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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Everything is a complete package (poem)

Just as I love my children,
with all their bothersome attitudes,
for I know that this is a part of them,
and I've got to embrace them in completeness.

I realized, so it is for everything,
be it Nature, which fills me up with joy,
with its vastness, beauty and pretty creatures,
but It comes with its set of insects and mosquitoes.

In addition, so it is for every being,
be it family, friends, peers or strangers,
they have many things which draws me closer to them,
in addition to few characteristics, which throws me off.

Perhaps, this is what God is trying to say,
"You've got to accept all that is there wholesomely,
just like the watermelon comes with its own seeds and skin,
discard and ignore what you don't like, enjoy the rest, merrily."


Aum Tat Sat

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