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Saturday, March 15, 2008

How can DUI of emotions take away peace?

How can Driving under Influence of emotions take away peace of mind?

Just as driving under influence (DUI) of alcohol disables the driver’s control over the steering wheel (of his car) and thereby leads to an accident on the road.

Similarly driving under influence of emotions (of passion, attachment, longing, desires, anger or hatred) for other human beings disables my control over my own thoughts and thereby leads to restlessness and misery in my life.

I have realized that the only right path to peace of mind is to extract happiness and love from within and to give it to each and every living being in my life.

For this reason, I pray to CONSTANTLY REMEMBER
(a) that all external sources of love and happiness are transitory and finite; they (eventually) always take away peace of mind and
(b) that the true-source-of-constant peace is residing within me.

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