Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It’s not a man’s world (an aspiration)

I grew up with an impression that it’s a man’s world. I heard these words repeated inside my family, among neighbors and society (in Delhi, India). I witnessed it inside my own home and my surroundings.

I lived my life helplessly for the first 38 years of my life, pleasing people in my life – especially, father and husband. It gradually took a toll on my health and finally, it laid me on bed with an injured back. For, I had literally become spineless.

I had been seeking happiness from relationships but they had been causing way more pain than the happiness. I found myself emotionally entrapped in severe unhappiness – worries, insecurities, helplessness and frustrations to name some. I was always busy fixing situations and stuck in my “supposed-to-be-this way”- absolutely logical and in my mind. I was being, what I was trained for in my PhD (in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) - researcher discovering solutions.

I aspire to share my journey from leading a life with a belief that, “It’s a man’ world”, to realizing that I am whole, perfect and complete.  The goal is to listen with compassion and to express deep buried feelings in a safe space (where there will be absolutely no room for judgments, gossip or advice). The intention is to gift every women a healing and to inspire them to share it with many more in their Universe.

Oh my God, Krishna and Gurus, use me as Thy instrument. 
Heal me and bless me to heal others.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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