Surrender, Listen and Give

Surrender, Listen and Give Contact at Contact@FollowThyHeart.Org

Blog Archive

Friday, December 31, 2010

Good Customer Service Does Count (poem)

When, I return a worn shoe at Target store in US,
the customer service, returns my money, smilingly.

When, I return even unworn shoe at a store in India,
the customer service, only replaces shoe, grudingly.

Each time, I get caught up in the I-ness of experience,
then, even my meditation session is not very peaceful.

Each time, I have let myself be used as His instrument,
then, I am peaceful, during and much after meditation.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am not what I see or others see in me, for I am the seer (poem)

When my shadow is taller, I am not tall,
When my shadow is shorter, I am not short.

When someone praises me, I don't become better,
When someone judges me, I don't become smaller.

When someone loves me, my heart begins to sing,
When someone crushes me, my heart begins to cry.

When I love someone, my entire body starts smiling,
When I fear someone, my entire body starts paining.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wherever we are, we keep loving who we love.(poem)

I experienced pure and warm love in my mother's presence. In September 1996, she left her body. For 11 years, I kept on missing her and cried.

But, when I called God in 2007, I was guided by my angel grandfather (my mother's father who left his body in March, 1986), who uplifted me and inspired me to stand up and speak my heart's truth, COME WHAT MAY.

Soon after, I instantly connected with another deep soul, who I called my granpa; he taught me the secret to love; LOVE THYSELF. He left his body in August, 2010.

Right after, I reconnected with an old friend, and surprisingly I experience the same security with this friend, as I did with my grandfather's soul, and then with granpa in person.

Makes me say, "Same love, different sources".

People who love us, may come and go,
but they keep loving wherever they are,
by providing warmth via physical presence,
or by pointing directions as guiding angles.

Aum Tat Sat

...Then why do I still block myself from caring? (poem)

When my beliefs block me from expressinng love,
I feel constipated.

When my ego blocks me from radiating nurturing,
I experience pain.

...Then why do I still block myself from caring?
Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, December 25, 2010

In a gift of love...(poem)

its the thought that matters,
and not that its just a new year card,
attentive listening, shabri ke joothe ber,
or an extremely affectionate-yet-firm "shut up".

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Scraping off is a lot of work, just like dissolving ego (poem)

I was scrapping off the depositions on the iron pan,
first with knife, then with boiling water and eroding,
and finally with vinegar, heat from below and scratching,
till the time, it did wear off all its sediments, exposing rust.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Yes pain is painful, but it need not be (poem)

I suffered with pain,
when I heard no, from, who I loved,
when my mother left, all of a sudden,
when I could not walk with injured back,
when I felt lonely and longed to be heard,
when I was molested and asked to keep quiet,
when I tried to prove myself to be the good girl,
when I struggled to be multi-tasker and hyper clean.

But, I felt uplifted,
when I sent him love, without expecting,
when I published my grief on losing mama,
when I connected to strangers full of empathy,
when I listened compassionately to one who needed,
when I shared this humiliation, overcoming my shame,
when I released the pressure of bringing pride to my father,
when I accepted myself as lazy, slow and not-really-street-smart.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ego Ping Pong (poem)

I had everything ready to make paneer paranthas for dinner,
My husband walked in, saw some mess somewhere and just flared up,
My ego got enraged and I retaliated and served frozen paranthas instead,
When I witnessed our ping pong game, I packed fresh pranthas for his lunch.

Aum Tat Sat

Do I want to find faults or to nurture? (poem)

Its so easy to
remember the past,
and point out faults,
just to win an argument.

Its so difficult to,
be in this very moment,
and simply nurture lovingly,
especially the one's who hurt.

Aum Tat Sat

Krishna says two things...(poem)

The worst thing one can do,
is to find fault in others,
The best thing one can do,
is to shift focus within.

Aum Tat Sat

I always have a choice...(poem)

to fear or to love,
to separate or to unite,
to find faults or to accept,
to keep wishing or to take action.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Caring matters, whatever be the route (poem)

Each time, I loved,
I didn't judge, and I automatically cared.

Then, maybe, to care,
I can stop judging, and let nurturing happen.

Aum Tat Sat

Love is love, no matter what

Whether its between child and parents,
whether its between the two siblings,

whether its between old friends,
whether its between the lovers,

whether its between coworkers,
whether its between strangers,

whether its between spouses,
whether its for all beings.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A peek into unconditional love (poem)

When I give up, my expectations,
Then I love, without seeking returns.

When I overcome, my fears of opinion,
Then I love, without threatening inhibitions.

When I detach, from my strong attachments,
Then I love, without getting entangled in them.

When I observe, my thoughts without resisting,
Then I love, without fighting the direction of wind.


Aum Tat Sat

I was getting sucked into...(poem)

in what I did,
& what I wish to do,
till I realized, I am not,
it is God Doing "it" through me.

Aum Tat Sat

Perfect Perfection (poem)

Thank You God for this awareness that....

I am in a perfect world,
surrounded with perfect people,
enveloped in perfect circumstances,
where we are all enacting the perfect play.


Aum Tat Sat

Ironical, isn't it? (poem)

I seeked love,
not knowing I am pure love.

I seeked support,
not knowing I am complete.


Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let love flow (poem)

Like autumn leaves,
let the dried up beliefs go,
let the unneccessary fears go,
let the unconditional love flow.

Aum Tat Sat

It feels nice...(poem)

to watch movie with my kids, when our bodies were overlapping.

to sleep with my 7 year old son, with my palm on his heart.

to detect pain in my body, when mind was saying "RUSH".

to surrender all my beliefs, which keep me from loving.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I chose to keep the precious milk and discard leaking carton (poem)

When I saw the mess in refrigerator,
I realized that the milk carton was leaking,
I cleaned that area and put the carton in a dry place,
with a tissue under it, to prevent the mess through the leaking.

The next day, I noticed that the tissue was absolutely drenched,
and the shelf was messy with all the continued leaking from carton,
I decided to empty the precious milk from carton into two plastic boxes.
Why can't I give up my torn beliefs, to GIVE precious love, without expecting?

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My God is doing everything for my growth (poem)

When, I surrender my I-ness,
When, I surrender expectations,
When, I surrender opinion of others,
Then, I get used as a divine instrument.


Aum Tat Sat

Friday, December 10, 2010

Its all in the experience (poem)

When am I full of love,
I am radiating love,
Then I am full of power,
and I fear no body.

Aum Tat Sat

We are all taps....(poem)

I was not able to copy a picture from Bloggie software into a word document.
I asked my software engineer husband for help. He searched for the source of pictures on my laptop and from there I could easily copy them.

When I asked him, what was the problem, he said, "Bloggie is an interface, showing only a reflection of those pictures, therfore I could not copy them. To copy the pictures, the source is needed."

Wow, I did not know that.

And the following poem surfaced.


Tap is not the source of water,
river is.

People are not the source of love,
Self is.

Aum Tat Sat

Observing thoughts arise and subside (poem)

This morning during meditation, I observed this beautiful process.
The most important was that, the thoughts are like a spoilt 4 year old, throwing tantrums, and when instead of reacting, I ignore, the child feels frustrated and goes away; and comes the next child full of stories and so on.

My thoughts surfaced,
they danced around,
and then subsided,
followed by next.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I walked away smiling deep within (poem)

Yesterday, it was a sunny morning after days of rains,
I stepped out for the walk, and there he was smiling,
lawn mower in residential complex, mowing grass,
as I walked closer, he waved with his one hand.

I stopped next to this ever friendly person,
who had once expressed his happiness,
in broken English-Mexican accent,
when I was playing with my son.

When I recognized him, I stopped by,
he turned off the loud machine,
and took out his ear plugs,
and used hand gestures.

I could only follow that,
he was pointing to Sun,
my heart said, "Hug",
and my mind, "No".

I walked away 3 steps,
and he resumed work,
I returned; asked,
And I hugged.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nurturing silently, this is what... (poem)

my mother provided me through her listening,
my Amma showers me via her hugs,

my bed ridden grandpa gave me in his presence,
my God sprinkles during meditation.

Aum Tat Sat

Teachers, Teachers everywhere (poem)

Life is a constant school,
where my son is teaching me patience,
my daughter is teaching me non-resistance,
my husband is teaching me letting go of expectations,
and old acquaintances are teaching forgiviness and nurturing.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, December 3, 2010

When H and cl can share electrons to bond, why can't I share love to bond? (poem)

Since, we are all made up of atoms, we are all same,
therefore, we are one with all beings, everywhere,

then, like the Hydrogen and Chlorine atoms,
share electrons to be hydrochloric acid,

why can't I share the love, that I have,
to recreate bonds with everyone,

instead of helplessly obeying mind,
which only insists separation?

Aum Tat Sat

Gunjan, be who you are!! (poem)

I am love,
You are love,
We are all love,
Then, why don't I love?

Aum Tat Sat

Noise keeps me from enjoying music (poem)

Just as, the noise in using microwave,
over rides the soft music in background;
the constant chatter going in my head,
over rides the soft voice within stillness.
Aum Tat Sat

Wow, it feels great (poem)

Its a wonderful place to be in,
where, I feel connected with everyone,
where, I feel like giving without expecting,
like with my children; to the children in entire world.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happiness Vs Joy (poem)

I was waiting for my turn to get a hug from Amma. The lady sitting next to me shared, that she is not meditating as much as she should be, for she is too busy.

I answered, "You are doing what you are doing, for its giving you happiness. Keep doing it, without feeling guilty, till you begin finding joy in meditation."

And the man overhearing our conversation was smilingly nodding, as if affirming, "Been there, done that."


I am imperfect,
yet, am complete within.

I seeked happiness,
unaware, joy was within.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, November 27, 2010

With God, there is only comfort (poem)

I can either be full of,
and judgements.

Or, I can be full of,
and gratitude.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Loving, its a choice I am making... (poem)

is the best thing I can do to myself and to the loved one,
and expecting,
is the worst thing I can do to myself and to the loved one.

So, I have a choice,
not to love, for it gives me sadness, when I feel frustrated,
or to just keep loving,
for it blesses me with joy, when I give for the sake of giving.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wonder, what keeps me from being loving? (poem)

What keeps me from connecting to my divine source within?
My self-pity, loneliness, resistances, self-judgement.

What keeps me from seeing the divine in others?
My judging them based on my blocked perspective.

What keeps me from connecting to everyone via heart?
My wishes and attachments, which keeps on expecting.

What keeps me from loving all people in my thoughts and life?
My unkindness to myself, ego, and will do it later attitude.

Aum Tat Sat

Thank you God, for guiding me (poem)

It feels so good to speak without judgement.
It feels so good to write out from my heart.
It feels so good to be in this moment, now.
It feels so good to follow, guidance within.
Aum Tat Sat

Universe, I surrender my wishes with its source (poem)

My wishes, bar me,
from being in my heart,
from giving love to everyone,
from feeling oneness with each being.
Aum Tat Sat

Friday, November 19, 2010

Then why do I judge, those who yield to circumstances? (poem)

Yesterday evening, I entered home cold and hungry with my kids at 5:30 pm.
We were all exhausted and freezing, and we needed instant-pure sugar.
I saw the apples, but I did not have the energy to wash and cut it.
I just grabbed cake from refrigerator, and hogged last 3 slices.

I knew it while eating, its not at all a healthy choice for my body.
But, I still did it, for my body needed the sugar to stand up.
Once I got the strength, I served my kids and ate apple.
I witnessed, my own body yielding to circumstances.

Then why do I judge, those who yield to circumstances?
Aum Tat Sat

God, Krishna, Master, I surrender...(poem)

my ego,
my body,
my soul,
my mind,
my heart,
my doubts,
my wishes,
my feelings,
my judgements,
my resistances,
my attachments,
my sense organs,
my rights and wrongs,
and the root of my wishes.
Aum Tat Sat

God, guide me to generate love for all (poem)

God, just as you showed me,
when I was 9, in science fair,
how to generate electricity,
by letting water fall on turbines.

God, guide me now, once again,
when I am 42, in my married life,
how to generate love for all,
from what's pouring towards him.

Aum Tat Sat

God, bless me so that I can...(poem)

smile at him and swipe off his guilts,
hold his hand and take away his loneliness,
kiss each one of his pains and heal them forever,
care for all beings, everywhere, the way I care for him.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hey, I could be at ease in any realtionship, just by easing myself (poem)

I was trying to squeeze into a kurta,
which has strings on both sides,
which can be pulled to fit,
and both ends were tied.

Then, as I just lossened the knot of one,
and I could very smoothly slide inside,
the kurta without even touching,
the other knotted string.
Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The root of all uneasiness is within (poem)

I was getting belly ache on seeing an old acquaintances picture. Initially, I ran away from that, trying not to see it, and thus prevent my discomfort. But, divine guidance took me through my thoughts and awareness, gave me a complete perspective, as to why that person behaved, much to my dislikng. And it simply vanished, replacing it with compassionate tears. Next time, I was completely at ease, the picture was calm, just like everyone else's.


If someone's picture bothers me,
its not so much about that person,
its all and only the stories associated,
with the judgements against that person in my head.

This time I pursued my "uneasiness",
and found that I had very strong fears,
from that person based on past experiences,
when I asked for divine perspective, "it" vanished.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Today, I say thanks to every person and the Universe, for all my experiences (poem)

When I wish someone's ways would change for better,
then somewhere I am disrespecting the arranger, Universe,
for It is especially arranging, exclusively for my own good,
even though I am not able to see the purpose, in that "moment".

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, November 12, 2010

When I am with God...(poem)

all my fears leave,
and I am full of love.

all my expectations go,
and I am full of giving.

Aum Tat Sat

For the goal is the same...

We all have different needs and cravings in our lives, based on our samskaras.

It may be the need for food, money, sex or love, which surfaces due to circumstances.

Each one of us is same at the deepest place within, a pure soul, contaminated due to our past.

So, no matter what the need is, it is simply a hunger, which longs to be quenched, and increases till it finds the fulfilling Source.

Therefore, craving is a craving, no craving is better than another for the experience of fulfillment is the same, oneness with God and everyone.

I had a deep desire for unconditonal love, which sprouted even more,
after my main source (then), my mother left the world and I moved to US after marriage.

In US, I felt more and more lonely without any family and friends, in addition to drastic changes in culture, weather, society, values along with increasing family and its responsibilites.

My health started deteriorating, my frustrations multiplied and my seeeking of unconditional love from my only seemingly possible source, my husband escalated and obviously each time met with equal frustration.

Till on March 7, 2007, I seeked it from the Infinite source, and was led to the connection and digging towards the incessant source of unconditional love present within me, something I was totally unaware of; much like living in an enclosed cave and complaining about darkness.

Now, I know that no route towards fulfillment is better than another, for whatever be the path, the goal is the same.

Presently, I feel complete, and pray that each and everyone be blessed with a connection to their inherent source of infinite and incessant fulfillment, in search of quenching whatever their thirst be.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dissipate energy or channel energy, the choice is mine? (poem)

Why dissipate energy in judging another,
why not use it in creative ways to observe Physics with kids?

Why dissipate energy in expecting from another,
why not use it in loving unconditionally, for it gives me joy?

Aum Tat Sat

Internal versus External communication (poem)

Everyone's soul is same,
and we are all one in soul with God,
so love each and every soul via That root,
the one and only one which is The common in all.

Everyone's samaskaras are different,
and that is what differentiates us as persons,
so seek all that's needed from the Universal parent,
share it with everyone, that unconditional love as His prasad.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loving is not equal to pain (poem)

The problem is not in loving, but in possesing,
The problem is not in giving, but in expecting.

Therefore, try to love only for the sake of loving,
and enjoy, the joy in giving for the sake of giving.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, November 8, 2010

Old habits die hard (poem)

Ego seperates, love binds.
Judgements seperates, caring binds.

Expectation seperates, giving binds.
Then why do I follow my mind, not heart?

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, November 6, 2010

You are changing my experiences, Thank You God (poem)

Wherever I am,
Whatever I am doing,
Whatsoever I am thinking,
I can choose to be with Thee.

Aum Tat Sat

Law of conservation of energy hold good in all walks of life (poem)

Today I was feeling cold after waking up,
and I generated heat by going out for a brisk walk.

So, whenever I am experiencing coldness in relationships,
I can generate warmth in relationships by radiating blessings.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, November 5, 2010

Even though, I know it very well, resistance empowers it.... (poem)

When my 12 year old daughter speaks rudely,I irritatedly try to discipline her.

When my 7 year old son is throwing up,I am fearful about his next one.

When my husband is criticizing me,I wish that he would change.

Instead of wishing "it" would change, why don't I try blessing?

Aum Tat Sat

Shubh Deepavali (poem)

On this diwali, let the divine light in your heart glow, shine and radiate.


Aum Tat Sat

Monday, November 1, 2010

Its high time, I stick to my guns (poem)

Its wiser to channelize,
my energy into creative results,
instead of dissipating into justifying,
to each and every person, why am I doing it,
or even talk to others about why some people are being so,
because now I do know that everything is in perfect divine order,
and they are being, just the way they are, for that is where they had to be,
but now, what I've got to do, is seek directly and ONLY from Him, and share His blessings.

Aum Tat Sat

Gunjan, do know that He is especially arranging it all for me (poem)

Let clouds be,
Let people be,
Let situations be,
Just be with Thee.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, October 31, 2010

These are a few of my of favorite things...(poem)

The soft touch of infant's chubby cheeks,
The aroma of the swelling chapati on direct fire,
The sound of chirping hidden birds and giggling kids,
The taste of home made thick yogurt with crystal sugar,
The sight of clouds formation on adding milk to black tea.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, October 29, 2010

All thats "noisy", need not be fixed (poem)

As I sat down to meditate,
I heard the sound of water drops,
I thought it was some tap which was dripping,
But it was the internal flow in refrigerator's freezer.

Aum Tat Sat

I am one with all (poem)

I was seeking oneness from outside,
I was seeking intimacy with another,
I did not know that this is who I AM,
I am one with all, & intimate with all.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Love now (poem)

Live in now, not later.

Create love, don't wait.

Give love, receive love.

Just love, no matter what.

Aum Tat Sat

Granpa used to say, "First, love yourself " (poem)

My Granpa used to say,
"Gunjan, first love yourself totally.",

I did not understand it,
for a long time, for my priority was loving others,

But, now I understand it,
when I am able to love my thoughts, words, actions, body completely,

Then, I accept myself fully,
and naturally I am able to accept another, and love him for whatever he is being.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Seek from the Infinite, not from the finite (poem)

When I seek from the Infinite, it always gets arranged,
for He is The Universal Provider, like papa was, when I was 5.

When I seek from the Finite, they induce their respective fears,
for they are full of their own fears, like my big brother was, when I was 5.

Aum Tat Sat

When I am separating from a dear person... (poem)

I am unable to sing even along with my favorite song,
I am quiet, yet am dying to talk to a listening friend,
I am continuously crying, during successive meditations,
I am breaking somewhere inside me, and am silenced by pain.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, October 25, 2010

God, You be my breathing partner and...(poem)

Bless me, so that I can observe,
Bless me, so that I may serve,
Bless me, so that I love,
Bless me, so that I Be.

Aum Tat Sat

God, I surrender...(poem)

My mind with its impressions and ego,
My sense organs with its desires,
My body with its experiences,
My heart with its emotions.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Eventually we will all get THERE, via our own paths (poem)

I was planning to go for my seminar in a carpool,
but the traffic did not allow me to budge even a bit,
I called them up and said, "Guys, I am stuck, you move on",
I took a U turn and drove alone, but somehow made there in time.

Aum Tat Sat

God bless everyone, for they really need it (poem)

May God bless all beings everywhere with all that they really need,
and may all beings, be able to open up & receive with an open heart.

Aum Tat Sat

Oh my ego, step aside (poem)

My mind garbage,
and tokyo tower ego,
keep me from knowing,
and spelling out my needs.

Once, I put it aside,
I am brimming to give,
and I open to receiving,
in contentment & fulfillment.
Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Love is a choice I am making from moment to moment (poem)

When my 7 year old son spills out half the eggs while beating,
When I see an autistic 7 year old child unable to focus in class,
When I see one of the senior teachers losing her temper on a student,
When I watch a student starting to cry on getting scolded by that teacher.
Aum Tat Sat

2 Tools that are helping me in creating the life, I choose

1. Sahaj Marg
In April, 2007 I was bed ridden due to back injury and I was in a lot of emotional pain. I started meditation and cleaning the imprints on mind of past/present, which has led to dissolve, my mind stuff, by simply manifesting who I am, a peaceful loving being.

Before that, I was "who I am supposed to be", the way people/society wished me to be. I did not pay any attention to what the soft voice within me was saying. I was constantly falling sick/into accidents hyperthyroid, back injury etc, everything but peace. I was not happy with my life. I had tons of questions, who I am, why I am here? etc. but no answers. I was helpless most of the time, while waiting for good things to happen to me.
Also I had changed my jobs from industry to teaching at the University but was still not content with that, and wondered what I am here to do?

When I began meditation, I started writing and releasing my baggage of thoughts, which had become fossils. It also gave me immense clarity for what I wished to pursue in my career and how to pursue it, fearlessly, come what may, for it connected me to the entire Universe, the oneness that exists but is invisible; much like wind.

Now, I wish everyone in my family or I meet, begin practicing sahaj marg or any form of meditation, but I do know that this is something which will work only when that person is open to receiving. So, those of you who are ready and open, please, please go for it.

Sahaj Marg (meaning, the easy way), my meditation group, is absolutely free and is spread all over the world, with its roots in India. I follow it for meditation and daily cleaning of thoughts before sleeping. It is making me more and more fearless, grounded, peace with myself and loving with each passing moment. Those who know me closely, have experienced it, right?

Ask me for more details or go to the website

2. Landmark education
In Dec. 2009, I had found peace within, but did not wish to be with people, because they would frurstrate me.

Then, I began Landmark education for life, rather my brother pushed me into it in India. It took me through a logical path to see my blind spots and emanicipated me from my fixed ways of being, which were/are eating me and most importantly my relationships, both old and new.

I have learned to forgive and just love, dig into my hidden ways, reconnect and just be myself, both in self expression and while communicating with people. It focuses on making me take full responsibilty of my own life, creating possibilities, and making them happen amidst whatever is happening in terms of circumstances or the way people are appearing.

It provided me a perspective, which I could never see, otherwise. It is rebuilding my relationships and my life. I am beginning to be peaceful with more and more people, near and far.

Now, I am creating a possibility of being in the moment, fully present, aware of the mind chatter and be myself - the loving being who I really am, towards each and everyone in my life or thoughts.

I started this in India, but am pursuing it in US. Its global, has a fee but its worth every cent. If I were to give a gift to someone dear, I would register them by paying and transform their lives in Landmark forum (3 day course in a weekend).

Ask me more details or go to the website
And, ofcourse the love from my family members, especially my siblings and father, old and new friends and complete strangers who are walking into my life and provinding me all that I need in that moment, love, support, listening, laughter, fun, singing etc. is making me feel touched, moved and inspired, by the entire humanity.

I am sharing with an intention that this helps many more people, in finding their untapped completeness and joy in being loving towards all people. So that once they have got it, they in turn can share it with each person in their own little worlds.

I call it baby step towards world peace.

Wishing you all peace and joy,
Gunjan Raizada Chakravarty

Aum Tat Sat

Just like a spoon standing in water appears different from various angles... (poem)

When I am seeing with love, I become compassionate.
When I am experiencing in helplessness, I frustrate.

When I am manifesting my genuineness, I am at peace.
When I am pretending to myself or others, I am chaos.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, October 22, 2010

Physics, Pray and Love (poem)

Now, I know I am here,
to observe Physics everywhere with kids,
to sprinkle the unconditional love with everyone,
and to be in incessant connection with the divinity within.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

We are walking towards each other...(poem)

We come and stand close,
we can feel each other's breath,
we interlace our fingers into each others,
and I lift myself on my toes to kiss his forehead.

Aum Tat Sat

OMG, intimacy does feel good (poem)

I feel I've been such a dumpster,
accumulating and holding on for decades,
my strong judgements about myself and others,
Thank God, now, I'm beginning to feel the lightness,
in surrendering these sedimentations and petrified stones,
which have been blocking my loving Self to surfcae and shine,
Oh my God, it surely does feel wonderful to be intimate once again,
be it with an old acquaintance, a complete stranger or my own dear people.
Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today I drop self-pity and pick up oneness to spread Universal love (poem)

At 4:44am, I started my car to meet my preceptor for a cleaning of imprints sitting and I heard my soft voice telling me, Gunjan, Universal love = world peace, something I had been wishing for last 2 years.

During the individual sitting, I surrendered my love and attachment, for the one in my heart and promised to release/share it with all those who need it in this world. And I know everyone needs it.

Later this morning (6:30 am) with my family I was full of it, then I sent it to 2 people in emails and during my walk I gave it verbally to a mom I met and in my mind to the the lawn mowers, and all beings everywhere.

At noon I shared it with a friend over the phone call, and we both felt blessed.

For almost 10 months, only my intention was to create love, now I've got the access code to it, unconditional love.

God, Krishna, Master, Universe, Nature, Divine souls and people in my life and thought be with me, support me in this, bless me, use me as Thy instrument. I really need it, for that is what gives me fulfillment and joy. And I know, thats what you wish me to be.


When I send out God's blessings,
When I share God's love,
then I am one with all,
and I send out a ripple of peace.

Aum Tat Sat

Loving for the sake of loving (poem)

When I judge him as wrong,
I blame him for the problem,
then I feel extreme helplessness,
and I get sucked into the self-pity.

When I love come what may,
I send out blessings full of love,
then I feel an instantaneous uplifting,
and I get filled with perfect healing.

Aum Tat Sat

God bless me and let this Niagara falls of love nurture all those who need (poem)

When I love someone,
I just love him too much,
so much, that I impose,
make him claustrophobic,
and somewhere I seek,
from him something back,
feel disappointed in pain,
when he doesn't meet it.

In whatever way it goes,
it does not make him easy,
and nor does it leave me,
feeling fulfilled in any way,
so I've got to transmute,
this enormous Niagara falls,
of pure love within me,
and pour it on all who need.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, October 18, 2010

Access code matters (poem)

My sister is on her business trip to UK,
She texted me the phone number to reach her,
I kept on trying to dial the number she had sent,
and it turned out that the access number was wrong.

In that moment it struck me how important access code is,
having just the right number is not enogh to get me connected,
just as in most of my communications, each time I feel frustrated,
there is perhaps something significant missing in my approach that hinders.

Perhaps its been going on and on in my blind corner without my awareness,
now that its struck me, hey dear friends and family reading this right now,
please reach me and let me know in personal messages (if thats comfortable for you),
as to how do you experience it in my communication with you that comes up and disconnects us.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, October 17, 2010

There is something within...(poem)

There is a soft voice within,
which always whispered gently,
and I constantly ignored over people,
which I am now trying to stay tuned into.

There is a loving guidance within,
which incessantly suggested humbly,
and I constantly ignored enveloped in fears,
which I am now trying to follow with all my faith.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, October 16, 2010

From Heels to Sneakers (poem)

I still remember that day,
I was rushing from Block I to Block VI in IITD,
from lecture on optical waveguides towards Lasers,
when I reached the door, everyone'e eyes were glued to the entrance,
including the oldie Professors, even though the lecture had already started,
I walked in, sat down consciously on my seat at the back and then the lecture resumed,
Later I was told by a friend who was inside the lecture hall that, when I was walking in the corridor,
all through my rushed walk in heels, they could hear each one of my thup-thups in that long-silent corner,
that was the last day I wore heels at IITD and literally gave them up, for I began chasing the so called life.
But now, I realize life is much more fun walking in sneakers, rather than chasing after one thing or the other.
Aum Tat Sat

Friday, October 15, 2010


Thank you Subin for reconnecting me to my loving Self.
Thank you Preeti for reconnecting me to my sharing Self.
Thank you Sonia for reconnecting me to my focused Self.
Thank you Anurag for reconnecting me to my laughing Self.
Thank you Praveen for reconnecting me to my singing Self.
Thank you Rajesh for reconnecting me to my innocent Self.
Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I did not know this that, I have been a victim of my own thoughts (poem)

My mind generates the chemical interaction I have,
in my thoughts or in person with the other person,
and it arise, floats around and induces within me,
a strong repelusion or attachment towards itself.

If I like it as a soothing thought, I cling to it,
and if I dislike it, for it feels uneasy, I shove it,
whichever be the case, I dissipate a lot of my energy,
which could have been spent into something productive.

Wow, I had been using most of my energy into pumping,
the amplifier of my thoughts, my mind, what a waste,
I know that thoughts will arise, but they need to go,
for its like air in my environment, which must flow.

All these decades I had been unkowingly recyling energy,
but into resisting, attaching and judging people in life,
whereas I could have always been simply my loving self,
and rechannelize my energy towards productive creativity.

Aum Tat Sat

Why am I not able to bow to most people? (poem)

When I see an idol or a picture of Ganesha, Krishna, Master
something within automatically mellows down and I simply bow.

When I know very well that, that idol or picture isn't God,
and it's been made by a poor person in unhygenic conditions.

When I know that God is within me from my own experience,
that I could'nt access it for decades due to immense clutter.

When I know that God is somewhere inside each one of us,
even in those people who are now being unloving towards me.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Boys are boys, girls are girls, God, they are poles apart (poem)

I was at the childcare of my meditation group, after doing a Physics exercise for an hour on liquids having different densities, with oil and water; on their request I let them have free play time in that huge hall. This is what I observed.

All boys from age 6 to 16 were busy chasing the ball,
throwing up, catching it, pushing each other to get it, and even snatching it.

Younger girls around age 7 were busy in pretend games,
and the older girls between 10 to13 were busy talking, playing with toddlers.

No wonder, these little ones turn into adults poles apart,
men busy with golf/blackberries, and women talking about kids/ other people.

In that moment, I wondered how would these two ever connect,
when they both speak different languages and are sitting on far away planets.

Perhaps, just like oil and water which always appear as separate layers,
but they too could be blended together by beating with a fork and external force.

I do know that somewhere, there exists a fork of communication,
and a loving force of perspective, which can surely blend them together into one.

Aum Tat Sat

Its all in the experience and not the circumstances (poem)

No matter what is happening around me,
or someone is choosing to be the way he is,
I always have a choice to be joyful through that,
first by dropping resistances and then being my loving Self.

Now, that I am revisiting my past events,
as a natural part of dissolving what I am not,
I am getting present to the fact that instead of,
suffering like a victim, I could have blessed everyone with Joy.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, October 11, 2010

When your daughter gets molested, ask her not to shhhh...about it (poem)

When I was 14 and a stranger masked boy attacked me
and I came home and shared it with my mother,
I was told not to share it with anyone,
and unknowingly I became a victim.

Two years later around the same neighborhood,
one of my close friend got attacked,
and reached my home all shaken up,
and I felt guilty for being sh..

When I was 16 and an uncle in family touched me,
and I shared it with my sister and mother,
I was told to be normal yet careful,
and I began feeling helplessness.

I faced that uncle in family gatherings,
and welcomed him unwillingly to my home,
bearing his uncomfortable glances,
and I started accepting society.

Later, travelling in the local buses,
I got pinched by invisible hands,
followed by leching on streets,
and I stopped complaining.

Then, when I was 22, while doing Ph.D.,
I was periodically hugged very tightly,
which left me confused and uneasy,
but I could not tell him to stop.

In all these 8 years, I lost my childhood,
I felt all men need only one thing,
for blaming others and self-pity,
had made me spineless.

But, today, somehow I find courage to share my history,
with an intention that no other girl feels helpless,
no matter whatever pain she is experiencing,
due to a stranger, family or dear person.

Aum Tat Sat

Its so emanicipating (poem)

All these 42 years I had been judging,
dear people trying to squeeze them in metal frames,
and clamping my own thoughts which I sensed were inappropriate,
till I finally dropped them on this very special b'day and experienced the freedom.

Aum Tat Sat

Just laugh it out (poem)

Its Ok to laugh,
whatever it is about,
whether its fantasy or a joke,
as long as I'm not judging someone.

Aum Tat Sat

Now, I seek to induce...(poem)

I have always been extremely emotional, sensitive and open,
so when I am around people having fears, disconnection and desires,
I easily get induced by their respective insecurities, separateness and lust,
Now, I seek blessings and support, to manifest Thy completeness, oneness and love.
Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, October 10, 2010

I realize...(poem)

I may not,
be able to control my thoughts,
but, I can choose
not to let thoughts control me.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, October 8, 2010

Waht about each now, right now? (poem)

The past is over,
the future is uncertain,
however, I have this moment,
each now to create all that I wish.

Aum Tat Sat

What is being in now? (poem)

To me being in now is,
observing all that is happening within me,
being with the experience whatever it appears to be,
without wishing it to be different or better in any way.

Aum Tat Sat

I have been emotionally handicapped (poem)

I feel, I have been emotionally handicapped for 4 decades,
for I seeked love, affection and support from others in my life,
much like a physically handicapped seeks support from the crutches,
till I realized that I am perfect and complete and I am here to GIVE.

Aum Tat Sat

I did not know this...(poem)

Judging hurts both,
the one who is judged and the one who is judging.

Loving heals both,
the one who is loved and the one who is loving.

Aum Tat Sat


Don't resist your own thoughts,
Don't resist any of others thoughts.

Love each one of your thoughts,
Love others with all their thoughts.

Aum Tat Sat

God, transform self-pitying into smiles (poem)

Transform judging into loving,
Transform frustrating into creating,
Transform experiencing into observing,
Transform helplessness into empowerment.

Aum Tat Sat

Universe is constantly arranging (poem)

When my kids gave me their cards on my b'day,
I asked them where are my the flowers,
and soon after the door bell rang,
a neighbor came in with flowers.

I was contemplating who to share the information,
about observing Physics with kids everywhere,
then at noon at a friend's birthday party,
one of her friends told me the answer.


Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Flush out all old thoughts, before creating fresh ones (poem)

Just as my printer,
needs to print out all,
thats sitting inside its memory,
before it is ready to print out fresh inputs.

My mind needs to release,
each and every possible thought,
which has been hiding inside for over decades,
so that there is space for fresh creative ideas to manifest.

Aum Tat Sat

When I love all my thoughts, I love myself and begin to love everyone (poem)

My thoughts are,
a chemical reaction,
which takes place between,
my circumstances and my body, mind, senses.

My thoughts are,
not right, if they follow norms,
not wrong, if they defy guidelines by family,
they are just there surfacing as a result of interactions.

My thoughts are,
not who I really am completely,
for they are just a small part of how I experience,
so there need not be any shame or pride in acknowledging them.

My thoughts are,
what I am experiencing in that moment,
and they drain my power if I withhold them inside,
and they uplift my energy, if I accept them as mine, and share with respect.

Aum Tat Sat

My recipie for dissolving into my loving Self-1 (poem)

Be in now.

Thank You God.

Nothing Really Matters.

I am here to give and receive, not to expect.

Accept all of my thoughts, words, actions (Self Love)

Embrace everyone with all their thoughts, words, actions (Universal Love).

Aum Tat Sat

Flowchart from love to Joy (poem)

What does love make me feel?

What does Connection make me feel?

What does supported make me feel?

What does giving make make feel?

What doe fulfillment give me?

Aum Tat Sat

Judge or love? (poem)

What do I need?

What has judging given me?

What has frustration given me?

What has sadness given me?

What has pain given me?

So does judging give me joy?

Once I have judged and feel disconnected, what am I seeking?

Why love?
For, I know it gives Joy.

What do I need?

So how can I be joyful?
When I feel Loved.

How do I feel loved?
When I am surrounded by love.

Am I always around people who love me?
Not always.

Then how do I be joyful always?
By creating love constantly.

Why would I choose to be loving when I don't experience love around someone?
For selfish reasons, to feel joyful, which aises when I am enveloped in love, incessantly.

So, what is the surest way to be joyful?
Just give love, dropping everything else.

Aum Tat Sat

Aum Tat Sat

Now, that I am 42...(poem)

I realize,
its no point resisting thoughts,
for they would surface in my mind anyways,
even if my morals stand up with all force against them.

I know,
that its really no point resisting thoughts,
for if they are not allowed to surface in this moment,
they would sit inside, rust and then manifest after few decades.

I believe,
that there is no thought which is wrong or right,
its my senses which receive so many signals as input,
and passes it to the mind, which in its own wisdom keeps on judging.

I accept,
that I am not this body, mind, senses and experiences,
for I am an observer, which is here, only to love everyone,
by constantly rejecting and overruling all that mind is interpreting.

Aum Tat Sat

When I was 40...(poem)

I told him, I cared for him,
at 16,
at 40.

I judged him, as a weak person,
at 16,
at 40.

I knew, I was attached to him,
at 16,
at 40.

I realized, I longed for him,
at 16,
at 40.

Aum Tat Sat

When I was 16, I did not tell him that...(poem)

One morning, I woke up with a thought,
that he is saving my life,
by covering me and rolling on floor,
to save me from attacks.

Another night, I woke up with a thought,
that we are dancing together,
like a ball room dancers in perfect synch,
looking into each other's eyes.

In my singing class, I was thinking of him,
when the teacher pointed out,
and asked me why I have been mentally absent,
I blushed with my head down.

I was literally following my mothers sermon,
of not getting distracted,
while studying in high school to just study,
for I felt it was immoral.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, October 4, 2010

Its all in my thoughts...(poem)

When I think of him,
I sing with smiles.

When I fear leaving him,
I cry in hurting pain.

Aum Tat Sat

Each time I think of you, I visualize this...(poem)

I am standing there with my body pinning against yours.
My arms are wrapped around your neck, and yours holding me tight.
My cheek is glued into your chest and my tears are penetrating your shirt.
In that joyful moment, there is absolute oneness, support, love and complete giving.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Perfection within imperfection (poem)

When I connect within,
then I OBSERVE I am perfect and complete,
that I am a peaceful soul, which is here to love,
and so is each and every being in all possible creations.

When I get trapped in my mind, body and senses,
then I EXPERIENCE the pleasures and sorrows due to their input,
whenever, I attach, judge, resist, express or withhold in frustration,
and I hold the people and circumstances, responsible for my joy or pain.

Aum Tat Sat

God, I need these as my 42nd B'day gift (poem)

O the Supreme Dissolver, bless me, so that, I am cleansed of all my blaming and complianing.
O the Supreme Lover, bless me, so that, I am able to communicate with words of genuine affection.
O the Supreme Creator, bless me, so that, I am able to observe my experience with complete perspective.
O the Supreme Protector, bless me, so that, I am able to listen everyone with a heart brimming with Thy compassion.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, October 1, 2010

How come same event is experienced differently? (poem)

When I observe an event, I experience it via my personal interpretation,
Which may or may not match with the other witnessing it in the same time and space,
For, each one of us is experiencing the same event through the lens made up of the package of our own past experiences,
But, when we share openly how we both experienced it, then there is no fog in between, and that complete perspective transforms the entire experience.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I did have some fun even in IIT (poem)

One of IIT friends called me up and reminded me of some fun I had even in IIT.
Here are two which surfaced....
Begging 10, 25 paisa from friends,
for we had no money left that day,
yet had a strong desire to have chai,
and laughing sharing that 1 cup of tea.

Admiring one of my male Prof.'s jeans,
each time he crossed me during the lecture,
and shoving one of the trembling boys inside,
with a pseudo excuse to find where he bought it?

Aum Tat Sat

During this morning's walk (poem)

I admired the orange-black sky.
I caressed the moist plants.
I crushed the dried leaves.
I smiled cheerfully to all.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mind reflects (poem)

When my mind is still,
everything and everyone seems perfect.

When my mind is perturbed,
everything and everyone seems bothersome.

Aum Tat Sat

"Leave me alone" is my naturally wiring (poem)

Each time I take it personally,
I feel hurt about it.

Then, in deep frustration,
I shut myself inside.

And I continue pondering,
on my own experience.

Now, I deeply apologize,
and wish to reconnect.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I wonder what is it? (poem)

I knew,
each time he made a blank call.

I know,
each time he thinks about me.

Aum Tat Sat

In the stillness, everything seems perfect (poem)

Bees fly.
Birds chirp.
Trees shade.
Leaves dance.


Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God, Bless me so that I can be...(poem)

totally present,
full of gratitude,
choose wherever I am,
enjoy whatever I am doing.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Create a possibility, but embrace now (poem)

Whatever is, is right now.
All the memories, are not present now.
Beautiful fantasies, are not happening now.
So, enjoy the beauty, of whatever is in proximity, now.

Aum Tat Sat

O Creator, Bless me so that...(poem)

I can manifest Thy connection,
I can see Thy omnipresence,
I can share Thy love,
I can do Thy work.


Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Are disappointments really disappointing? (poem)

A disappointment,
which caused me to seek,
from God and become fulfilled,
how can that be a disappointment?

Aum Tat Sat

I am here to...(poem)

share my joy of observing Physics with kids,

manifest the aliveness in surrendering to God.


Aum Tat Sat

Everything is a complete package...(poem)

with its unique combination of,
likeables and dislikeables,
whether its my own kids,
husband, boss, friends.


Aum Tat Sat

I am Observing...(poem)

my cravings,

my imposing,

my resistances,

my helplessness.

Aum Tat Sat

It Helps...(poem)

Talking with respect,

Working with detahcment,

Thinking with gratitude,

Listening with compassion.

Aum Tat Sat

Surrendering Eases (poem)

I realized that my natural wiring,
is feeling helplessness and then,
either I complain with tears,
or I rebel against it.

But, none of this is helpful,
for I am not being at ease,
and the only way I ease,
is surrendering to God.

Aum Tat Sat

Path of least resistance (poem)

Let everything be.
Let everyone be.
Let all be.
Let it be.
Aum Tat Sat

Mind Vs Glass (poem)

I was sitting on a green patch,
in the middle of a busy street,
waiting for my car to be fixed,
facing the tinted glass ahead.

I could see all the cars, trucks,
people hurriedly crossing behind,
in that moment it surfaced that,
mind too reflects whatever I think.


Aum Tat Sat

When its raining....(poem)

If I don't wanna get drenched,
I need to stop complaining,
or fighting against it,
I need to seek roof.

If I don't mind getting drenched,
I need to keep away from rain,
all that I don't want wet,
and dance in the rain.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, September 13, 2010

God, Krishna, Masters, Purify my withholdings and standards ...(poem)

my heart and soul,
my senses and body,
my thoughts and mind,
my resistances and Self.

my goal and focus,
my cravings and desires,
my attachments and judging,
my expectations and reactions.

Aum Tat Sat

Are disappointments always frustrating? (poem)

How can I disappointment,
which led me to seek God,
and got me fulfilled,
ever be frustrating?

Aum Tat Sat

It works...(poem)

Talking with Respect,

Working with Detachment,

Thinking with Gratitude,

Listening with Compassion.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, September 10, 2010

I am the watcher in the public park, and not the lover kissing on the cheek (poem)

I am the audience at the theater, and not the actor on the stage.

I am a witness to a gruesome murder, and not the criminal or the victim.

I am a bystander at the train station, and not the passenger inside the train.

I am an observer of my body, mind, senses, and not the experiencer dealing with it.
Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, September 9, 2010

God, Krishna, Master, Bless me so that...(poem)

my eyes, see only, Thee,
my soul, seeks only, Thy feet,
my ears, hear only, Thy name,
my actions, carry only, Thy work.

my words, spell only, Thy praise,
my body, feels only, Thy presence,
my mind, thinks only, Thank You God,
my heart, in each beat, only breathes Thee.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do's and Don'ts (poem)

Don't let the outside poison enter the body.
Don't keep things within, just spell them out.
Don't protect kids, teach them to be independent.
Do, close eyes and be still, to change the experience.

Aum Tat Sat

Drop the veil of ignorance, reveal Thy Self. (poem)

Drop the veil of helplessness, reveal Thy Support.
Drop the veil of anger, reveal Thy Light.
Drop the veil of blaming, reveal Thy Compassion.
Drop the veil of fears, reveal Thy Courage.

Aum Tat Sat

Let the Light reveal Thy beauty (poem)

Just as the fog covers the lake, till the Sun comes out.

The ignorance veils the loving being, till the Divine Light shines.

Aum Tat Sat

Now, I am consciously choosing to be in Gratitude (poem)

Helplessness is not induced by outside, it is my automatic wiring.

Controlling is not induced by outside, it is my natural solution.

Rebelling is not induced by outside, it is my default reaction.

Loving is not induced by outside, it is my conscious choice.


Aum Tat Sat

At 5 am...(poem)

it was pitch dark,
enveloped with dense fog,
I was sitting alone in the chair,
But somehow there was no fear at all in me.

I realized my senses procure data,
the data of lonely girl and darkness,
which my mind, begins to interpret as fear,
But, when there is nodbody around, then why fear?

Aum Tat Sat

Re-discovering my Self (poem)

Let all fears go, for they are myth.
Let all desires drop, for they mislead.
Let all searching stop, for its already there.
Let all chasing terminate, for it will manifest.

Let all knots release, for it feels good to be Authentic.
Let all uneasiness relax, for its no point torturing one Self.
Let all completeness reveal, for that is what needs to be Unmasked.
Let all connectivity rejuvenate, for that is what makes Universe thrive.

Aum Tat Sat

Let anger go, let compassion be (poem)

Let past go, let future be.
Let complaints go, let people be.

Let fantasy go, let presence be.
Let frustrations go, let gratitude be.

Aum Tat Sata

I need to let go of my...(poem)


Aum Tat Sat

When its noisy outside, connect to the silence within (poem)

I was meditating, but others were not,
instead they were talking very loudly,
and creating a very distracting noise,
which just vanished, as I dived within.

Aum Tat Sat

Everything is a complete package (poem)

Just as I love my children,
with all their bothersome attitudes,
for I know that this is a part of them,
and I've got to embrace them in completeness.

I realized, so it is for everything,
be it Nature, which fills me up with joy,
with its vastness, beauty and pretty creatures,
but It comes with its set of insects and mosquitoes.

In addition, so it is for every being,
be it family, friends, peers or strangers,
they have many things which draws me closer to them,
in addition to few characteristics, which throws me off.

Perhaps, this is what God is trying to say,
"You've got to accept all that is there wholesomely,
just like the watermelon comes with its own seeds and skin,
discard and ignore what you don't like, enjoy the rest, merrily."


Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I wanna be the one.... (poem)

who is full of God,
who is full of giving,
who is full of aliveness,
who is full of compassion.

Aum Tat Sat

I am complete (poem)

Just as the wood pecker has a sharp beak, to poke
and the flies have the wings, which enable them to fly,
It struck me that I too must have all thats needed for my work,
all I need is to clearly determine, what I must do, and then just do it.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, September 3, 2010

God, Bless me so that...(poem)

I stay bonded to You,
and I reconnect with everyone via You.

I drop every thought that dis-eases me,
and I pick only thoughts, which are full of love.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is the most difficult thing to do? (poem)

The most difficult thing to do,
is to be present in this moment,
feeling the belly rise up/down,
thanking the breeze and leaves.

Aum Tat Sat

Thank You Dvinity within me (poem)

Only, in the Sunlight, I can see dust particles.
Only, in divine Light, I can see my blind spots.

Only, under a huge tree, breeze is cool on a hot day.
Only, under divine Love, there is peace amidst turmoil.

Aum Tat Sat

Profound Observation (poem)

I was at the Tech Museum with my kids and my 7 year old son,
was enjoying generating the roller coaster designs on the computer and running them on the the simulation screen. I was sitting on the seat behind him.

I realized, the sound on the speaker, took me to the amusement parks, the graphics on the screen were taking me up and down the steep stimualted rides, and the vibrator under my seat, was producing the effect of motion in the roller coaster. It was an intelligent pseudo ride, and I was choosing to scream in fear, having fun with my son, just be indifferent.

In that moment, I realized the following, sitting amindst my sensual perceptions, body experiences and analytical mind, that:

I am not mind,
I am not this body,
I am not my sense organs,
I am the detached observer.

Aum Tat Sat

I miss Delhi rains...(poem)

for the pouring in the perfect temperature,
for walking and eating coal-burned-bhutta with friends,
for dancing to the rythm in the courtyard of girls hostel at IIT Delhi,
for spotting out the bright rainbow smiling behind the East of Kailash hills.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Distinguishing Future, Past and Present (poem)

I realized that when I am dreaming,
I am fantasizing, its not happening,
and it may or may not ever come true,
for I am attempting to be in my future.

I realized that when I am remembering,
I am reliving, but its not happening now,
and it actually happened only in the past,
for I am subconsciously stuck in my yesterday.

I realized that when I am experiencing,
I am living it, for its definitely happening,
and it for a rare moment, its truly happening,
for I am being totally present in what's available.

Aum Tat Sat

My thoughts are like butterfly (poem)

Like the butterfly,
flutters around the flowers.

Bless me my Lord,
that my thoughts revolve around you.

Aum Tat Sat

When devotion collided with desires...(poem)

The devotion intersected with desires,
The desires swept off the devotion.

The devotion realized, its lost,
The devotion bid desire bye.

Aum Tat Sat

Let life change (poem)

Let love shine,
Let complain subside.

Let compassion shine,
Let helplessness subside.

Aum Tat Sat

From Helpless to Empowered (poem)

Yesterday night, I felt helpless,
and I was angry with him,
for he was forcing,
me to do it.

Suddenly, it struck me that,
I wish to not feel so,
and I sent him,
divine love.


Aum Tat Sat

Do I wanna be self-destructing or self-uplifting? (poem)

Hatred, anger, helplessness and blaming,
however justified, are are always destructive.

Love, compassion, responsibility and forgiveness,
however difficult to find within, are always uplifting.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dropping the metal frame, makes me feel lighter (poem)

Its high time,
I drop all metal frames,
inside which, I kept on trying to fit,
all the people, who are closest to me.

Its high time,
I embrace with compassion,
each and every person I encounter,
the way he is being, for that is where he is.


Aum Tat Sat

Friday, August 27, 2010

I suffer due to, absence of presence (poem)

Just like my 7 year old son, sometimes,
reads every word beginning with p as play.

Similarly, I operate from the past, sometimes,
with body tensing up, each time I fear old fears.


Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dear All beings, I have ever interacted with...(poem)

In every interaction, which, ever took place between us,

You did, whatever you did, for that is where you were,

I experienced, the way I did, for that is where I was,

Now, I seek forgiveness for the mess, I created.

Praying that you be blessed with divine connection within,

to the incessant source of whatever you are seeking,

And all beings, everywhere, open up their hearts,

in complete faith to receive Thy Love and Light.

Aum Tat Sat

Each time I shed the following, I am reborn (poem)

I have been bitter about past.
I have been missing wonderful past.

I have been worrying about future.
I have been wishing beautiful future.

I have been emotionally entangled.
I have been frustratingly expecting.

I have been ignorantly blaming.
I have been miserably in helplessness.


Aum Tat Sat

Aum Tat Sat

When uneasiness descends, send out an uplifting blessing (poem)

When some men ogle at a beautiful girl,
she need not shirk inside a shell in uneasiness,
instead she can compassionately send out a blessing,
so that they begin admiring her and all women respectfully.

Aum Tat Sat

My midday dream (poem)

I am a young girl running around with joy,
singing and dancing, swaying my body and dress,
through a sunlit farm, full of beautiful sunflowers,
chasing the butterflies, as if I had just left my cocoon.

Aum Tat Sat

State of Balance (poem)

When upward acting normal force,
the downward acting gravitational pull,
then the object is in stable equillibrium.

When uplifting divine force,
the depressing emotional and physical pain,
then the mind is in absolute calmness.

Aum Tat Sat

When Disillusionment turns into Illumination (poem)

Now, I see my most disillusioned night,
only, as the night I connected with God.

Now, I see my most fearful experience,
only, as an opportunity to share Light.

Aum Tat Sat

Everything changes with growth (poem)

Let all people be,
Let all memories be,
Let all circumstances be,
Just experience it differently.

Aum Tat Sat

It is the experience that matters (poem)

When I drove the first time on freeway,
I was scared, and held tight on to the steering.

Now, after driving for over 10 years,
I am at ease, and singing while driving on the freeway.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A million dollar question (poem)

On Facebook, we are reconnecting,
with our school classmates,
thousands of miles,
away from us.

Inside home, are we reconnecting,
with our family members,
under same roof,
next to us?


Aum Tat Sat

Healing From Within (poem)

Whenever I worry about my kids future as teenagers,
I've got to bring myself back just into the present.

Whenever I complain about what's not OK in my husband,
I've got to remind myself to say Thank You God in faith.

Aum Tat Sat

How to let Ease flow? (poem)

For me to be at ease anywhere,
Then, I've to be at ease with myself,
And let others, also be at ease around me,
To allow the ease circulate around me joyfully.

Aum Tat Sat

When I lay on the grass (poem)

The thoughts slow down,
The breath gets deeper,
The body just relaxes,
and its a blessing.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, August 13, 2010

Energy can only changes form (poem)

In roller coasters, the energy changes between kinetic and potential,
and the friction appears as a dissipatve energy in the form of heat.

In life, the energy cycles in between the draining away or uplifting,
and the resistance appears as dissipative energy in the form of stress.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What's the problem? (poem)

There is actually no problem,
with the people or the situations.

The only problem that is there,
is in experiencing it as a problem.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I promise to listen (poem)

It just struck me that all these years, I did not really give my listening to many people, esplly to those close in my life. I do realize its importance and value. Today, I realize the potential caring in it, just to listen with all my attention, without judging, blaming, complaining, reacting or closing. Now, I am asking God to bless me to express His caring to each being I meet.

Listening is a gift,
I can give to anyone,
for it is much needed,
to be heard without bias.

Aum Tat Sat

Thank You Higher Consciousness (poem)

In my lower consciousness,
I complain and hold resentments against people.

In my higher consciousness,
I see the same as a Divine plan and them as His tools.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, August 9, 2010

How to get what I am seeking? (poem)

What is it that I am seeking?

Respect, Compassion and Listening.

Since what goes out, comes back, how do I get it?

Simple, give these three to those people from who I am seeking.


Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Practicing to Listen (poem)

When someone is speaking too slowly,
When someone is blaming me about something,
I immediately shut down and turn off listening,
Now, I've got to practice listening with an openness.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Forgiveness is a Blessing (poem)

I was upset with my husband,
it was bothering me a lot,
I asked God, for perspective,
and I saw myself forgiving,
with melting tears from depth,
resulting in emanicipation,
as if I an imprisioned captive,
was hearing of his release.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, August 2, 2010

Power of Love (poem)

When I was nursing my new born babies,
while recovering from the delivery,
despite lack of proper sleep,
I had energy to do a lot.

Then, why can't I be in that same space,
of giving unconditional love to all,
despite their unkind behavior,
when I am one with Source?

Aum Tat Sat

Let Thyself manifest, let myself diminish (poem)

Let loving manifest, let complains diminish.
Let solutions manifest, let problems diminish.

Let energizing manifest, let draining diminish.
Let opportunities manifest, let suffering diminish.

Aum Tat Sat

Becoming a Windmill (poem)

There is never any problem, when there is always Thank You God.

There is never any complain, when there is always showering of Love.

There is never any helplessness, when there is always seeking from Divine.

There is never any draining, when there is always connection with the Source.

Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, July 31, 2010

God, let the clutter, and its source, within me, go (poem)

Let my chores, be a divine experience.

Let my suffering, be a divine experience.

Let my frustrations, be a divine experience.

Just like, my meditation, is a divine experience.

Aum Tat Sat

Oh my Krishna...(poem)

Be the transparent tape,
placed on top of my name,
so that none can see You,
and none can spoil the ink.
Aum Tat Sat

I am seeking from Krishna...(poem0

To put me under His Govardhan,
To shower me His Divine Light,
To bless me with His guidance,
To envelope me in His protection.
Aum Tat Sat

Precious Moments (poem)

Kids laying on the floor of moving caltrain,
just to draw a rising Sun in his math notebook.

Kids playing and laughing with their heads out,
just playing simple high five, low five games.

Grandpa clicking a photograph to the perfection
when the toddler grandson is eating an icecream.

Father carrying his toddler daughter at the game,
so that she feels content and secure amidst crowd.

Aum Tat Sat

Joy is...(poem)

being at ease anywhere,
be it, waiting for the train,
be it, feeling lost watching the game,
be it, getting stuck in the traffic jam.

Aum Tat Sat

Easing the Missing (poem)

I saw this old Chinese man in a restaurant in US,
reading very slowly and with immense interest,
through each word of the chinese newspaper,
as if, by doing so, he would be in China.

Aum Tat Sat

Victory by Surrendering to Newton's Third Law (poem)

Newton's third law states that,
action and reaction are always equal and opposite,
and from personal experience, I have verified that it is true,
so the only way, I can control, another's reactions is by my own actions.

Aum Tat Sat

I wished I could be in my father's arms....(poem)

I saw a 3 year old girl,
sitting in her dad's arms,
with her cheeks rubbing his,
and the chin into his shoulder.

Her father had his arms,
wrapped around her whole back,
I noticed the joy in his holding,
and the contentment in her surrender.

Aum Tat Sat

Its important for me...(poem)

To be at ease in the mind,
To be very relaxed in the body,
To be full of love in heart,
To be clutter free in the soul.

Aum Tat Sat

Connecting Via Thee (poem)

Now, I am one with Thee,
And, Thee is one with all,
So, I am one with everyone,
I just need to be open to it.

Aum Tat Sat

Striking the balance (poem)

Now, I've got to strike a balance,
between my aspiration and ambition,
between my spiritual and family life,
between my ideals and material needs.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I feel alive...(poem)

When I choose to radiate love,
When I choose to let go of complains,
When I choose to play cards with my son,
When I choose to sing a new prayer to a friend.

Aum Tat Sat

Feeling future into present is empowering (poem)

Now, its about being used as Thy instrument,
in all that I can do and really feel passionate about.

Be it to earn by sharing the joy of observing Physics,
or it is to have happy, laughing, communicating relationships.

It is simply realizing that I am being supported by the Universe,
and that It is constantly arranging, all that's needed for me to gete there.

Now, the focus is not on worrying, how will it ever materialize in my present,
instead, the focus is on, what it is that I will be actually feeling, when it happens.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Let things transform (poem)

Let I-ness dissolve,
Let Thy-ness manifest.

Let all separations go,
Let Thy oneness prevail.

Aum Tat Sat

My Ten Commandments (poem)

1. Connect to Thee,

2. Seek only from Thee,

3. Constantly thank Thee,

4. Have complete faith in Thee,

5. When confused see it in Thy Light,

6. Surrender thought, word and action to Thee,

7. Reconnect with everyone via Thee and not directly,

8. Offer to be used as Thy instrument to serve the humanity,

9. Know that each moment is exactly the way, it should have been,

10. Live in each moment, with full support from dearest friend, Thee.


Aum Tat Sat

Reconnecting via Him (poem)

It has been some work,
to seek and connect to God,
but the next step ahead is bigger,
to reconnect, with everyone as His children.
Aum Tat Sat

Love may be blind, but sometimes its time to open the blindfold (poem)

When in love, one can get blind,
but its not good to stay blinded in love,
when there is a feeling, this is not what I like,
for its time to open the blind fold and create love.

Aum Tat Sat

Hwo can I always be with Thee, with every breath I take? (poem)

How can I always think of Thee,
with every breath I take?

How can I always speak Thy words,
with every breath I take?

How can I always work for Thee,
with every breath I take?

How can I always seek Thy feet,
with every breath I take?

Aum Tat Sat

Now, I can connect dots to form a picture ...(poem)

When I was studying,
I thought earned the scholarship myself.

But, now I know,
that without God's support, I could not have done it.

Now, I feel,
that divine is like a selfless mother, constantly giving.

Now, I realise,
I am here to be used as Thy instrument, in all walks of life.

Aum Tat Sat

Love can be expressed without touching (poem)

in prayers,
via energy,
through gaze,
by listening.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, July 26, 2010

Its wise to slow down while taking U-turns (poem)

When I take a U-turn,
I need to slow down my car,
take the turn with all attention,
and then speed up slowly in the correct lane.

Similarly, during a U-turn,
in my personal and professional life,
I've got to slow down the rate of change,
and be very careful with my thoughts, words and actions.


Aum Tat Sat

Friday, July 23, 2010

Overcome inhibitions, speak up, drop barriers and get closer (poem)

I was upset with what I heard, that my dear brother had said about me.
I had a choice to let it go, ignoring it, or to get it cleared up with him.
After much pondering, I decided to call him up, for it was bothersome.
I so glad I did it, for those words which sounded judging, were loving.

Aum Tat Sat

Life is privilige, not a right , and so is...(poem)




Aum Tat Sat

Everyone needs completeness, but some pretend about it (poem)

Everyone needs love, but some deny it.
Everyone needs to learn, but some agree with it.
Everyone needs expression, but only a few pursue it.
Everyone needs communication, but only a few realize it.

Aum Tat Sat

I am a peaceful observing soul... (poem)

But, my mind, heart and body are also an integral part of my being.
And these three parts, are continuously creating a series of pictures for me to watch.
Sometimes, the pictures that surface are dis-empowering and at other times, are empowering.
So, I have a choice, either to become indifferent to both, or create the one that strengthens my whole being.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Recipie for Ease (poem)

What is my goal?
To be at ease in each moment.

How do I be at ease?
By seeking everything from the stillness within.

How do I get access to that?
By choosing to be still with eyes closed, few times a day.

How do I find time for that?
By choosing ease over uneasiness, in each perturbed moment.


Aum Tat Sat

Discovering my own source of peace and joy (poem)

When I seek from God within,
Then, I am all peace and joyful.

When I seek from people around,
Then, I am disappointed and hurt.

When I give without being asked,
Then, I am all peace and joyful.

When I yield under expectations,
Then, I am disappointed and hurt.

Aum Tat Sat

When I lay down on the grass...(poem)

The Earth supports my back,
The Sun provides the warmth,
The Breeze careeses my cheeks,
Nature inspires me to keep giving.


Magic of silence (poem)

Silence heals,
Silence relaxes,
Silence soothes,
Silence rejuvenates.
Aum Tat Sat

Become stronger, instead of complaining (poem)

Just as a needle can burst, a balloon, but not, a jute sack.

Harsh words can wound, a sensitive being, but not, a grounded person.

So the key, is to become stronger, around a needle-like-abrasive people.

It works for me, when I stop paying attention to people and focus only on thanking God.

Aum Tat Saat

O my Krishna, bowing at Thy feet...(poem)

I need You,
for I seek only from You,
and aspire to radiate, what I get,
with Your children, all over the world.

Aum Tat Sat

My Lord, is guiding me (poem)

My Lord, is protecting me.
My Lord, is taking care of me.
My Lord, is providing support for me.
My Lord, is constantly arranging for me.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, July 19, 2010

In divine Light, even upsets look great (poem)

All this time, I used to get perturbed,
when someone used to talk to me disrespectfully,
but, now, I realized that when ever I got really upset,
then I rushed to seek God's Love; so, I've got to thank them.
Aum Tat Sat

Now, I am getting more clarity (poem)

All this time,
I have been wishing,
to have great realtionships,
and to share my joy of exploring Physics.

But, now,
I have only one wish,
to be with my Lord constantly,
and to manifest this joy of divine seeking.

In this moment,
I really don't know,
whats going to happen in my life,
but, I do know that my goal and journey is God.

Plus, all that matters,
is that I be at ease with God,
and pursue what feels right in each moment,
seeking divine guidance and just being in GRACE.


Aum Tat Sat

Goal Matters (poem)

Destination really matters,
for if I don't know,
where I am going,
I'll be lost.

Similarly, goal matters,
for, if I don't know,
what I really need,
I'll be lost.


Aum Tat Sat

Destination Matters (poem)

My GPS needs me to put the destination,
and it calculates the path and guides me there,
even if I miss the correct exit, it keeps recalculating,
and brings me finally to the fed in destination, where ever it is.

It makes me realize, that just like driving,
in this journey of life, I've got to have a clear goal,
once that's decided, then I can seek the entire Universe for support,
to constantly guide me in that direction, even if I keep on losing my path.

Aum Tat Sat

Now, I am greatful to everyone. (poem)

My goal is to be one with God, constantly,
My God wishes me to be at ease with Him, everywhere.

So, I am greatful to God and to those who are being used,
as His instrument to give Thy love or to push me to seek Thy love.

Aum Tat Sat

The magical chant (poem)

When I say, "Thank You God",
each time I am in pain,
the suffering ceases,
and pain decays.

Aum Tat Sat

In every breath I take...(poem)

I seek, to be at Thy feet.
I need, to be in Thy Light.
I aspire, to be Thy servant.
I desire, to be one with Thee.


Aum Tat Sat

I trust God (poem)

My God is creating every moment in my life,
My God has put every person in my life,
My God knows whats good for me,
My God loves me very much.


Aum Tat Sat

God, is the only truth (poem)

I just realized that,
my goal in life is,
to be one with God,
in each breath.

For, I do know that,
He is the only truth,
and now I wish to be,
seek only the truth.

Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cleaning helps (poem)

Just as,
I clean up,
a dirty bench,
before sitting on it,

I've got to,
begin cleaning,
negative energy,
before entering in it.

Aum Tat Sat

How do I feel at ease all the time? (poem)

When someone is getting angry,
When somebody is judging,
Then, I feel unloved,
and, perturbed.

When I wipe my tears away,
When I give for giving,
Then, I radiate love,
and, ease.

Aum Tat Sat

What is Uneasiness for me? (poem)

When I feel pain in body.
When I feel helpless.

When I feel agitated.
When I feel guilty.

Aum Tat Sat

What is Ease for me? (poem)

Ease is laughing,
Ease is being,
Ease is opening,
Ease is loving.

Aum Tat Sat

What is healing for me? (poem)





Aum Tat Sat

What is empowering for me? (poem)

Taking my own responsibility,
for what I did or did not do,
is definitely empowering,
and blaming is not.

Speaking up against disagreement,
to someone, about something,
is extremely empowering,
and justifying is not.

Aum Tat Sat

Thank You God, Thank you God.... (poem)

When the focus is on thanking God,
instead of the noise of lawn mower,
just then things begin to shift slowly,
as I begin to hear the swaying leaves.

Aum Tat Sat

Just like that, I choose to stop resisting (poem)

When my 7 year old son cries, just like that, I need to stop bribing him.
When my 11 year old daughter rages, just like that, I need to stop correcting her.
When my 41 year old husband gets angry, just like that, I need to stop getting upset.
When my senior parents-in-laws begin complaining, just like that, I need to stop justifying.

Aum Tat Sat

When will I begin taking responsibility for my actions, and stop blaming others? (poem)

When someone says something that agitates me,
I begin justifying whatever I had done,
I start blaming the other person,
Instead of simply apologizing.

Aum Tat Sat

Wen I announced, “I am choosing to radiate love, amidst upsets...” (poem)

I shared, for I believe, in the power of genuine sharing,
I spoke, for I wanted, others to know, what I did not know.
I shared, for I understand, the inherent power of experience.
I spoke, for I wish, to empower others, the way I felt empowered.

Aum Tat Sat

Let imprints be erased, before they become fossil (poem)

My white scarf got blood stain while taking care of somebody's bleeding finger. A friend told me about it and suggested that I run it through running cold water, right away. I followed the instructions and my scarf was pure white once again. In that moment, it made me think of my perpetration withholds, that is blaming another for what I did wrong, instead of apologizing. After two hours, this poem surfaced.

When the stain is fresh,
it can be cleaned easily.

When the stain dries up,
it can be difficult to erase.

When the mistakes are recent,
they can be healed immediately.

When the mistakes have been sitting,
they can be extremely hard to dissolve.

Aum Tat Sat

Empty me and Refill me (poem)

Let all blaming go,
Let all complaining go,
Let all finger pointing go,
Let all that is past, may go.

Uplift me in Thy Love.
Uplift me in Thy Light.
Uplift me in Thy Healing.
Uplift me in Thy Perspective.

Aum Tat Sat

To me butterflies, manifest freedom and fun (poem)

In my first school,
I loved butterflies fluttering around,
they showed me how to enjoy freedom,
how to have fun, without depending on others.

Aum Tat Sat

The Japanese Friendship Garden (poem)

In a pond inside this tranquil garden,
the water is still and absolutely clear,
so much, that I could see everthing,
the dancing tadpoles, coins and algae.

Then at a certain point the same water
begins gushing down like a waterfall,
but when it hits against rocks in path,
I can hear it and see only the bubbles.

Looking at that, I felt this is like me,
when I meditate the very first thing,
on waking up in the early morning,
my body is still and my mind is calm.

But, the entire day, when I am busy,
carrying out the activities in the day,
my body is perpetually on the move,
and my mind is stirred up constantly.

Perhaps, its a good idea to do this,
sometimes let body relax in chair,
and the mind gurgle out in writing,
so that I can see the blocking rocks.

Aum Tat Sat

All that matters is how loving and alive, I am in this moment...(poem)

Why is it, that I keep pulling my yesterday's miserable interaction into my present?
Why is it, that I keep focusing my attention, on how to make my future interactions with that person better?

When I know, for sure that, anything may change and the past circumstances may never ever surface again.
When I have realized that, I may not live the next moment, and it is not very smart to plan for the next 40 years, now.

So, does that mean I stop planning what's ahead in my life altogether - in terms of hours, days, weeks or even decades?
No, it surely does not mean that, perhaps, this awareness is taking me to a new thought pattern, in which I am choosing to be happy, now.

I remember seeing my 2 and 3 year old nieces fighting over a ball, when the younger one suddenly decided to let go of that ball to her elder cousin.
And she turned away and found another ball to play with and totally forgot about their fight, whereas the elder sister held on to the ball and the grumpiness.

Makes me feel, somewhere, I have got to be like the younger niece, make efforts to interact with who ever is available, in LOVING spirits as long as that person reciprocates.
But, if its not so, I turn my focus into something interesting, by letting go of my expectations and remaining open to how the next interaction with the same person goes, when it happens.

Aum Tat Sat

Default way, go away (poem)

One is a default way, I react,
that is an automatic pattern, I justify.

The other is a new way, I can be,
that is after reflection, I choose to be.

Aum Tat Sat

In each moment...(poem)

My Lord is arranging for me.

My Lord is supporting me.

My Lord is crediting me.

My Lord is loving me.

Aum Tat Sat

Everyone is perfect, as is (poem)

Crows are crows,
Parrots are parrots,
Humming birds are humming birds,
They are all different and perfect as they are.
Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Belief: the secret ingredient of success (poem)

I believe, I am here, to share exploring Physics,
I believe, I am here, to enjoy wonderful relationships,
I believe, I am here, to experience healthy body and mind,
I believe, I am here, to manifest the power of love and gratitude.
Aum Tat Sat

These are some of my favorite things...(poem)

Still quietness,
Pink Sky,
Soft Sun,
Sweet chirp,
Fluttering butterflies,
Swaying leaves,
Sprinkling water,
Dew drops,
Open heart,
Singing voice,
Heartfelt laughter,
Lighter body,
Calm mind,
Light within,
Uplifting energy,
Relaxing ease,
Feeling complete,
Just being.

Aum Tat Sat

In this morning's beautiful meditation (poem)

Each cell,
my body,
felt still.

Bombarding thoughts,
my mind,
slowed down.

Aum Tat Sat

With my eyes closed, I was present to...(poem)

Tender-dew-moist grass under my slippers,
Soft-sweet chirping ringing inside my ears,
Caressing breeze through my hair on neck,
Warm Sun rays falling upon my left cheek.

Aum Tat Sat

Discover all that's there (poem)

I was rushing in between dropping and picking up kids from camp,
assuming I can write, read, or walk only at or around my home,
till, after a week I was exhausted by the drive and heat,
and therefore decided to hang around camp site.

Before leaving home, I searched for a nearby library on the internet,
so that I can email or read books indoors, while I am waiting,
only to surprisingly discover that there is a green corner,
a poetry center and a very calming garden on site.

I assimilated an important lesson: LIFE IS only HERE AND NOW,
there is no other place or people to find what I am longing for,
there is no beautiful past or the rosy future to cling onto,
and I already have, all that I need, I just have to SEE.

Perhaps, this new lesson can be extended to my relationships too,
when I realize that they are frustrating or taking a toll on me,
then instead of trying to flee away from them for peace,
I've got stay right there and discover all that's there.

Aum Tat Sat

I surrender and seek (poem)

I surrender,
my deepest desires,
my owning attachments,
my frustrating expectations.

I seek,
to radiate love,
to be completely present,
to be always full of gratitude.

Aum Tat Sat

Speak up, but to the right person (poem)

Speak to the one, who is listening.
Speak to the one, who is empathizing,
Speak to the one, who is healing,
Speak to the one, who is supporting.
Aum Tat Sat

Isn't it most cowardish on my part....?(poem)

That when I was not able to digest the regular milk,
and my Ayurvedic doctor asked me to try Lactose Free milk,
I did so hiding it, from my husband, for he would get angry 'n' upset,
Just because, he needed a blood test to prove it and found it expensive.

Aum Tat Sat

Isn't it ironical...?(poem)

That, when I was pressed against deadlines for my Ph.D. thesis,
I chose not to spend two hours, to go meet my sick mother,
But, when she left the world in the next two days,
Then, I took a week off to mourn for her.

Aum Tat Sat

Lord, I am Thine (poem)

I am not a body,
I am Thy servant.

I am not this name,
I am Krishna's devotee.

Aum Tat Sat

O Krishna...(poem)

You were a lover to Radha,
You were a child to Yashoda,
You were a Lord to Mira Bai,
But, to me, You are everything.

Aum Tat Sat

What could be better than this? (poem)

The most beautiful chant, “Krishna” leads me to silence,
The most beautiful dance, “Devotion” leads me to stillness,
The most beautiful thought, “His Feet” leads me to blankness,
Now, what could ever be a better thought, word or action than this?

Aum Tat Sat

Judging, Complaining go away (poem)

When I said to a stranger interested in conversations about God,
“I can't talk to my old friends about inner journey, for all they are talking about is dresses and eating...”

On reflection, I realized, that, somewhere, I was judging my old friends and complaining.
Perhaps, I could have said, “I love talking about inner journey and I am happy to meet you and talk about this rare topic.”

Aum Tat Sat

Joy is the same, only the sources vary (poem)

What does meditation, kirtan and talking about God give you?
Joy, fun, ease, bliss.

Can you describe that joy?
The aha moments, that you as a football fan, get while watching the finals.
Perhaps, even more, because here I am the one playing, not just watching it.

Aum Tat Sat

Begin easing right now (poem)

If something feels uncomfortable,
I've got to fix it right away, here and now,
And not postpone saying, “I'll rectify it later...”,
For, life is happening now, just now, only in right now.

Whether, its a pebble inside my sneaker,
Or, a misunderstanding with parents-in-laws,
Whether, it is the pinching words from husband,
Or, an apology due towards my 7 year old little son.

If something feels uncomfortable,
I've got to fix it right away, here and now,
And not postpone saying, “I'll rectify it later...”,
For, life is happening now, just now, only in right now.

Aum Tat Sat

It's no point speaking, when the other is not listening (poem)

I had called up my sister in India,
I began talking, when she said “hi”,
Then I kept on sharing for 10 minutes,
Till she yelled, “I can't hear you, can you?”

It was only then, that I registered,
That all this time my talking was a waste,
And further, she began speaking very loudly,
Because she assumed, that like her, I can't hear too.

Later, I felt it had a much deeper message,
Perhaps, I need to periodically make sure that,
That the true listening is continuously happening,
If not, then I am simply wasting my energy and time.

Aum Tat Sat

Live life of choice (poem)

Laugh, so that the belly hurts.
Sing, so that the heart opens.
Speak, so that the faith shows.
Write, so that the pain melts.
Aum Tat Sat

My Lord has a divine plan for me (poem)

Embrace each moment as a divine gift.

Cherish each joy as a divine blessing.

Love each hurdle as a divine signal.

Hug each pain as a divine calling.

Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, July 8, 2010

O Universe, please grant me my wish (poem)

I wish to laugh openly, more often, like I used to, with college friends.

I wish to love everyone, all over the world, like I love, my own children.

I wish to thank God, constantly, like I've seen, babies do, while nursing.

I wish to be blessed, with these wishes, like I need water, on a hot day.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Recognizing Helplessness (poem)

Now, I am discovering my helplessness,
whenever, I complain about the circumstances,
each time, I blame someone for blocking me from being,
everytime, I let myself suffer by the other person's expressions.

Now, I am searching for ways to overcome it,
may be, it can be achieved by laughing more often,
perhaps, by loving and expressing caring constantly,
or, simply by being in constant gratitude to God, Krishna, Gurus.

Aum Tat Sat

Evolve out of helplessness (poem)

Now, in each moment,
I am choosing to,
love and laugh,
by just being.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, July 5, 2010

Focus Matters (poem)

When my focus is on people,
my bliss keeps on getting lost.

When my focus is on God,
my bliss keeps on remianing same.

Aum Tat Sat

Relativity Matters (poem)

A pebble thrown into the lake, creates big-deep ripples.
A pebble thrown into the ocean, creates ripples, which die out.
A noise of the birds bother very much, when my mind is perturbed.
A noise of screaming running kids, does not bother, when I am calm.


Aum Tat Sat

Focus Matters (poem)

Just as when I am reading an interesting book,
the noise of the lawn mower doesn't bother.

Similarly when I begin radiating God's love,
the stab in people's words doesn't bother.


Aum Tat Sat

Look, what am I doing? (poem)

I was with my college friends, laughing and singing,
at the local Nirulas restaurant, after over 21 years.

Just like good old days, we were screaming together,
trying to make our own voices louder than the others.

In that moment of utter chaos and fun-filled smiles,
somewhere I stopped in between, for it felt different.

I WITNESSED, even though we were all over 40, parents,
and responsible adults, we were messing up like teens.


I was in the middle of a deep crying arising from belly,
while sharing with my sister on the phone, my uneasiness.

She was at her work in India, surrounded by her coworkers,
and therefore was simply listening without saying anyword.

I was here in US, under a huge spell of painful complaints,
trying to squeeze out my discomforts through tearful words.

Within those 3 minutes, I suddenly felt an awesome silence,
and I stopped howling when a passive me WITNESSED active me.


Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, July 4, 2010

When I am stressed out...(poem)

I lay down on a mat under a tree,
when the perturbing thoughts surface,
the gentle breeze wipes them away,
replacing them with only Thank You God.

Next the chirping birds sing to me,
as if saying, Be in Now, Only Right Now,
then I see the problem and solution,
and I become rejuvenated, in Mother's lap.

Aum Tat Sat

What does ease feel like?






Aum Tat Sat

Now, I am aware that... (poem)

It is my expectations that make me feel frustrated.
It is my complains that make me feel miserable.
It is my fears that make me feel helpless.
It is my faith that makes me feel alive.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, July 2, 2010

I did not know this...(poem)

That source of constant joy is within,
That loving God is what feels complete,
That all human beings are co-passengers,
That it is my choice to complain or embrace.

Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Now, I am rejoicing in this moment (poem)

As I am getting present to each moment,
I realize what a waste of precious energy,
It is to think about, he was so mean to me,
Or I would be happy, when he will turn nice.

Aum Tat Sat

I am whole, I am complete (poem)

I am happy.
I am content.

I am love.
I am comfortable.


Aum Tat Sat

Creating Happiness by Choice (poem)

Whenever I am feeling pressured, I am learning to observe myself.

For, if I react to the pressure, I am leading to my own misery.

And, if I let the pressure go, then, I am remaining stable.

Since, I am choosing happiness, I've got to, let it go.

Aum Tat Sat

When I feel pressured, I react... (poem)

When I react, I always mess up.

When I mess up, I've to repair.

When I repair, then I complain.

When I complain, I feel unhappy.


Aum Tat Sat

Have Fun, But Within Limits (poem)

Empty roads do not mean, I can drive faster.
They just imply, that I have more space.
They don't suggest, do what you feel.
They simply say, happy driving.

Aum Tat Sat

My first driving ticket (poem)

I was in the car pool lane in a freeway with my kids.

The cop car was way behind me, and I was driving at 70-75mph.

Then his car came right after me, as if asking me to speed up ahead.

To give him way, I sped upto 80 mph and just then I saw his blinking lights.

I pulled over to the right following his blinking lights and got a citation for speeding.

I was astonished, because I thought I did the right thing by speeding up instead of blocking him.

But, he told me, come what may, the speed limit has to be 65 mph, even in any lane, under any circumstances.

I realized that, perhaps I have got to stay within the speed limit, whether the road is empty, or am being pressured to go fast.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Live Now (poem)

Hug Now.
Cook Now.

Sing Now.
Laugh Now.

Talk Now.
Write Now.

Hear Now.
Thank Now.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, June 28, 2010

Laser mind (poem)

Just as a laser amplifies, whatever be the weak input signal, so does my mind.

When I contemplate, about my worry, it multiplies, and I keep on tensing up.

When I focus on, what I am thankful for, it increases, and so does my comfort.

So, its on me, to relax or not, by thinking "not-fair" or "I-Thank-God-for...".


Aum Tat Sat

Seeing Matters (poem)

When I see it through gratitude,
everything seems like a gift,
When I see it through problem,
everything seems stressful.

Aum Tat Sat

Right now, I am full of gratitude...(poem)

for the love that He has showered on me,
for the honor that He has given to me,
for the alarms He has signaled towards me,
for the pointers He has arranged for me,
for the people He has provided around me,
for the circumstances He has offered me,
and above all, something most dear to me,
for the devotion He has blessed upon me.


Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Universe, provide me what I need (poem)

I am choosing to be at ease,
when I see my kids watching TV while eating.

I am choosing to be compassionate,
when my husband complains about me with anger.

Aum Tat Sat

Emotional wounds though invisible, do need healing (poem)

I have always felt compassionate for physically handicapped.
I have always felt motherly towards all young children.
I have always felt moved by another's genuine tears.
Now, I am choosing to sympathize with aggressors.

Aum Tat Sat

Loving Quietly (poem)

I have shared my love in friendly smiles.
I have expressed my caring by favorite cooking.
I have communicated my affection through bear hugs.
I am choosing to radiate compassion via warm glancing.
Aum Tat Sat