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Monday, May 25, 2009

Observing while Throwing the Ball

I was at the daycare duty of my meditation group, on May 17th, 2009. I decided to take them out. There were about 14 children ranging from age 4 to 12, who were paired up as partners to throw tennis balls for 2 sets of studies.

In the first set of study, I asked them to throw it to each other at nearly the same height but with the distance between them being (a) closer and then (b) further (about 2 times in case (a)). Before leaving them to have fun, I asked them to observe the differences carefully in those 2 cases. After about 10 repeated throws, we got back together with feedback. Some of the shared results are:
1. As the distance increased, it took a longer time for the ball to reach the partner.
2. As the distance increased, the thrower had to use more force to throw it out.
Coming from such young kids, as 6 years old, it was amazing that they experienced how distance, force and time are related.

In the second set of study, I asked them to throw it to each other at a fixed distance between two partners but this time throwing it (a) high and (b) much higher (about 2 times in case (a)). Once again, I asked them to notice the differences carefully in those 2 cases. This time they had a ball of time, trying to throw it higher and higher with giggles. After about 10 repeated throws, we reassembled to hear the feedback. And to my own surprise, they shot up their hands to speak the following:
1. As the height of the ball increased, the arm of the thrower was more straight up.
2. As the height of the ball increased, it was in the air for a much longer time.
In this study they were more clear, and nodded their heads in agreement, as the other person spoke. Some students did not speak it out themselves, but realized on hearing it out loud.

For me it was a joy, even if all of them did not speak up, at least all of them had started observing like Newton did. To me, once that has been triggered, the inferences from all the equations in high school Physics are already being verified, simply by observing.

As a last exercise, they extended their fun observation coming down and walking up the slides.

For this I thank God, and all the budding Newtons who allowed me to turn on their observing switches.

Looking forward to do the same more often and to many more kids.
Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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