Surrender, Listen and Give

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Seeking prayers to nourish the needy



Mountain View, Ca, US

Presently, underprivileged kids all over the world eat, either what their parents can afford or what gets thrown towards them as a donation. And it pains me when I see them (in India) being rebuked away from digging food out of the trash bins in front of nice restaurants, for they are spoiling the ambiance of that restaurant. Whenever I am with my kids, nieces and nephews in a fine restaurant, I think about these kids, as to how will they ever get a chance to be in such ambience to be served with love and honor; for all kids are same and they must be desiring what my kids do.

If nothing is done about it, these kids will continue to feel deprived of eating in a nice ambiance, where food is cooked with attention and served with extra care. It will continue to haunt them with a lot of pain.

One way out, is to serve them with genuine love, the nourishing food at a nice restaurant.

I am aspiring to nourish 25 needy kids in California (on Feb. 2nd, 2012) and 25 needy kids in Delhi (on Feb. 17, 2012), with love, honor and oneness. Please pray for the underprivileged kids and that the Universe arranges for me, whatever is needed to make it happen.

Immediately, this will honor these kids and fulfill one of their deep buried desires. In the long run it may motivate them as a sweet memory, to focus on studying and getting a decent job to create many more such exposures themselves.

I appreciate your reading and would like you to share it in your network. I would also love to hear your thoughts about it, via email/phone or on my blog Surrender, Listen and Give(

May God bless you,

Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty
Dr. G

Thanking God for Everything


Lana said...

This is beautiful! I would love to join you in your efforts. What can I do to help?

Gunjan said...

Thanks Lana for reading, acknowledging and opening your heart to help.

Please feel free to write to me at to ask me different ways you can help.

If you wish, you may write a check to:
Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty
and mail it to
174 Oberg Court,
Mountain View,
Ca-94043, US

