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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do I really wish to be, what I was in Hindu College? (poem)

This morning, these words on a 2 page printout of a handout (from Course in miracles) spoke to me-

Only our mind can produce fear.
It does so whenever it is conflicted in what it wants,
producing inevitable strain because wanting and doing is discordant.

Determine not to be as you were.
Use no relationship to hold you to the past, but with each one each day be born again.


My best time was in Hindu College,
coming home to mama, family and so many friends.
I laughed, sang, danced just anywhere and everywhere.
But, when I look back, do I want to be the same person I was?

The answer is a clear no, for, back then I wasn't aware of the God within.
I was protected by family, I was fine with my fears and the fact God is outside me.
Now, that I feel I have been reborn, with Grace, I am finding the courage to walk through fears.
And I know that there are only two emotions, love (which is real) and fear (which is only an illusion).

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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