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Monday, November 19, 2007

Learning A to Z of Thanksgiving

The other day, I was at the local bank, waiting to get my job done. But it took the bankers 2 long hours to sort out the problem in my account. During that “waiting” time, I started feeling impatient, hungry, tired, and frustrated. It was in that moment, I decided to CHOOSE to write about “what I was feeling thankful for”. That choice not only helped me shift my focus, but also helped me enjoy the “waiting” time. Later, I realized that, I had discovered that one can celebrate “thanksgiving” anywhere, anytime (instead of waiting an entire year for the 3rd Thursday in November).

Here is what I scribbled behind my rough-bank-notes-sheet.

A to Z of Thanksgiving

In this moment I feel thankful for,

Appreciating my ability to breathe, walk, sit, and communicate,

Believing in the power of my thoughts,

Contacting long-lost-friends,

Dear people in my life,

Enjoying nature,

Following my heart,

Giving the love (instead of expecting it),

Healing source within me,

Inquiring within,

Joyful moments,

Keeping focus on CHOOSING what makes me feel better,

Liking the “new way” I am dealing with the-not-so-like-able circumstances,

Meditating regularly,

Not complaining,

Offering gratitude prayers every morning,

Process of Self discovery,

Quite and still calmness deep inside,

Rejoicing in supreme security,

Smiling from my heart,

Trying to change my perspective about past, present, and future,

Understanding that ups and downs are default in life,

Victory over my energy-draining-thoughts,

Winning “such” little victories,

Xing (crossing) out “wants”,

Yielding while walking/driving, and

Zooming forward (with stronger faith).

To be honest, most of these experiences happen only “sometimes”. But since these experiences started from “hardly any time”, I guess I am thinking-in-the-right-direction.

I pray that all human beings start feeling more-and-more-thankful, under all circumstances.

Happy Thanksgiving,


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