Surrender, Listen and Give

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Blog Archive

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I salute the power of thoughts (poem)

My thoughts give rise to my feelings,
Which in turn multiply into my emotions,
And that is what creates my each experience,
Therefore, each moment is controlled by my thoughts.

So, if I let my thoughts be modulated by the surroundings,
Then, I am gonna experience the ups and the downs very frequently,
But, if I passivley observe all that is happening inside my very own mind,
Perhaps, I can be where I wish to be, instead of where my own thoughts drag me.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, May 28, 2010

On Integrity Conference Call without Integrity (poem)

When my home phone did not work properly, I felt frustrated and helpless.

When my son insisted on changing his clothes during the conference call, I felt angry and got upset with my son.

When my husband imposed that I should use home phone instead of cell phone, I felt scared of my husband and yielded.

Throughout, I kept on reacting, instead of being at ease and in a place of radiating love, something I had committed to during the integrity seminar.


Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, May 27, 2010

When love becomes visible (poem)

While driving, I saw a mother caressing her new born baby.
Instantly, I heard a silent me saying, "Oh! how sweet..".
Then, I remembered the time when I enjoyed doing the same.
Next, I smiled, visualizing, this is how God IS loving me.


Aum Tat Sat

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Like birds, everyone is simply being themselves (poem)

Some birds chirp sweetly,
others chirp extremely harshly,
but one is not singing,
and the other is not fighting.


Aum Tat Sat

Monday, May 24, 2010

Why can't I be always at ease? (poem)

When my kids insist, I resist.
When my husband imposes, I rebel.
When my manager criticises, I justify.
Then why can't I stop reacting and love?

Aum Tat Sat

Whenever I am complaining...(poem)

about people,
I need to look,
into my shoulds,
and release them.

about circumstances,
I need to sense my pain,
which is growing in my body,
and remember, I am a loving soul.

Aum Tat Sat

God, Krishna, Gurus, Divine souls and the Universe...(poem)

Help me be calm, around those who are dominating me,
Help me be loving, around those who are unloving to me,
Help me be healing, around those who are pressurising me,
Help me be in oneness, around theose who are isolating me.

Aum Tat Sat

I've got to remove this...(poem)

button within me,
which makes me feel uneasy,
converts me into an automatic rebel,
around those who try to be authoritative.

Aum Tat Sat

Recess Time (poem)

Students are
running a race,
playing basket ball,
laughing with friends.

Students are
expressing their freedom,
enjoying their joyfulness,
manifesting their genuine Self.


Aum Tat Sat

Resist Resisting (poem)

Just be.

Just let everyone be.

Just let everything be.

Just let each moment be.

Aum Tat Sat

I've got to remind myself that...(poem)

We are all one,
We are all same,
We are all peace,
We are all divine.

Aum Tat Sat

I wish to be in a place...(poem)

where I am
able to accept people,
feel connected with people,
or love all unconditionally,

where I don't
complain about people,
feel isolated from people,
or sense fears of any kind.


Aum Tat Sat

Oh the creator of the world....(poem)

Make me a bird, so that I can chirp Thy name,
Make me the breeze, so that I can spread Thy love,
Make me the Sun, so that I can radiate Thy healing,
Make me the Earth, so that I can nourish Thy children.


Aum Tat Sat

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dear Ultimate Power...(poem)

heal me so that I can heal others,
love me so that I can love others,
cleanse me so that I can cleanse others,
empower me so that I can empower others.

Aum Tat Sat

May all beings everywhere...(poem)

recognize their peaceful divine Self in all beings.
communicate with loving divine being in all beings,
connect with the same divine presence in all beings,
conjoin with the unconditional divine love in all beings.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, May 17, 2010

Law of Reflection (poem)

My son was playing pretend golf,
against the wall to reflect the ball,
and he kept on verifying the law of reflection,
that the angle of incidence equals anlge of reflection.

It took me a few moments to realize,
that not only was he exploring physics by himself,
but also was demonstrating a universal law of reflection,
and made me ask myself whenever I am uneasy, what am I sending out?

Aum Tat Sat

Dropping Uneasiness to be at Ease (poem)

Now, I wish to be full of,
ease, aliveness, peace and love.

Now, I wish to remove what keeps me,
strained, drained, controlling and fearful.


Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, May 15, 2010

This is what EASED me (poem)

When I released my past,
When I let go of my future,
When I embraced my own present,
Then I was at ease with my own self.

When I stopped myself from judging,
When I began accepting people as they are,
When I started letting go of all my standards,
Then I was able to be at ease with everyone else.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, May 14, 2010

I have got to reach everyone where they are (poem)

Nobody needs to be fixed,
They just need to be loved.

Nobody needs to be taught,
They just need to be intrigued.

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First do unto Thyself then others (poem)

To be at ease around people,
I've got to be ease with myself.

To be compassionate to people,
I've got to be compassionate to myself.

Aum Tat Sat

Let me choose the change (poem)

Let past go.
Let future be.

Let reacting go.
Let responding be.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, May 10, 2010

Memory Networks (poem)

Sometimes a song echos,
it takes me somewhere else,
and I am left wondering,
if someone is remembering me.

Aum Tat Sat

Surprise surprises (poem)

When an innocent face,
appears from nowhere,
and gazes at me,

Then I am taken aback,
with the surprise,
and left frozen,

Aum Tat Sat

Everything happens for good (poem)

When anything bothers me,
I have got to see it as,
my opportunity to grow,
and be calm through it.

When someone irritates me,
I have got to see it as,
my opportunity to love,
and be kind through it.

Aum Tat Sat

Music connects souls (poem)

When, I sing an old song,
I remember a dear one,
then, I sense proximity,
and smile to my ears.

Aum Tat Sat

Nature is content (poem)

When the breeze blows,
then the bird sings,
and the trees sway,
to rain's beats.

Aum Tat Sat

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friendship begins with listening (poem)

I wish to create a friendship with my husband, which I lost right after we got married, 14 years ago. In our relationship, I have seen him as imposing and myself as a victim or a rebel. But, with this aspiration to be friends once again, I am observing myself helplessly reacting, either crying and complaining about him like a victim or blocking out like a rebel. This morning, too, I replied back like a rebel and noticed it minutes later, that is not how a friend replies. Now, I have got to be more aware so that soon I begin catching myself in that moment and correct it right away and eventually be in the awareness and never let it happen in the first place, with a belief that "Anything is possible" This is what I realized this morning:


If I wish to create a friendship with him,
then I have got to begin listening to him like a friend,
with an open mind, that in his "own" ways he is helping me,
instead of replying like a rebel, "Don't tell me. I know it all."

Aum Tat Sat

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Feeling light like college days (poem)

Yesterday night, I felt I was in college once again, just sharing what I wish for the world, no wars. In that moment I was full of aspirations, energy and upset free. Wow its liberating to even talk about how I wish to acheive, by becoming peace myself, extending it to my family, then neighbors/friends, then community, then city, then state, then country and then worldwide. I wish there be atleast one day( before I die) when no body hurts another being, with thoughts, words or actions. Everyone loves and hugs, even soldiers fighting across national borders.

This is what came out as a poem:

Yesterday night I was feeling nice,
being in that state of lightness,
after sharing goals about world peace,
and exploring Physics with kids.

Aum Tat Sat

Why don't I just DROP upsets? (poem)

Each time I get upset,
I land up wasting energy,
either because I am expecting,
or becuase I am blaming someone.

Whatever be the justification,
in any case I am the one who looses,
precious moments of feeling lightness,
creativity, bonding, laughter and love.

Aum Tat Sat

Just observe, don't get trapped (poem)

While eating my breakfast,
I was observing my thoughts,
they hopped from my childhood,
to unrelated memories as an adult.

It seemed like sitting at window,
and observing everything out there,
from kids biking around in excitement,
to their grandparents walking along slowly.

Aum Tat Sat

Monday, May 3, 2010

If I need something, I 've got to ask (poem)

Why did I hesitate in asking?
In asking my mother-in-law to rub oil in my hair.
But, when I finally did ask.
I was surprised she did rub it in very lovingly.


Aum Tat Sat

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Life is a swimming pool (poem)

I was watching kids in the swimming pool.
Some were jumping into it with a thrill.
Others were gently splashing water around.
But, few were too scared to get into it.

I felt life is so much like this scenario.
Some of us are thriving in circumstances.
Others are merrily enjoying their own pace.
But, few of us are always crying about it.


Aum Tat Sat

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Let Thy love be (poem)

Let it shine.
Let it soothe.
Let it heal.
Let it radiate.

Aum Tat Sat