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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love is the strongest force in the Universe (poem)

I woke up after 2 hours of nice nap after lunch. It really helped a lot to soothe my cold. And for the first time, I did not feel guilty about this long nap. It felt very soothing, as if someone who loves me, had put me lovingly into sleep, and was watching over just to make sure, I don't wake up. And the first thought on waking up was, "Love is the strongest force in the whole Universe". Felt Beautiful, inside out.


We are all a source of love, and are here only to love.

Love is one direction in which the Universe is incessantly flowing.

I can either, choose to love in each moment and enjoy the bliss, called life.

Or, I can choose to be fearful of all my mind stuff, resist love and be in constant pain.

Aum Tat Sat (God is Truth)

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