Surrender, Listen and Give

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What is absolute surrender?

I had heard and read about "surrender" but did not know what it was till I remembered the following scene while driving, on observing another baby in his mother's arms.

My one year old son was in my arms with his chin tucked in my shoulder blade and arms wrapped around my neck. When the nurse started poking his thighs (with immunization shots), he started screaming in pain with big tears.

When it was all over, he pulled his head up, straightened up his chest and looked at me with him eyes full of tears and a crying face with an expression which conveyed, “How could you let anyone hurt me?”

In that moment, I heard his unspoken words, kissed him on the cheek, and heard myself say, “I know it hurts, but trust me, it is for your good.”

Next, I saw his face moving back closer towards my shoulder. But this time he rested his left cheek on my left shoulder. He was sobbing and when my shirt got wet, I knew he had closed his eyelids to sleep.

Looking back, I realize, that that was a moment of absolute surrender. It was a moment of my son's complete surrender (to me); before, during and after the shots. For, even after the shots he did not ask me to put him down in disgust, so that he could walk away; instead he leaned closer and closed his eyes in complete trust.

Now, I pray that I can surrender to the divinity within under all circumstances; in complete trust; just like my son did to me.

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