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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For a US, full of love (letter to Mrs. Obama, Ref. iCarly show)

Dear Mrs. Michelle Obama,

I saw you on iCarly show yesterday night (1/16/12), and the message that I got was, “I cannot bring your dad back on his birthday with you, but I appreciate your sentiments as his daughter and her friends and I am here to acknowledge that.”. I heard it to mean, “I cannot change whatever is happening, but I am here to support you in whatever way I can.” I deeply appreciate your reaching out and supporting.

And I am writing to you for a specific reason, to help 3 types of victims in a world, torn with wars.
1.The soldiers who are on the war front fighting (sometimes) days at a stretch, watching people being killed mercilessly, killing another soldier and walking over sacred bodies covered in blood with souls crying, helplessly. These victims, when it gets too much to bear, drown themselves in drinks or seek sex outside their marriage to get rid of their pain.
2.The citizens who are at home, watching TV, get stirred up with hatred against a country or a religion for so-and-so people belonging to so-and-so country/religion has killed our men or demolished our buildings
3.. These victims, then propagate anguish, hatred and anger in every communication, in every thought and sometime even react with violence.
4.The people inside a family, living together under the same roof, husband-wife, parents-children, siblings with animosity, resentfulness. These victims, act under reactive thoughts, with unkind words and even uncaring actions; fostering evilness inside home which results in pushing each other to seek love, honor, comfort, listening or whatever gives them momentarily satisfaction (through drugs, extra-marital affairs, gangs, teen sex etc.) outside home.

If nothing is done about healing these victims, consisting of well- paid engineers, drivers of the best cars, children going to the most expensive private schools rushing through swimming/piano lessons after school, owners of the best plasma TV, soldiers protecting their respective nations will fall apart. For most families, many communities, major cities in all states of every nation is full of fears, anxiety, pressure and are heading towards destruction; operating under the influence of their mind-stuff.

There is a solution, a way out of this exponentially decaying trail of humanity, starting here in US. That is by making, showing, teaching EVERYONE to connect to their heart, the place of love. Love is the strongest force in the nature. This is what binds humanity, with oneness. And, to connect each one of us to our hearts, we need to start early on at schools (for the young children are most receptive and open to learning) and inspire people, provide the opportunities to all young, adults, seniors to heal themselves by seeking directly from God within and then share Universal love; for love is who we are and love is what are here to share.

I say this from my heart, as a well-wisher for this country where I live and for the whole world to which I belong. I speak this from experience, that it is extremely painful and normal for everyone to react the way they are and have been doing. But, it has not taken us to a better place. Therefore, it is high time we takes some steps to first heal ourselves, become love and then begin sharing it with all. I myself have hated, I have been a victim, I have justified my anger for almost 4 decades; till I found a spiritual path (in April, 2007) which is healing me and has enabled me to send out healing prayers for those who have hurt me by connecting to and manifesting my Divine Self.

As the first lady of US, you wish to create a prosperous US which leads the world by example and by healing citizens, it can happen. I appreciate your reading and love to hear from you.

Serving God,

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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