Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Now, I am rejoicing in this moment (poem)

As I am getting present to each moment,
I realize what a waste of precious energy,
It is to think about, he was so mean to me,
Or I would be happy, when he will turn nice.

Aum Tat Sat

I am whole, I am complete (poem)

I am happy.
I am content.

I am love.
I am comfortable.


Aum Tat Sat

Creating Happiness by Choice (poem)

Whenever I am feeling pressured, I am learning to observe myself.

For, if I react to the pressure, I am leading to my own misery.

And, if I let the pressure go, then, I am remaining stable.

Since, I am choosing happiness, I've got to, let it go.

Aum Tat Sat

When I feel pressured, I react... (poem)

When I react, I always mess up.

When I mess up, I've to repair.

When I repair, then I complain.

When I complain, I feel unhappy.


Aum Tat Sat

Have Fun, But Within Limits (poem)

Empty roads do not mean, I can drive faster.
They just imply, that I have more space.
They don't suggest, do what you feel.
They simply say, happy driving.

Aum Tat Sat

My first driving ticket (poem)

I was in the car pool lane in a freeway with my kids.

The cop car was way behind me, and I was driving at 70-75mph.

Then his car came right after me, as if asking me to speed up ahead.

To give him way, I sped upto 80 mph and just then I saw his blinking lights.

I pulled over to the right following his blinking lights and got a citation for speeding.

I was astonished, because I thought I did the right thing by speeding up instead of blocking him.

But, he told me, come what may, the speed limit has to be 65 mph, even in any lane, under any circumstances.

I realized that, perhaps I have got to stay within the speed limit, whether the road is empty, or am being pressured to go fast.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Live Now (poem)

Hug Now.
Cook Now.

Sing Now.
Laugh Now.

Talk Now.
Write Now.

Hear Now.
Thank Now.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, June 28, 2010

Laser mind (poem)

Just as a laser amplifies, whatever be the weak input signal, so does my mind.

When I contemplate, about my worry, it multiplies, and I keep on tensing up.

When I focus on, what I am thankful for, it increases, and so does my comfort.

So, its on me, to relax or not, by thinking "not-fair" or "I-Thank-God-for...".


Aum Tat Sat

Seeing Matters (poem)

When I see it through gratitude,
everything seems like a gift,
When I see it through problem,
everything seems stressful.

Aum Tat Sat

Right now, I am full of gratitude...(poem)

for the love that He has showered on me,
for the honor that He has given to me,
for the alarms He has signaled towards me,
for the pointers He has arranged for me,
for the people He has provided around me,
for the circumstances He has offered me,
and above all, something most dear to me,
for the devotion He has blessed upon me.


Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Universe, provide me what I need (poem)

I am choosing to be at ease,
when I see my kids watching TV while eating.

I am choosing to be compassionate,
when my husband complains about me with anger.

Aum Tat Sat

Emotional wounds though invisible, do need healing (poem)

I have always felt compassionate for physically handicapped.
I have always felt motherly towards all young children.
I have always felt moved by another's genuine tears.
Now, I am choosing to sympathize with aggressors.

Aum Tat Sat

Loving Quietly (poem)

I have shared my love in friendly smiles.
I have expressed my caring by favorite cooking.
I have communicated my affection through bear hugs.
I am choosing to radiate compassion via warm glancing.
Aum Tat Sat

I am choosing to deflate pressure (poem)

Pressure is the act of pressing.
Stress is a form of pressure.
I get stressed when I react.
I react involuntarily.

I am sensing pressure surrounding me.
I am feeling the stress in my body.
I am noticing what throws me off.
I am choosing to relax that.

Aum Tat Sat

God, let me be transformed (poem)

Let me able to yield, whenever, I am struggling with control.

Let me be in a place of compassion, whenever, I am upset with someone.

Let me be at complete ease, whenever, I am frustrated with circumstances.

Let me be able to observe my reactions, whenever, I am complaining about another's ways.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, June 21, 2010

Its smarter to remove the source of spill (poem)

When I am not careful about what's hidden under a pile of papers,
Then, while shifting the papers, I spill the juice underneath and mess up.

Perhaps, it would have been smarter to first clear up the entire table,
And then rearrange the papers, cautiously moving the juices away from papers.

When I am not aware about what's going on inside my own mind,
Then, while interacting with others, something happens and I react,

Perhaps, it would be smarter to first reflect on what all triggers me up,
And before starting a conversation, cautiously work on calming my buttons.

Aum Tat Sat

Everything needs care (poem)

When my hair are limp, they just hang there and bother my eyes.
However, when I condition them, they fall gracefully and stay off my eyes.

When my relationships are dry, they just are there and burden my life.
However, when I nuture them, they bloom with aliveness and are great fun.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Now, I wish to step out of the prison of my environment (poem)

Whether, I am stuck in traffic, when I really had to reach there in time,
Whether, my husband is talking disrespectfully about me, when I am around an old friend,
Whether, my kids are being their stubborn self, when I am wanting them to bring out their best,
Wherever I am or with whoever I am, now I am choosing to be cheerful instead of feeling helpless.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, June 18, 2010

When going gets tough, faith gets stronger (poem)

When things seem to be going rough,
know that its happening for my growth.

When things seem to be very painful,
know that divine is healing old wounds.

When things seem to be absolutely chaotic,
know that Universe is aligning things in life.

When things seem to be extremely miserable,
know that its time to seek constantly from God.

Aum Tat Sat

Memorable moments (poem)

When my son runs to show me his new drawing.

When my son dances on winning a game in the Wii.

When my daughter is in tears fearing the pain of vaccinations.

When my daughter is proudly accepting congratulations after performing.

Aum Tat Sat

Now pleading needs to become assertion (poem)

I was visualizing,
all those men who have,
tried to grab my breasts,
lustfully taking me by shock.

I was pleading to them,
"I am not an object of lust,
I don't wish to be treated like that,
instead I am divine soul, sharing divine love."

Aum Tat Sat

Everything is in perfect order (poem)

I was in painful tears,
during this morning's cleaning,
of my thought's impressions in mind,
as if something was surfacing from deep within.

I was in an easing contentment,
when I believed that divine is doing it,
for it was much needed to clear my blockages,
and He was surely uprooting something buried from my past.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sources of fear vary, but fear remains the same. (poem)

My 7 year old son, fears cats and dogs.
My 11 year old daughter, fears vaccinations.
My 42 year old husband, fears money running short.
I am 41, and still fear a lustful attack on my breasts.

I find that, we are all capitivated in the same UNEASINESS.
I realize that, it is so easy to make fun of anothers TENSION.
I understand that, it is very difficult to overcome one's INSECURITIES.
Now, I feel that seeing it from another's perspective, fills me up with EMPATHY.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Now, I have got to...(poem)

Extract joy from within,
Generate laughter with choice,
Extract love from within,
Generate relaxation with choice.


Aum Tat Sat

How foolish of me...(poem)

Why have I been focussing,
on what's not working in my life,
instead of what is surely-presently working,
and how would my wishful-dream-experience feel like?


Aum Tat Sat

My ease does not waver, if it leans on the Universe (poem)

We were eating breakfast outside,
and my son was feeling hot in Sun.

I brought out the umbrella for shade,
and tucked its handle behind his chair.

Each time he moved while eating/talking,
his chair wobbled and the umbrella shifted.

Till I unhooked the umbrella from his chair,
and placed it behind the chair on the fence walls.


Aum Tat Sat

God, Please remove all that...(poem)

Makes me rebel or be in self-pity and replace it with joy.

Makes me be in past or in future and replace it with presence.

Makes me feel frustrated or angry and replace it with feeling love.

Makes me feel drained or helpless and replace it with feeling lively.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Standing up for myself (poem)

When he talked to me disrespectfully,
I asked him to stop there and take it back,
When he did not correct those words or his attitude,
I stepped away and a little later sent out a healing prayer.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, June 14, 2010

God, Let my addictions go (poem)

Let my self-pity-emotions be replaced by love.
Let my feeling-uneasy-reactions be replaced by healing.
Let my its-no-point-talking thought be replaced by conversation.
Let my there-is-nothing-I-can-do-about-it attitude be replaced by possibility.

Aum Tat Sat

In this moment...(poem)

I am thankful for, my ability to hear bird's sweet chirping,
I am thankful for, my skin pores to feel the morning cool breeze,
I am thankful for, my body weight on chair to be supported by Earth,
I am thankful for, my ability to still see things in the clouded Sun's light.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, June 11, 2010

To smile constantly, seek ONLY from God (poem)

Each time I am crying in pain,
somewhere, I am feeling frustrated,
with my expectations from dear people,
and then I remember, to smile seek from God.


Aum Tat Sat

Each time, I am making a choice (poem)

Each time I radiate love amidst my tears, I feel empowered and cleansed.
Each time I focus on my success stories, I feel encouraged and determined.

Each time I let myself steep into self-pity, I feel disempowered and heavy.
Each time I foucs on my failure stories, I feel disheartened and miserable.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Love Vs Fear (poem)

We are always inducing into each other's energy.
If someones constant fears can get induced into me.
Then why can't my love get induced into others?
I guess its all about whose emissions are stronger.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sex is like Food (poem)

When I have not eaten for a long time, I hog forgetting table manners.
When I don't like the dish, I walk away saying I am not very hungry.
When I like the dish but not the preparation, I eat complaining.
When I like the dish and preparation, I feel fulfilled.


Hari Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It ain't that difficult as it seemed (poem)

If I wish to be loved, I've got to send out love.
If I wish to be fun, I've got to have fun wherever I am.
If I wish to be accepted, I've got to accept others as they are.
If I wish to be understood, I've got to step into others shoes to understand them.

Aum Tat Sat

Exploring Workability amidst Differences (poem)

I like bland food,
for it is,
pleasant to my sense of taste,
and it soothes my digestive system.

My husband likes spicy food,
for it is,
appeals to his sense of taste,
and it's fine with his digestive system.

To take care of family members,
individual needs,
I first cook bland food for everyone,
and serve it with hot peppers to spice it up.

Now, if I can do that with food,
I am wondering,
why is it not possible for me to explore,
and create workablility in every clashing situation?


Aum Tat Sat

I am helplessly inducing whatever I am being (poem)

When I am rushing against time,
Then I induce the energy of stress around my happily playing son.

When I am blaming my husband for being uncaring,
Then I induce the energy of frustration and indfference inside my husband.

When I am fearful about my daughter's allergic reactions,
Then I induce the energy of scariness of what might happen even in a birthday party.

When I am consciously radiating love around my family members,
Then I induce the energy of laughter, sharing, ease and fun inside each being in my family.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, June 6, 2010

God, tell me how do I do this? (poem)

Whether it is pizza getting delivered late,
Or it is someone screaming out loud with blame,
Can I be in a place of genuine ease where I am at ease,
and simply observing with a smile which extends from within?

Whether I am narrating my past sickness in self-pity,
Or I am complaining about someone's unkind words towards me,
Can I be in a place of genuine calmness where I am simply narrating,
and just sharing the events in the incident and not my heartfelt emotions?


Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why did it take me 41 years to know this? (poem)

That when I create a thought of love,
it, gives rise to warm feelings within,
which begins to convert me into a caring being,
leading to my words and actions exhibiting empathy,
developing into a choice of radiating love above everything,
resulting in self-born baby which is connected to the entire Universe.

And when I create a thought of self-pity,
it, gives rise to exhaustive feelings within,
which begins to convert me into a blaming being,
leading to my words and actions exhibiting frustration,
developing into a choice of complaining constantly everywhere,
resulting in self-born baby which is isolated from everyone close to me.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Being Present to Absence and Presence (poem)

I realized while cleaning the house,
that by thinking about someone,
who is not there around me,
I am dissipating energy.

I realized while brushing my daughter's hair,
that by radiating out love in quietness,
to all who are present around me,
I am rejuvanting energy.

Aum Tat Sat

Peace is radiating love (poem)

Whether I am around people or alone,
Whether they are radiating uneasiness or love,
Whether I am in a comfortable situation or uneasy,
Now, I am choosing to radiate love and feel composed.

Aum Tat Sat

This is why I choose to be calm...(poem)

When I am emotional,
I get into self-pity
and begin to complain,
feeling all drained out.

When I am composed,
I get into compassion,
and begin radiating love,
feeling completely grounded.


Aum Tat Sat

Experiencing Matters more than words (poem)

Guru expresses His love via spirit.
Amma expresses Her love via hugs.
God expresses His love via arranging.
Nature expresses Its love via soothing.

My father expresses his love via money.
My sister expresses her love via listening.
My mother expressed her love via cooking.
My brother expresses his love via encouraging.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

God, Immerse me in love...(poem)

So that when I listen, my ear drums can hear, only love,
So that when I think, my mind can circulate, only love,
So that when I look, my eye lenses can see, only love,
So that when I talk, my mouth can speak, only love.


Aum Tat Sat