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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Frame of Reference (poem)

This morning during meditation it occurred to me that my true self, the observer (called I) is separate from myself (which is always being observed).

I remembered, how the first day when my back got injured, my body suffered excruciating nerve pain. In that moment, for the first time, I actually observed myself crying in pain. Looking back, it feels as if there was a distinct observer sitting somewhere within me, who was observing silently. Just like people passing by watch an accident on the road, without experiencing the pain of the victim.

Also, I remembered that when I was expressing my heart felt feelings in an extremely emotional moment, there was a distinct (though a) part of me which was speaking those deeply felt words. Again, I was merely an observer, hearing a part of me (called myself) uttering those words.

All these years, I was not aware of it.

I pray that I am able to observe my passive self and my reacting self in not-so-extreme circumstances too.


The other day,

I saw myself crying,

in excruciating, nerve pain.

Another day,

I heard myself speaking,

heart felt feelings, desperately.


I realized that,

circumstances, only, affect myself.


I am aware that,

a passive self, I, is observing myself.

Aum Tat Sat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Gunjan,
It is so wonderful to witness your awakening...all is in perfect order.
Om tat sat...