is loving.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Birds are singing.
Breeze is kissing.
Earth is loving.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Now, I am choosing joy over happiness (poem)
In divine Light, I can see, what is appropriate and what's not.
In darkness, I am desiring, and, helplessly follow my deepest desires.
In divine Light, I am joyful, thanking God incessantly and singing.
In darkness, I am happy, yet, helplessly complain about my frustrations.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
In darkness, I am desiring, and, helplessly follow my deepest desires.
In divine Light, I am joyful, thanking God incessantly and singing.
In darkness, I am happy, yet, helplessly complain about my frustrations.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Climb every mountain, search high and low.,..(poem)
In this morning meditation, I saw my furstrations in my relationship, and surrendered them to God.
Then, in divine Light I saw how I moved from a well paying Industry job, to prestigious-yet-lesser-paying teaching at the University and then after a gap of 7 years to a fulfilling-and-beginning-to-get-paid observing Physics with kids.
I heard, "Gunjan, you have done it once, for work; you can do the same for your relationship. Don't give up. Follow all your dreams, for you are the creator of your life."
And, I told myself, "Yes, I wish to create a relationship, where there is respect, love, trust, understanding, deep connection, giving, supporting and the sensitivity to feel each other's pain; and I am going to create it in my life, come what may. nd it is important for me and my children to see how to create and live a relationship full of love instead of constant fear and judgements"
God, Krishna, Gurus show me in Thy Light, how to do it; for I can do anything only with Thy support. Come to me Jesus, fill me with Thy Light.
I felt frustrated working in the industry,
I felt creative teaching at the University,
I felt fulfilled observing Physics with kids,
I am so thankful to God, for leading me to it.
I am so glad, that I explored what gave me joy,
I am so glad, that I followed the soft voice in me,
I am so glad, that I meditated to walk through my fears,
I am so thankful to God, for guiding me to create my life.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Then, in divine Light I saw how I moved from a well paying Industry job, to prestigious-yet-lesser-paying teaching at the University and then after a gap of 7 years to a fulfilling-and-beginning-to-get-paid observing Physics with kids.
I heard, "Gunjan, you have done it once, for work; you can do the same for your relationship. Don't give up. Follow all your dreams, for you are the creator of your life."
And, I told myself, "Yes, I wish to create a relationship, where there is respect, love, trust, understanding, deep connection, giving, supporting and the sensitivity to feel each other's pain; and I am going to create it in my life, come what may. nd it is important for me and my children to see how to create and live a relationship full of love instead of constant fear and judgements"
God, Krishna, Gurus show me in Thy Light, how to do it; for I can do anything only with Thy support. Come to me Jesus, fill me with Thy Light.
I felt frustrated working in the industry,
I felt creative teaching at the University,
I felt fulfilled observing Physics with kids,
I am so thankful to God, for leading me to it.
I am so glad, that I explored what gave me joy,
I am so glad, that I followed the soft voice in me,
I am so glad, that I meditated to walk through my fears,
I am so thankful to God, for guiding me to create my life.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
When oneness permeates (poem)
At sunset,
on the sea beach,
my arms are around his neck,
and his palms are holding onto my waist.
My bare feet are on top of his bare feet,
the cold water is blessing our standing close,
the calm Sun is nurturing our resonating desires,
and both of us are able to hear the other's heartbeat.
I am kissing him, then he is kissing me and we keep taking turns,
our clothed bodies are squeezing against each others, bringing us closer,
my right leg begins lifting up off his feet and finally rests on his left knee,
and his left palm glides gently downward from my waist to skin on my buttocks.
In that state of complete surrender we lay on top of the soothing sand,
we press onto each other's bare skin revealed through the caressing of our hands,
then we roll over each other laughing, scattering the sand deeper in every successive turn,
and then we finally pause into that complete stillness, when the oneness permeated into our union.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
on the sea beach,
my arms are around his neck,
and his palms are holding onto my waist.
My bare feet are on top of his bare feet,
the cold water is blessing our standing close,
the calm Sun is nurturing our resonating desires,
and both of us are able to hear the other's heartbeat.
I am kissing him, then he is kissing me and we keep taking turns,
our clothed bodies are squeezing against each others, bringing us closer,
my right leg begins lifting up off his feet and finally rests on his left knee,
and his left palm glides gently downward from my waist to skin on my buttocks.
In that state of complete surrender we lay on top of the soothing sand,
we press onto each other's bare skin revealed through the caressing of our hands,
then we roll over each other laughing, scattering the sand deeper in every successive turn,
and then we finally pause into that complete stillness, when the oneness permeated into our union.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)
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