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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Paradox (poem)

Before this Sunday's group mediation, I was taking a walk next to a lake and admired mountains and trees for their aloofness to their surroundings.

During the meditation, I smelt a strong oil from someone's hair. Since the meditation had started, I could not move away.

However, during the meditation, I successfully, learned to turn off my nose.

Then, on Monday, I went to meet Amma.

When she arrived, everyone closed their eyes to meditate.

Just then, I felt an infant crawling over my feet and her toddler sister turning sharp corners of her book, on top of my arm.

While meditating, with disgust I asked, “How can both their parents close their eyes peacefully, and let their kids bother me?”

No answer.

Then I asked, “What do I do amidst this disturbance?”

This time I heard, “Let them be.”

When I tried doing it, the infant surprisingly crawled away and the noisy sharp pages did not bother me as much.



I feel curbed,

sitting still, I seek,

“What do I do amidst this?”


I see mountain,

nurturing the cows,

amidst, factory pollution.


I watch trees,

cooling the drivers,

amidst, stressful traffic.


Aum Tat Sat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful Gunjan...
I hear the art of "allowing" is a skill and a gift that has power immeasurable. Let them be...let it be...just let be...

Many blessings,