Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What does the word DETACH mean?

What does the word DETACH, I often hear during meditation mean?

I used to think detachment is only from the people in my life, like my immediate family and friends. I had realized that I and my family are actually a part of His family. As if, we are all standing in a circle holding hands, with God at the centre of the circle. And my family/friends are standing next to me (on either side) in that circle. Detachment from them means doing my duties, taking care of them, giving them love but staying focussed on the divinity within.

Then there is this detachment from the outcome of my efforts, be it towards writing, Physics education for the community or the family. It is hard to follow through, but makes sense.

But this morning, I saw He is asking me to detach myself from the ego. I saw that it is the ego which makes me angry, get hurt, anxious and greedy.

However, the truth is I am not EGO. I am truly a spirit; which is a state of peace, joy and giving love.

The ego is like a shadow of the tree standing under the Sunlight. During the day, the length of the shadow varies as the Sun changes its position with respect to the tree. However, when the Sun is directly overhead on top of the tree; the length of the shadow of the tree is least.

Similarly, on the days/moments when I am not so aligned with divinity within; my ego gets active. During those moments, I speak from my mind and therefore act from the plane of EGO. As a result I feel hurt, angry, and anxious; in addition, I spread it around me. Whereas, during meditation, when I am aligned with the divinity within; my ego is least active. I listen, speak and act from the heart and therefore act from the plane of the spirit. I experience a state of peace, joy, singing and feel-like-giving-hugs; in addition I emanate love and give hugs and smiles to all people (including strangers, flowers and cats) around me.

Now, that I know I am not ego; I wish to recognize it starts showing up and tune out of it to the pure spirit living inside my body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I had come to read your blog after reading your article on MOTHER in India currents. As I read the article tears rolled down my cheeks, as I so often dread what would it be like when my parents, esp my mom is not around. Now that I am 35 and single, living in CA with no family and relatives, more so than ever I realize what tireless and selfless effort ma and pa have put in just to protect and love us.

Among all your posts I liked this post the most. I esp resonated with that when sun is right above the tree the shadow is the least; when I am most connected with the divinity my ego loses its identity.

May we be connected with his infinite presence every moment of the day