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Monday, June 8, 2009

Tuning into Uplifting does Help (poem)

For me, meditating, writing, singing, speaking truth, spiritual conversations, being in nature or thinking about God, enormously help me uplift my spine, as if spiraling upwards.

On the other hand, fearfulness, blaming, frustration with expectations, blocking thoughts, longing for dear people and guilt make me feel clamped, closed, curled up and low, as if spiraling downwards.

So, whenever, I am feeling low, I acknowledge it, reflect about it later, but in that moment, somehow, tune or engage into uplifting thoughts/activities and it always works.

Sometimes, thinking along the lines of, “I know my God loves me and is doing this for me to grow, let me just focus, on how?...” helps during reflection, when nothing else works.

What works for you?


I feel clamped,
around some people,
or with specific thoughts,
it is so,
because somehow,
they are able to trigger,
some of my dormant buttons.

To prevent,
myself from reacting,
I acknowledge it,
and then,
immediately drop it,
to tune into those frequencies,
which uplift me.

I feel open,
around some people,
or while carrying out actions,
it is so,
because somehow,
they are also, able to trigger,
some of my dormant buttons.

To continue,
being in that state,
I acknowledge it,
and then,
try to stay tuned,
into those frequencies,
which uplifts me.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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