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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Happy B'day Dear Nephew (poem)

Happy Birthday
My Dear Nephew,

Someone, who is innocent even at age 11,
Someone, who licks neutrla out of the spoon,
Someone, who enjoys watching Power Ranger on TV,
Someone, who rolls around the home on his roller skates,
Someone, who loves eating chocolate-roti, chips and burgers,
Someone, who still sleeps on his way to and during the party,
Someone, who literally follows every word of any instruction,
Someone, who is ready to wake up at 5 am to meet his cousin,
Someone, who defeats me easily in UNO card game and carom,
Someone, who aspires to be in Indian cricket team and to get PS2.

Today, I pray that all your dreams come true and that you don’t change.

Your Bua

Gunjan Raizada
On Your 11th Birthday December, 6th, 2009

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