Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What does the word DETACH mean?

What does the word DETACH, I often hear during meditation mean?

I used to think detachment is only from the people in my life, like my immediate family and friends. I had realized that I and my family are actually a part of His family. As if, we are all standing in a circle holding hands, with God at the centre of the circle. And my family/friends are standing next to me (on either side) in that circle. Detachment from them means doing my duties, taking care of them, giving them love but staying focussed on the divinity within.

Then there is this detachment from the outcome of my efforts, be it towards writing, Physics education for the community or the family. It is hard to follow through, but makes sense.

But this morning, I saw He is asking me to detach myself from the ego. I saw that it is the ego which makes me angry, get hurt, anxious and greedy.

However, the truth is I am not EGO. I am truly a spirit; which is a state of peace, joy and giving love.

The ego is like a shadow of the tree standing under the Sunlight. During the day, the length of the shadow varies as the Sun changes its position with respect to the tree. However, when the Sun is directly overhead on top of the tree; the length of the shadow of the tree is least.

Similarly, on the days/moments when I am not so aligned with divinity within; my ego gets active. During those moments, I speak from my mind and therefore act from the plane of EGO. As a result I feel hurt, angry, and anxious; in addition, I spread it around me. Whereas, during meditation, when I am aligned with the divinity within; my ego is least active. I listen, speak and act from the heart and therefore act from the plane of the spirit. I experience a state of peace, joy, singing and feel-like-giving-hugs; in addition I emanate love and give hugs and smiles to all people (including strangers, flowers and cats) around me.

Now, that I know I am not ego; I wish to recognize it starts showing up and tune out of it to the pure spirit living inside my body.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Trusting my Father’s Protection

My father never allowed me or my siblings to go for an overnight school trip. He was an extremely strict father. Therefore, there was no way that either one of us could reason it out with him.

All my friends, classmates, and teachers would go for the school trips year after year. They would come back and narrate their fun and adventure stories; which would make me, feel even more frustrated.

When I would complain about it to my mother; she would affectionately touch my head and say that my father felt that “the world is not safe” for us. She would try to explain it to me patiently that since he had lost his parents at a very young age. Perhaps because of that he had witnessed/experienced the not-so-obvious-unsafe-side of the world too early in his life. And by imposing no-overnight-trip policy, he was simply trying to “protect” his own children from those not-so-safe-realities.

But at that young age, her explanations did not convince me.
I used to refute, as to how come the world was safe for all my friends and not for me. Slowly, I started building resentment against his closed mind regarding overnight-trips policy.


I still remember that I was in grade 5 and was the group leader of the songs for an out of state all India singing competition. When I informed my music teacher about my father’s strict policy, he did not pay any attention to it. The practice sessions went on without any back up.
Two days before the trip, the music teacher requested the Head of the school to talk to my father about it. The Head followed it through and explained my father how important it was for me to represent my school in that competition. She promised that either she herself or one of the accompanying teachers would be with me all the time. I saw my father yielding, though unhappily. But, he communicated very clearly that it was the first and the last time he was allowing me to go for an overnight trip.

After coming back from that trip after a few months, the preparations for the next competition started once again. My music teacher once again ignored my warnings. He trusted the Head’s convincing skills.
When it was time, the Head once again called up my father two days before departure. But this time my father did not yield.
That Sunday morning when all the other students were there with their backpacks and sleeping bags, I reached there empty handed with my father. I heard my father talk firmly to the Head, “As per our last year’s conversation, I am not sending my daughter.” The school bus left with everyone other than me.

After that my school did not involve me in the practice session for any of the out-of-state-competitions.


Years passed by and I reached the last year of my high school. When it came to applying for engineering colleges, my father declared that he would not let me go out of Delhi to study.

I complained once again, because at that time there were only three engineering colleges in Delhi. And, each one of them was extremely hard to get in different ways. I felt frustrated since his decision was restricting the choices for my career.

To console me, my mother once again, lovingly explained that in his heart my father was wishing good for me. She suggested that each time I start feeling bitter about his decisions; I should focus on his good intentions and simply trust his ways of protection.

Out of all the explanations she gave, only focusing on the trust part made sense. It clearly helped in pushing away my anger and frustration.


However, my mother’s too-many-words explanation made sense only after 6 years; when I started pursuing research work (for Ph.D.) at IIT Delhi.

The research scholars from my research group had organized an out of state trip to see the highest TV tower in Kasauli. When I talked to my father about it, for the very first time I heard a YES from him. I was thrilled and shocked, that he was letting me go for an out of state two night trip, that too without any Professors.

But during that short trip, something happened which revealed a truth, in one my longest-and-scariest nights.

Due to certain unpredictable circumstances, I landed up alone (without any of my group co-researchers) in a half-asleep compartment surrounded by complete strangers.
On that unpredictable night, I sensed (for the very first time in my life), a strange-and-disgusting look in the eyes of the men around me (including all the railway employees); which made me feel extremely insecure. I felt so insecure that I felt like crying. I sat up all night, did not close my eyes at all. I just waited for the train to reach Delhi. During each second of those never-ending five hours, I found myself longing for that always-detested-imposed-protection by my father.
That night, I understood the meaning of the-often-heard-phrase “the world is not safe” (at my home).

After that whenever I traveled out of the state/country to present research papers; I always traveled, everywhere with that new “big lesson”.


It took me decades to truly assimilate the meaning of the word PROTECTION. However, the following analogy helps me understand it better.

I remember that the word electron was first “introduced” to me in elementary school. Over the years, it became more familiar by “observing” its scanning effects on the screen of a regular TV/PC. During college years, I understood electron’s properties to a much deeper level while “doing” hands-on experiments. However, the enormity of waiting-to-be-explored-untapped applications of that invisible-to-the-eye-yet-omnipresent particle struck me only while "exploring" its properties during research.

Along the same lines, I was “introduced” to the abstract word called protection from the supreme power in the early elementary school days. After a few decades, I started appreciating my father’s actions and words, which “exemplified” what protection felt like through his physical presence and affectionate ways. Years passed by, I moved to US with my husband and became a mother of two kids. Without my awareness, I started protecting my own children and in the process started “enacting” protection. However, during some extremely-trying circumstances, when I cried out for protection in complete trust; I “experienced” the protection from the invisible-to-the-eyes-yet-sensed divinity residing within me.

To me this new awareness about always-accessible-but-never-tapped protection from the divinity within appears to be like that omnipresent-enormously-potent-waiting-to-be-explored properties of electrons. Now, I have realized that just as an exploring mind was needed for pursuing research on electrons; a TRUSTING heart is all that is needed for seeking PROTECTION from the divinity within.


I thank God for blessing me with such a father, who elucidated the word “protection”; as an introduction to the always-available-but-never-asked-for protection from the divinity residing within me.

A protection which I now feel, was-is-and-will-always-be needed be it from my own fearful thoughts or from the people around me.

On this Father’s day, for all the protection that my father imposed, I wish to scream “Thank you Papa.” from the bottom of my heart.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Exploring Launching of Satellites

Today, I sat in a car which was using a Global Positioning System known as GPS. It uses signals sent from satellites revolving around the Earth’s orbit to provide directions to the driver. To understand more about the launching of these satellites, we need to understand speed and angle
As we look around on speedometers inside the cars and the sign boards showing speed limits, we find that everywhere speed is written in “mph”; which stands for miles per hour. Since we know that distance is measured in miles and time is measured in hours. Therefore, we infer that, somehow speed is dependent on distance and time.
Let’s explore how the speed of a rolling bathroom roll is related to the distance traveled by it in a fixed time.

(Kieran and Cameron help.)
1. First we will mark the starting line. (Kieran marks it with tape).
2. Then, a bathroom roll is pushed from the starting point with a large force (Kieran pushes the roll with a lot of force). After 5 claps its ending position is marked(Cameron claps and marks its end point). The number of foot spaces between the starting and the ending points (Kieran measures it as x) is found to be x.
3. The same exercise is repeated with lesser force (pause till this exercise is completed). This time the number of foot spaces between the starting and the ending points (Kieran measures it as y) is found to be y.
4. In this experiment 5 claps represent the fixed time and the number of foot spaces measures the distance. Since x is greater than y. Therefore, fast speed implies more distance covered in a fixed time.
An angle is always between two straight lines. For example, it could be between two palms. The angle is zero degrees when the palms are together. The angle increases as the palms are opened up and becomes 90 degrees when the two palms form a right angle. Generally, all angles are with reference to the ground. For example, my body while standing straight makes a 90 degrees angle with the ground.

Another common observation is that the ball shot at an angle always follows a curved path.(Shubha throws the ball towards Alex).

Let’s find out how the angle of shooting the ball changes with the distance from the basket.

(Shubha and Alex (as a basket stand) help)
1. We start with observing the angle of the arms with reference to the ground(show it) while shooting the ball standing closer to the basket.
2. Next we repeat the same exercise while shooting the ball standing far away from the basket.
3. We conclude that while shooting ,the angle of the arms with reference to the ground is larger when we are standing closer to the basket.
With this knowledge about speed and angle, I guess we can now understand how a satellite is launched.

If the speed is large and the angle of launching is small, the satellite will revolve in an orbit, further away from the Earth.

(George shows the launching of satellites on a hula hoop with Sahana's help).

If the speed is less and the shooting angle is large, the satellite will revolve in an orbit, closer to the earth.

(George shows the launching of satellites on a hula hoop with Sahana's help.)

Once the satellite is launched in the correct orbit, it sends the signals to a GPS receiver in the car; which in turn provides driving directions.
I think it’s really neat to know that apparently complicated launching of satellites is based on simple concepts of speed and angle. The concepts which can be understood while having fun with rolling the bathroom rolls and shooting the basket balls. It feels great to realize that the concepts of Physics can be explored without any textbook, equations or hi-fi equipments.

(Everyone comes together and takes a bow)


1. Only the words outside the brackets need to be spoken.
2. Also x and y will be determined on the stage, while doing experiments.

Vocabulary (need not memorize, just to know)
Orbit-An orbit is the path that an object makes around Earth under gravitational force.
Satellite-A satellite is an object which has been placed into orbit.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Being in a Spiritual Plane

It was a beautiful feeling this morning, as I woke up recharged and sat down to meditate.

I saw clearly that in human plane, a given circumstance makes me angry. It makes me feel upset and frustrated, because I feel hurt. I constantly experience fear and anxiety worrying about the next moment. Now, I know that all this arises out of my ATTACHMENT to people and things; which leads to building up of more and more samskaras. I find myself in a bigger mess, by first creating a peace-disrupting samskara and then dissipating more energy struggling to undo it. It is something like what happens in the kitchen, when my mind is elsewhere. During those mentally-somewhere-else moments, sometimes I do not remove the paper towel lying around the stove (before turning on the stove) and then become anxious trying to put off that huge flame with a glass of water. Then in that moment, I realized how committing a dumb mistake led to a feeling of frustration (while cleaning up the spread of ashes and water). In those moments, I feel like slapping myself.

On the other hand, when I am in the spiritual plane, the same circumstances bring out His love. I do not feel angry with any being. I start enjoying being in the moment. I thank God for all He has given me. I see myself being able to DETACH myself from people and the things. In His Trust, I feel secure simply holding His finger. That feels Peace to me. This in turn leads to a feeling of joy, which makes me dance on the street, singing aloud. In that beautiful moment, I realize that letting go of the attachment could be so liberating. That felt so much like what I had experienced when I was finally able to crack the seemingly-toughest-ever-laboratory exam problem at the end of those mind-wrecking 3 hours.

Then, later during the day through a soldier friend I heard that one of his men had died in a violent combat across the border. During my next meditation session, I prayed to send out peace towards that departed young soldier’s soul and compassion for his family. When I was doing that, I visualized the violent scene and started sending out my love (as hugs) to each person who was present there; including soldiers from across the border. It was a heart warming moment for me when I saw tears rolling out of all those red eyes full of anger and hatred. I thanked God for that moment and got up to have lunch.

While warming my lunch in the microwave, I realized that during meditation I had involuntarily hugged the enemies of my home country. Sitting there in my human plane, I asked myself a question, “Have I become less patriotic towards my home country?” In that quiet moment, when even the microwave had stopped making its noise, I heard the soft voice within telling me, “No, you are now becoming a better human being.”

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How do I stay calm after seeing wounded people?

The other day, I woke up with a "horror thought". I saw a friend with his legs chopped off. Then later, during the day I saw a teenager with his badly wounded hand in a car accident. My peace of mind was gone. During meditation, I asked, how do I stay calm during/after seeing badly wounded people?

I realized that this had two parts. One is the visible physical injury (as a thought/reality) and second is the attachment to people around me.

I realized that just as I admire God's work while looking at the red-colored tulip. Similarly I need to remember, God while looking at a badly injured person. I do understand that I should remember Him equally during my health and injury, fun and pain, good time and bad time, riches or poverty, loved or hated times. Similarly, when it comes to sights around me, just as I think of God while looking at that fresh tulip, I should think of Him while looking at the sight of a terrible injury. That is the right way. All is His work, His grace. I may or may not like it, but that is the big truth.

It is harder to look at these sights, especially if I am attached to the person; but once again. We are all His; nobody is mine. We are together like those logs of wood drifting down the stream, sometimes we are together, sometimes we are apart and we may/may not meet again. One gets injury (whenever) because of his own Karmas. I may not be able to change that, but I can definitely empathize and hug him; give him God's love.

So detachment to people and constant remembrance of God (seeing Him in everything) did help me calm down after seeing those frightful scene(s).