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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Learning to Write "Happy Birthday" Note

My daughter on her upcoming 9th birthday wanted me to write something for her. I was lost and confused. I asked for His guidance, and thereby discovered a better way to wish "Happy Birthday". A way which only needs love and the ways to communicate it. I am thankful to my daughter for triggering me to discover this wonderful way. Here is what I wrote.

My dear daughter,

I wish you a very happy 9th birthday. I pray that He blesses you with the right thinking today and always. On your special day, I thank you for making me a mother and bringing out my latent better qualities.

As a baby, you changed my life through your trusting and surrendering ways. Thanks for that trusting look in your eyes. When you turned 1, as you struggled with your first steps, fell down and stood up again to walk, you demonstrated what determination can lead to. Thanks for exhibiting that inspiring determination. At age 2, in your own limited utter-able vocabulary, you described the world around you. Thanks for setting an example of creativity, especially for saying “hulla” for helmet.

When you turned 3, you constantly asked me simple questions out of your curiosity. Thanks for bringing out the teacher within me, to illustrate the difference between inside and outside. At age 4, you had started absorbing and pretending the world around you. Thanks for those precious laughable moments, when you pretended to give me a hair cut and offered me a lollipop at the end for “sitting so still” throughout the haircut.

When you were 5, you were no longer a baby. You would help me take care of your brother by passing me diapers and for making him laugh whenever he would cry. Thanks for being so responsible, helping and caring.

At age 6, you exhibited the saint within you by controlling your mind. When you were explained how pizza, candy, chocolate or cake (gluten) would give you itchy rashes, you never ever asked me again for any of those, be it at a birthday party, festivals or in a mall. I admire you for continuing to do what most adults find difficult to do.

When you were 7, you were confirming your leadership qualities. During the outdoor play, you demonstrated wise and smart moves by protecting yourself while not hurting the offender. I felt proud to be your mother for that and for shooing away the bullies (who were) troubling the younger, gentler kids.

At age 8, you had matured in a big way. I was proudly amazed by the way you explained your younger brother that all bags are same inside, whether it had a Superman, Spiderman or no action figure outside of it. It was a wonderful thought, which would put a lot of us adults to shame, for most of us shop for showing-off instead of basic needs.

I look forward to enjoying many more such joyful birthdays and the following eventful years with you. From my heart, I wish that all the happiness that you wish for, comes your way on September, 24th, 2007.

Blessings from your Mama,

September 23rd, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful.

Start preparing for 11th B'day -

Your responsibilties are increasng as she will start needing you more than any other time.